class Pry module DefaultCommands Cd = do create_command "cd" do group "Context" description "Move into a new context (object or scope)." banner <<-BANNER Usage: cd [OPTIONS] [--help] Move into new context (object or scope). As in unix shells use `cd ..` to go back, `cd /` to return to Pry top-level and `cd -` to toggle between last two scopes). Complex syntax (e.g `cd ../@x/y`) also supported. e.g: `cd @x` e.g: `cd ..` e.g: `cd /` e.g: `cd -` BANNER def process # Extract command arguments. Delete blank arguments like " ", but # don't delete empty strings like "". path = arg_string.split(/\//).delete_if { |a| a =~ /\A\s+\z/ } stack = _pry_.binding_stack.dup old_stack = state.old_stack || [] # Special case when we only get a single "/", return to root. if path.empty? state.old_stack = stack.dup unless old_stack.empty? stack = [stack.first] end path.each_with_index do |context, i| begin case context.chomp when "" state.old_stack = stack.dup stack = [stack.first] when "::" state.old_stack = stack.dup stack.push(TOPLEVEL_BINDING) when "." next when ".." unless stack.size == 1 # Don't rewrite old_stack if we're in complex expression # (e.g.: `cd 1/2/3/../4). state.old_stack = stack.dup if path.first == ".." stack.pop end when "-" unless old_stack.empty? # Interchange current stack and old stack with each other. stack, state.old_stack = state.old_stack, stack end else state.old_stack = stack.dup if i == 0 stack.push(Pry.binding_for(stack.last.eval(context))) end rescue RescuableException => e # Restore old stack to its initial values. state.old_stack = old_stack output.puts "Bad object path: #{arg_string.chomp}. Failed trying to resolve: #{context}" output.puts e.inspect return end end _pry_.binding_stack = stack end end end end end