require 'pry/helpers/documentation_helpers' class Pry class << self # If the given object is a `Pry::WrappedModule`, return it unaltered. If it's # anything else, return it wrapped in a `Pry::WrappedModule` instance. def WrappedModule(obj) if obj.is_a? Pry::WrappedModule obj else end end end class WrappedModule include Helpers::DocumentationHelpers attr_reader :wrapped private :wrapped # Convert a string to a module. # # @param [String] mod_name # @return [Module, nil] The module or `nil` (if conversion failed). # @example # Pry::WrappedModule.from_str("Pry::Code") def self.from_str(mod_name, binding=TOPLEVEL_BINDING) mod = binding.eval(mod_name) if mod.is_a?(Module) else nil end rescue RescuableException nil end # Create a new WrappedModule # @raise ArgumentError, if the argument is not a Module # @param [Module] def initialize(mod) raise ArgumentError, "Tried to initialize a WrappedModule with a non-module #{mod.inspect}" unless ::Module === mod @wrapped = mod @host_file_lines = nil @source = nil @source_location = nil @doc = nil end # The prefix that would appear before methods defined on this class. # # i.e. the "String." or "String#" in and String#initialize. # # @return String def method_prefix if singleton_class? if Module === singleton_instance "#{}." else "self." end else "#{nonblank_name}#" end end # The name of the Module if it has one, otherwise #. # # @return [String] def nonblank_name if name.to_s == "" wrapped.inspect else name end end # Is this a singleton class? # @return [Boolean] def singleton_class? wrapped != wrapped.ancestors.first end # Get the instance associated with this singleton class. # # @raise ArgumentError: tried to get instance of non singleton class # # @return [Object] def singleton_instance raise ArgumentError, "tried to get instance of non singleton class" unless singleton_class? if Helpers::BaseHelpers.jruby? wrapped.to_java.attached else @singleton_instance ||= ObjectSpace.each_object(wrapped).detect{ |x| (class << x; self; end) == wrapped } end end # Forward method invocations to the wrapped module def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) wrapped.send(method_name, *args, &block) end def respond_to?(method_name) super || wrapped.respond_to?(method_name) end def yard_docs? !!(defined?(YARD) && end def process_doc(doc) process_comment_markup(strip_leading_hash_and_whitespace_from_ruby_comments(doc), :ruby) end def doc return @doc if @doc file_name, line = source_location if yard_docs? from_yard = @doc = from_yard.docstring elsif source_location.nil? raise CommandError, "Can't find module's source location" else @doc = extract_doc_for_candidate(0) end raise CommandError, "Can't find docs for module: #{name}." if !@doc @doc = process_doc(@doc) end def doc_for_candidate(idx) doc = extract_doc_for_candidate(idx) raise CommandError, "Can't find docs for module: #{name}." if !doc process_doc(doc) end # Retrieve the source for the module. def source @source ||= source_for_candidate(0) end def source_for_candidate(idx) file, line = module_source_location_for_candidate(idx) raise CommandError, "Could not locate source for #{wrapped}!" if file.nil? strip_leading_whitespace(Pry::Code.retrieve_complete_expression_from(lines_for_file(file)[(line - 1)..-1])) end def source_file if yard_docs? from_yard = from_yard.file else source_file_for_candidate(0) end end def source_line source_line_for_candidate(0) end def source_file_for_candidate(idx) Array(module_source_location_for_candidate(idx)).first end def source_line_for_candidate(idx) Array(module_source_location_for_candidate(idx)).last end # Retrieve the source location of a module. Return value is in same # format as Method#source_location. If the source location # cannot be found this method returns `nil`. # # @param [Module] mod The module (or class). # @return [Array] The source location of the # module (or class). def source_location @source_location ||= module_source_location_for_candidate(0) rescue Pry::RescuableException nil end # memoized lines for file def lines_for_file(file) @lines_for_file ||= {} if file == Pry.eval_path @lines_for_file[file] ||= Pry.line_buffer.drop(1) else @lines_for_file[file] ||= File.readlines(file) end end def module_source_location_for_candidate(idx) mod_type_string = wrapped.class.to_s.downcase file, line = method_source_location_for_candidate(idx) return nil if !file.is_a?(String) class_regex1 = /#{mod_type_string}\s*(\w*)(::)?#{}/ class_regex2 = /(::)?#{}\s*?=\s*?#{wrapped.class}/ host_file_lines = lines_for_file(file) search_lines = host_file_lines[0..(line - 2)] idx = search_lines.rindex { |v| class_regex1 =~ v || class_regex2 =~ v } source_location = [file, idx + 1] rescue Pry::RescuableException nil end def extract_doc extract_doc_for_candidate(0) end def extract_doc_for_candidate(idx) file_name, line = module_source_location_for_candidate(idx) buffer = "" lines_for_file(source_file_for_candidate(idx))[0..(line - 2)].each do |line| # Add any line that is a valid ruby comment, # but clear as soon as we hit a non comment line. if (line =~ /^\s*#/) || (line =~ /^\s*$/) buffer << line.lstrip else buffer.replace("") end end buffer end # FIXME: this method is also found in Pry::Method def safe_send(obj, method, *args, &block) (Module === obj ? Module : Object).instance_method(method).bind(obj).call(*args, &block) end # FIXME: a variant of this method is also found in Pry::Method def all_from_common(mod, method_type) %w(public protected private).map do |visibility| safe_send(mod, :"#{visibility}_#{method_type}s", false).select do |method_name| if method_type == :method safe_send(mod, method_type, method_name).owner == class << mod; self; end else safe_send(mod, method_type, method_name).owner == mod end do |method_name|, method_type, method_name), :visibility => visibility.to_sym) end end.flatten end def all_methods_for(mod) all_from_common(mod, :instance_method) + all_from_common(mod, :method) end def all_source_locations_by_popularity return @all_source_locations_by_popularity if @all_source_locations_by_popularity ims = all_methods_for(wrapped) ims.reject! do |v| begin v.alias? || v.source_location.nil? rescue Pry::RescuableException true end end @all_source_locations_by_popularity = ims.group_by { |v| Array(v.source_location).first }. sort_by { |k, v| -v.size } end def method_candidates @method_candidtates ||= do |group| sorted_by_lowest_line_number = group.last.sort_by(&:source_line) best_candidate_for_group = sorted_by_lowest_line_number.first end end def number_of_candidates method_candidates.count end def method_source_location_for_candidate(idx) file, line = method_candidates[idx].source_location if file && RbxPath.is_core_path?(file) file = RbxPath.convert_path_to_full(file) end [file, line] end end end