# frozen_string_literal: true require 'stringio' RSpec.describe Pry::Command do subject do Class.new(described_class) do def process; end end end let(:default_options) do { argument_required: false, interpolate: true, keep_retval: false, shellwords: true, takes_block: false, use_prefix: true, listing: 'nil' } end describe ".match" do context "when no argument is given" do context "and when match was defined previously" do before { subject.match('old-match') } it "doesn't overwrite match" do expect(subject.match).to eq('old-match') end end context "and when match was not defined previously" do it "sets match to nil" do subject.match expect(subject.match).to be_nil end end end context "when given an argument" do context "and when match is a string" do it "sets command options with listing as match" do subject.match('match') # rubocop:disable Performance/RedundantMatch expect(subject.command_options).to include(listing: 'match') end end context "and when match is an object" do let(:object) do obj = Object.new def obj.inspect 'inspect' end obj end it "sets command options with listing as object's inspect" do subject.match(object) expect(subject.command_options).to include(listing: 'inspect') end end end end describe ".description" do context "and when description was defined previously" do before { subject.description('old description') } it "doesn't overwrite match" do subject.description expect(subject.description).to eq('old description') end end context "and when description was not defined previously" do it "sets description to nil" do expect(subject.description).to be_nil end end context "when given an argument" do it "sets description" do subject.description('description') expect(subject.description).to eq('description') end end end describe ".command_options" do context "when no argument is given" do context "and when command options were defined previously" do before { subject.command_options(foo: :bar) } it "returns memoized command options" do expect(subject.command_options).to eq(default_options.merge(foo: :bar)) end end context "and when command options were not defined previously" do it "sets command options to default options" do subject.command_options expect(subject.command_options).to eq(default_options) end end end context "when given an argument" do let(:new_option) { { new_option: 'value' } } it "merges the argument with command options" do expect(subject.command_options(new_option)) .to eq(default_options.merge(new_option)) end end end describe ".banner" do context "when no argument is given" do context "and when banner was defined previously" do before { subject.banner('banner') } it "returns the memoized banner" do expect(subject.banner).to eq('banner') end end context "and when banner was not defined previously" do it "return nil" do subject.banner expect(subject.banner).to be_nil end end end context "when given an argument" do it "merges the argument with command options" do expect(subject.banner('banner')).to eq('banner') end end end describe ".block" do context "when block exists" do let(:block) { proc {} } it "returns the block" do subject.block = block expect(subject.block).to eql(block) end end context "when block doesn't exist" do it "uses #process method" do expect(subject.block.name).to eq(:process) end end end describe ".source" do it "returns source code of the method" do expect(subject.source).to eq("def process; end\n") end end describe ".doc" do subject do Class.new(described_class) do def help 'help' end end end it "returns help output" do expect(subject.doc).to eq('help') end end describe ".source_file" do it "returns source file" do expect(subject.source_file).to match(__FILE__) end end describe ".source_line" do it "returns source line" do expect(subject.source_line).to be_kind_of(Integer) end end describe ".default_options" do context "when given a String argument" do it "returns default options with string listing" do expect(subject.default_options('listing')) .to eq(default_options.merge(listing: 'listing')) end end context "when given an Object argument" do let(:object) do obj = Object.new def obj.inspect 'inspect' end obj end it "returns default options with object's inspect as listing" do expect(subject.default_options(object)) .to eq(default_options.merge(listing: 'inspect')) end end end describe ".name" do it "returns the name of the command" do expect(subject.name).to eq('#') end context "when super command name exists" do subject do parent = Class.new(described_class) do def name 'parent name' end end Class.new(parent) end it "returns the name of the parent command" do expect(subject.name).to eq('#') end end end describe ".inspect" do subject do Class.new(described_class) do def self.name 'name' end end end it "returns command name" do expect(subject.inspect).to eq('name') end end describe ".command_name" do before { subject.match('foo') } it "returns listing" do expect(subject.command_name).to eq('foo') end end describe ".subclass" do it "returns a new class" do klass = subject.subclass('match', 'desc', {}, Module.new) expect(klass).to be_a(Class) expect(klass).not_to eql(subject) end it "includes helpers to the new class" do mod = Module.new { def foo; end } klass = subject.subclass('match', 'desc', {}, mod) expect(klass.new).to respond_to(:foo) end it "sets match on the new class" do klass = subject.subclass('match', 'desc', {}, Module.new) expect(klass.match).to eq('match') end it "sets description on the new class" do klass = subject.subclass('match', 'desc', {}, Module.new) expect(klass.description).to eq('desc') end it "sets command options on the new class" do klass = subject.subclass('match', 'desc', { foo: :bar }, Module.new) expect(klass.command_options).to include(foo: :bar) end it "sets block on the new class" do block = proc {} klass = subject.subclass('match', 'desc', { foo: :bar }, Module.new, &block) expect(klass.block).to eql(block) end end describe ".matches?" do context "when given value matches command regex" do before { subject.match('test-command') } it "returns true" do expect(subject.matches?('test-command')).to be_truthy end end context "when given value doesn't match command regex" do it "returns false" do expect(subject.matches?('test-command')).to be_falsey end end end describe ".match_score" do context "when command regex matches given value" do context "and when the size of last match is more than 1" do before { subject.match(/\.(.*)/) } it "returns the length of the first match" do expect(subject.match_score('.||')).to eq(1) end end context "and when the size of last match is 1 or 0" do before { subject.match('hi') } it "returns the length of the last match" do expect(subject.match_score('hi there')).to eq(2) end end end context "when command regex doesn't match given value" do it "returns -1" do expect(subject.match_score('test')).to eq(-1) end end end describe ".command_regex" do before { subject.match('test-command') } context "when use_prefix is true" do before { subject.command_options(use_prefix: true) } it "returns a Regexp without a prefix" do expect(subject.command_regex).to eq(/\Atest\-command(?!\S)/) end end context "when use_prefix is false" do before { subject.command_options(use_prefix: false) } it "returns a Regexp with a prefix" do expect(subject.command_regex).to eq(/\A(?:)?test\-command(?!\S)/) end end end describe ".convert_to_regex" do context "when given object is a String" do it "escapes the string as a Regexp" do expect(subject.convert_to_regex('foo.+')).to eq('foo\\.\\+') end end context "when given object is an Object" do let(:obj) { Object.new } it "returns the given object" do expect(subject.convert_to_regex(obj)).to eql(obj) end end end describe ".group" do context "when name is given" do it "sets group to that name" do expect(subject.group('Test Group')).to eq('Test Group') end end context "when source file matches a pry command" do before do expect_any_instance_of(Pry::Method).to receive(:source_file) .and_return('/pry/test_commands/test_command.rb') end it "sets group name to command name" do expect(subject.group).to eq('Test command') end end context "when source file matches a pry plugin" do before do expect_any_instance_of(Pry::Method).to receive(:source_file) .and_return('pry-test-1.2.3') end it "sets group name to plugin name" do expect(subject.group).to eq('pry-test (v1.2.3)') end end context "when source file matches 'pryrc'" do before do expect_any_instance_of(Pry::Method).to receive(:source_file) .and_return('pryrc') end it "sets group name to pryrc" do expect(subject.group).to eq('pryrc') end end context "when source file doesn't match anything" do it "returns '(other)'" do expect(subject.group).to eq('(other)') end end end describe ".state" do it "returns a command state" do expect(described_class.state).to be_an(OpenStruct) end end describe "#run" do let(:command_set) do set = Pry::CommandSet.new set.command('test') {} set end subject do command = Class.new(described_class) command.new(command_set: command_set, pry_instance: Pry.new) end it "runs a command from another command" do result = subject.run('test') expect(result).to be_command end end describe "#commands" do let(:command_set) do set = Pry::CommandSet.new set.command('test') do def process; end end set end subject do command = Class.new(described_class) command.new(command_set: command_set, pry_instance: Pry.new) end it "returns command set as a hash" do expect(subject.commands).to eq('test' => command_set['test']) end end describe "#void" do it "returns void value" do expect(subject.new.void).to eq(Pry::Command::VOID_VALUE) end end describe "#target_self" do let(:target) { binding } subject { Class.new(described_class).new(target: target) } it "returns the value of self inside the target binding" do expect(subject.target_self).to eq(target.eval('self')) end end describe "#state" do let(:target) { binding } subject { Class.new(described_class).new(pry_instance: Pry.new) } it "returns a state object" do expect(subject.state).to be_an(OpenStruct) end it "remembers the state" do subject.state.foo = :bar expect(subject.state.foo).to eq(:bar) end end describe "#interpolate_string" do context "when given string contains \#{" do let(:target) do foo = 'bar' binding end subject { Class.new(described_class).new(target: target) } it "returns the result of eval within target" do # rubocop:disable Lint/InterpolationCheck expect(subject.interpolate_string('#{foo}')).to eq('bar') # rubocop:enable Lint/InterpolationCheck end end context "when given string doesn't contain \#{" do it "returns the given string" do expect(subject.new.interpolate_string('foo')).to eq('foo') end end end describe "#check_for_command_collision" do let(:command_set) do set = Pry::CommandSet.new set.command('test') do def process; end end set end let(:output) { StringIO.new } subject do command = Class.new(described_class) command.new(command_set: command_set, target: target, output: output) end context "when a command collides with a local variable" do let(:target) do test = 'foo' binding end it "displays a warning" do subject.check_for_command_collision('test', '') expect(output.string) .to match("'test', which conflicts with a local-variable") end end context "when a command collides with a method" do let(:target) do def test; end binding end it "displays a warning" do subject.check_for_command_collision('test', '') expect(output.string).to match("'test', which conflicts with a method") end end context "when a command doesn't collide" do let(:target) do def test; end binding end it "doesn't display a warning" do subject.check_for_command_collision('nothing', '') expect(output.string).to be_empty end end end describe "#tokenize" do let(:target) { binding } let(:klass) { Class.new(described_class) } let(:target) { binding } subject { klass.new(target: target) } before { klass.match('test') } context "when given string uses interpolation" do let(:target) do foo = 4 binding end before { klass.command_options(interpolate: true) } it "interpolates the string in the target's context" do # rubocop:disable Lint/InterpolationCheck expect(subject.tokenize('test #{1 + 2} #{3 + foo}')) .to eq(['test', '3 7', [], %w[3 7]]) # rubocop:enable Lint/InterpolationCheck end context "and when interpolation is disabled" do before { klass.command_options(interpolate: false) } it "doesn't interpolate the string" do # rubocop:disable Lint/InterpolationCheck expect(subject.tokenize('test #{3 + foo}')) .to eq(['test', '#{3 + foo}', [], %w[#{3 + foo}]]) # rubocop:enable Lint/InterpolationCheck end end end context "when given string doesn't match a command" do it "raises CommandError" do expect { subject.tokenize('boom') } .to raise_error(Pry::CommandError, /command which didn't match/) end end context "when target is not set" do subject { klass.new } it "still returns tokens" do expect(subject.tokenize('test --help')) .to eq(['test', '--help', [], ['--help']]) end end context "when shellwords is enabled" do before { klass.command_options(shellwords: true) } it "strips quotes from the arguments" do expect(subject.tokenize(%(test "foo" 'bar' 1))) .to eq(['test', %("foo" 'bar' 1), [], %w[foo bar 1]]) end end context "when shellwords is disabled" do before { klass.command_options(shellwords: false) } it "doesn't split quotes from the arguments" do # rubocop:disable Lint/PercentStringArray expect(subject.tokenize(%(test "foo" 'bar' 1))) .to eq(['test', %("foo" 'bar' 1), [], %w["foo" 'bar' 1]]) # rubocop:enable Lint/PercentStringArray end end context "when command regex has captures" do before { klass.match(/perfectly (normal)( beast)/i) } it "returns the captures" do expect(subject.tokenize('Perfectly Normal Beast (honest!)')).to eq( [ 'Perfectly Normal Beast', '(honest!)', ['Normal', ' Beast'], ['(honest!)'] ] ) end end end describe "#process_line" do let(:klass) do Class.new(described_class) do def call(*args); end end end let(:target) do test = 4 binding end let(:output) { StringIO.new } subject { klass.new(target: target, output: output) } before { klass.match(/test(y)?/) } it "sets arg_string" do subject.process_line('test -v') expect(subject.arg_string).to eq('-v') end it "sets captures" do subject.process_line('testy') expect(subject.captures).to eq(['y']) end describe "collision warnings" do context "when collision warnings are configured" do before do expect(Pry.config).to receive(:collision_warning).and_return(true) end it "prints a warning when there's a collision" do subject.process_line('test') expect(output.string).to match(/conflicts with a local-variable/) end end context "when collision warnings are not set" do before do expect(Pry.config).to receive(:collision_warning).and_return(false) end it "prints a warning when there's a collision" do subject.process_line('test') expect(output.string).to be_empty end end end end describe "#complete" do it "returns empty array" do expect(subject.new.complete('')).to eq([]) end end end