require 'readline' # @author John Mair (banisterfiend) class Pry # class accessors class << self # Get nesting data. # This method should not need to be accessed directly. # @return [Array] The unparsed nesting information. attr_reader :nesting # Get last value evaluated by Pry. # This method should not need to be accessed directly. # @return [Object] The last result. attr_accessor :last_result # Get the active Pry instance that manages the active Pry session. # This method should not need to be accessed directly. # @return [Pry] The active Pry instance. attr_accessor :active_instance # Get/Set the object to use for input by default by all Pry instances. # @return [#read] The object to use for input by default by all # Pry instances. attr_accessor :input # Get/Set the object to use for output by default by all Pry instances. # @return [#puts] The object to use for output by default by all # Pry instances. attr_accessor :output # Get/Set the object to use for commands by default by all Pry instances. # @return [#commands] The object to use for commands by default by all # Pry instances. attr_accessor :commands # Get/Set the Proc to use for printing by default by all Pry # instances. # This is the 'print' component of the REPL. # @return [Proc] The Proc to use for printing by default by all # Pry instances. attr_accessor :print # Get/Set the Hash that defines Pry hooks used by default by all Pry # instances. # @return [Hash] The hooks used by default by all Pry instances. # @example # Pry.hooks :before_session => proc { puts "hello" }, # :after_session => proc { puts "goodbye" } attr_accessor :hooks # Get the array of Procs to be used for the prompts by default by # all Pry instances. # @return [Array] The array of Procs to be used for the # prompts by default by all Pry instances. attr_accessor :prompt end # Start a Pry REPL. # @param [Object, Binding] target The receiver of the Pry session # @param [Hash] options # @option options (see Pry#initialize) # @example # Pry.start(, :input => def self.start(target=TOPLEVEL_BINDING, options={}) new(options).repl(target) end # A custom version of `Kernel#inspect`. # This method should not need to be accessed directly. # @param obj The object to view. # @return [String] The string representation of `obj`. def self.view(obj) case obj when String, Hash, Array, Symbol, nil obj.inspect else obj.to_s end end # Set all the configurable options back to their default values def self.reset_defaults @input = Readline @output = $stdout @commands = Commands @prompt = DEFAULT_PROMPT @print = DEFAULT_PRINT @hooks = DEFAULT_HOOKS end self.reset_defaults @nesting = [] def @nesting.level last.is_a?(Array) ? last.first : nil end end