class Pry class Commands < CommandBase module CommandHelpers def meth_name_from_binding(b) meth_name = b.eval('__method__') if [:__script__, nil, :__binding__, :__binding_impl__].include?(meth_name) nil else meth_name end end def set_file_and_dir_locals(file_name) return if !target $_file_temp = File.expand_path(file_name) $_dir_temp = File.dirname($_file_temp) target.eval("_file_ = $_file_temp") target.eval("_dir_ = $_file_temp") end def stagger_output(text) page_size = 22 text_array = text.lines.to_a text_array.each_slice(page_size) do |chunk| output.puts chunk.join break if chunk.size < page_size if text_array.size > page_size output.puts "\n --- Press enter to continue ( q to break ) --- " break if $stdin.gets.chomp == "q" end end end def add_line_numbers(lines, start_line) do |line, idx| adjusted_index = idx + start_line if Pry.color cindex = CodeRay.scan("#{adjusted_index}", :ruby).term "#{cindex}: #{line}" else "#{idx}: #{line}" end end.join end # only add line numbers if start_line is not false # if start_line is not false then add line numbers starting with start_line def render_output(should_stagger, start_line, doc) if start_line doc = add_line_numbers(doc, start_line) end if should_stagger stagger_output(doc) else output.puts doc end end def check_for_dynamically_defined_method(meth) file, _ = meth.source_location if file =~ /(\(.*\))|<.*>/ raise "Cannot retrieve source for dynamically defined method." end end def remove_first_word(text) text.split.drop(1).join(' ') end def get_method_object(meth_name, target, options) if !meth_name return nil end if options[:M] target.eval("instance_method(:#{meth_name})") elsif options[:m] target.eval("method(:#{meth_name})") else begin target.eval("instance_method(:#{meth_name})") rescue begin target.eval("method(:#{meth_name})") rescue return nil end end end end def make_header(meth, code_type) file, line = meth.source_location case code_type when :ruby "\nFrom #{file} @ line #{line}:\n\n" else "\nFrom Ruby Core (C Method):\n\n" end end def is_a_c_method?(meth) meth.source_location.nil? end def should_use_pry_doc?(meth) Pry.has_pry_doc && is_a_c_method?(meth) end def code_type_for(meth) # only C methods if should_use_pry_doc?(meth) info = Pry::MethodInfo.info_for(meth) if info && info.source code_type = :c else output.puts "Cannot find C method: #{}" code_type = nil end else if is_a_c_method?(meth) output.puts "Cannot locate this method: #{}. Try `gem install pry-doc` to get access to Ruby Core documentation." code_type = nil else check_for_dynamically_defined_method(meth) code_type = :ruby end end code_type end def file_map { [".c", ".h"] => :c, [".cpp", ".hpp", ".cc", ".h", "cxx"] => :cpp, [".rb", "Rakefile"] => :ruby, ".py" => :python, ".diff" => :diff, ".css" => :css, ".html" => :html, [".yaml", ".yml"] => :yaml, ".xml" => :xml, ".php" => :php, ".js" => :javascript, ".java" => :java, ".rhtml" => :rhtml, ".json" => :json } end def syntax_highlight_by_file_type_or_specified(contents, file_name, file_type) _, language_detected = file_map.find do |k, v| Array(k).any? do |matcher| matcher == File.extname(file_name) || matcher == File.basename(file_name) end end language_detected = file_type if file_type CodeRay.scan(contents, language_detected).term end def read_between_the_lines(file_name, start_line, end_line) content = content.each_line.to_a[start_line..end_line].join end end end end