class Pry class WrappedModule attr_reader :wrapped private :wrapped # Create a new WrappedModule # @raise ArgumentError, if the argument is not a Module # @param [Module] def initialize(mod) raise ArgumentError, "Tried to initialize a WrappedModule with a non-module #{mod.inspect}" unless ::Module === mod @wrapped = mod end # The prefix that would appear before methods defined on this class. # # i.e. the "String." or "String#" in and String#initialize. # # @return String def method_prefix if singleton_class? if Module === singleton_instance "#{}." else "self." end else "#{name}#" end end # Is this a singleton class? # @return [Boolean] def singleton_class? wrapped != wrapped.ancestors.first end # Get the instance associated with this singleton class. # # @raise ArgumentError: tried to get instance of non singleton class # # @return [Object] def singleton_instance raise ArgumentError, "tried to get instance of non singleton class" unless singleton_class? if defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE =~ /jruby/ wrapped.to_java.attached else @singleton_instance ||= ObjectSpace.each_object(wrapped).detect{ |x| (class << x; self; end) == wrapped } end end # Forward method invocations to the wrapped module def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) wrapped.send(method_name, *args, &block) end def respond_to?(method_name) super || wrapped.send(method_name, *args, &block) end end end