class Pry module Helpers module BaseHelpers module_function def silence_warnings old_verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil begin yield ensure $VERBOSE = old_verbose end end def find_command(name) command_match = commands.find { |_, command| command.options[:listing] == name } return command_match.last if command_match nil end def gem_installed?(gem_name) require 'rubygems' Gem::Specification.respond_to?(:find_all_by_name) ? !Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name(gem_name).empty? : Gem.source_index.find_name(gem_name).first end def command_dependencies_met?(options) return true if !options[:requires_gem] Array(options[:requires_gem]).all? do |g| gem_installed?(g) end end def set_file_and_dir_locals(file_name) return if !target or !file_name _pry_.last_file = File.expand_path(file_name) _pry_.inject_local("_file_", _pry_.last_file, target) _pry_.last_dir = File.dirname(_pry_.last_file) _pry_.inject_local("_dir_", _pry_.last_dir, target) end def stub_proc(name, options) gems_needed = Array(options[:requires_gem]) gems_not_installed = { |g| !gem_installed?(g) } proc do output.puts "\nThe command '#{name}' requires the following gems to be installed: #{(gems_needed.join(", "))}" output.puts "-" output.puts "Command not available due to dependency on gems: `#{gems_not_installed.join(", ")}` not being met." output.puts "-" output.puts "Type `install #{name}` to install the required gems and activate this command." end end def create_command_stub(names, description, options, block) Array(names).each do |name| commands[name] = { :description => "Not available. Execute #{(name)} command for more information.", :action => stub_proc(name, options), :stub_info => options } end end def use_ansi_codes? defined?(Win32::Console) || ENV['TERM'] && ENV['TERM'] != "dumb" end def colorize_code(code) if Pry.color CodeRay.scan(code, :ruby).term else code end end def highlight(string, regexp, highlight_color=:bright_yellow) string.gsub(regexp) { |match| "<#{highlight_color}>#{match}" } end # formatting def heading(text) text = "#{text}\n--" Pry.color ? "\e[1m#{text}\e[0m": text end def page_size 27 end # have fun on the Windows platform. def windows? RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/ end # are we on Jruby platform? def jruby? RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'] == 'jruby' end # are we on rbx platform? def rbx? RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'] == 'rbx' end # a simple pager for systems without `less`. A la windows. def simple_pager(text, output=output()) text_array = text.lines.to_a text_array.each_slice(page_size) do |chunk| output.puts chunk.join break if chunk.size < page_size if text_array.size > page_size output.puts "\n --- Press enter to continue ( q to break ) --- " break if $stdin.gets.chomp == "q" end end end # Try to use `less` for paging, if it fails then use # simple_pager. Also do not page if Pry.pager is falsey # FIXME! Another JRuby hack def stagger_output(text, output=output()) if text.lines.count < page_size || !Pry.pager output.puts text return end # FIXME! Another JRuby hack if jruby? simple_pager(text, output) else lesspipe { |less| less.puts text } end rescue Errno::ENOENT simple_pager(text, output) rescue Errno::EPIPE end # # Create scrollable output via less! # # This command runs `less` in a subprocess, and gives you the IO to its STDIN pipe # so that you can communicate with it. # # Example: # # lesspipe do |less| # 50.times { less.puts "Hi mom!" } # end # # The default less parameters are: # * Allow colour # * Don't wrap lines longer than the screen # * Quit immediately (without paging) if there's less than one screen of text. # # You can change these options by passing a hash to `lesspipe`, like so: # # lesspipe(:wrap=>false) { |less| less.puts essay.to_s } # # It accepts the following boolean options: # :color => Allow ANSI colour codes? # :wrap => Wrap long lines? # :always => Always page, even if there's less than one page of text? # def lesspipe(*args) if args.any? and args.last.is_a?(Hash) options = args.pop else options = {} end output = args.first if args.any? params = [] params << "-R" unless options[:color] == false params << "-S" unless options[:wrap] == true params << "-F" unless options[:always] == true if options[:tail] == true params << "+\\>" $stderr.puts "Seeking to end of stream..." end params << "-X" IO.popen("less #{params * ' '}", "w") do |less| if output less.puts output else yield less end end end end end end