class Object # Start a Pry REPL. # This method differs from `Pry.start` in that it does not # support an options hash. Also, when no parameter is provided, the Pry # session will start on the implied receiver rather than on # top-level (as in the case of `Pry.start`). # It has two forms of invocation. In the first form no parameter # should be provided and it will start a pry session on the # receiver. In the second form it should be invoked without an # explicit receiver and one parameter; this will start a Pry # session on the parameter. # @param [Object, Binding] target The receiver of the Pry session. # @example First form # "dummy".pry # @example Second form # pry "dummy" # @example Start a Pry session on current self (whatever that is) # pry def pry(target=self) Pry.start(target) end # Return a binding object for the receiver. def __binding__ if is_a?(Module) return class_eval "binding" end unless respond_to? :__binding_impl__ begin instance_eval %{ def __binding_impl__ binding end } rescue TypeError self.class.class_eval %{ def __binding_impl__ binding end } end end __binding_impl__ end end