0.5.0 release: * !!!! UPDATE DOCUMENTATION !!!! * Use clipped version of Pry.view() for large objects * Exit Pry session on ^d * Use Shellwords for breaking up parameters to pry commands * Use OptionParser to parse options for default pry commands * Add version command * Refactor 'status' command: add current method info * Add meth_name_from_binding utility lambda to commands.rb * Add -M, -m, -v(erbose), -a(ll), -s(uper), -l(ocals), -i(ivars), -k(klass vars) options to ls * add -i(nstance) option to show-method * add --help option to most commands * Get rid of ls_method and ls_imethods (subsumed by more powerful ls) * Get rid of show_idoc and show_imethod * Add special eval-file command that evals target file in current context