class Pry::TerminalInfo # Return a pair of [rows, columns] which gives the size of the window. # # If the window size cannot be determined, return nil. def self.screen_size rows, cols = actual_screen_size if rows && cols [rows.to_i, cols.to_i] else nil end end def self.actual_screen_size [ # Some readlines also provides get_screen_size. # Readline comes before IO#winsize because jruby sometimes defaults winsize to [25, 80] readline_screen_size, # io/console adds a winsize method to IO streams. # rescue nil for jruby 1.7.0 [jruby/jruby#354] $stdout.tty? && $stdout.respond_to?(:winsize) && ($stdout.winsize rescue nil), # Otherwise try to use the environment (this may be out of date due # to window resizing, but it's better than nothing). [ENV["ROWS"], ENV["COLUMNS"]], # If the user is running within ansicon, then use the screen size # that it reports (same caveats apply as with ROWS and COLUMNS) ENV['ANSICON'] =~ /\((.*)x(.*)\)/ && [$2, $1], ].detect do |(_, cols)| cols.to_i > 0 end end def self.readline_screen_size Readline.get_screen_size if Readline.respond_to?(:get_screen_size) rescue Java::JavaLang::NullPointerException # This rescue won't happen on jrubies later than: # nil end end