require 'tempfile' require 'shellwords' require 'pry/default_commands/hist' class Pry module DefaultCommands Editing = do import Hist create_command "!", "Clear the input buffer. Useful if the parsing process goes wrong and you get stuck in the read loop.", :use_prefix => false do def process output.puts "Input buffer cleared!" eval_string.replace("") end end create_command "show-input", "Show the contents of the input buffer for the current multi-line expression." do def process output.puts end end create_command "edit" do description "Invoke the default editor on a file." banner <<-BANNER Usage: edit [--no-reload|--reload] [--line LINE] [--temp|--ex|FILE[:LINE]|--in N] Open a text editor. When no FILE is given, edits the pry input buffer. Ensure Pry.config.editor is set to your editor of choice. e.g: `edit sample.rb` e.g: `edit sample.rb --line 105` e.g: `edit --ex` BANNER def options(opt) opt.on :e, :ex, "Open the file that raised the most recent exception (_ex_.file)", :optional_argument => true, :as => Integer opt.on :i, :in, "Open a temporary file containing the Nth input expression. N may be a range.", :optional_argument => true, :as => Range, :default => -1..-1 opt.on :t, :temp, "Open an empty temporary file" opt.on :l, :line, "Jump to this line in the opened file", :argument => true, :as => Integer opt.on :n, :"no-reload", "Don't automatically reload the edited code" opt.on :c, :"current", "Open the current __FILE__ and at __LINE__ (as returned by `whereami`)." opt.on :r, :reload, "Reload the edited code immediately (default for ruby files)" end def process if [opts.present?(:ex), opts.present?(:temp), opts.present?(:in), !args.empty?].count(true) > 1 raise CommandError, "Only one of --ex, --temp, --in and FILE may be specified." end if !opts.present?(:ex) && !opts.present?(:current) && args.empty? # edit of local code, eval'd within pry. process_local_edit else # edit of remote code, eval'd at top-level process_remote_edit end end def process_i case opts[:i] when Range (_pry_.input_array[opts[:i]] || []).join when Fixnum _pry_.input_array[opts[:i]] || "" else return output.puts "Not a valid range: #{opts[:i]}" end end def process_local_edit content = case when opts.present?(:temp) "" when opts.present?(:in) process_i when eval_string.strip != "" eval_string else _pry_.input_array.reverse_each.find{ |x| x && x.strip != "" } || "" end line = content.lines.count temp_file do |f| f.puts(content) f.flush reload = !opts.present?(:'no-reload') && !Pry.config.disable_auto_reload f.close(false) invoke_editor(f.path, line, reload) if reload silence_warnings do eval_string.replace( end end end end def process_remote_edit if opts.present?(:ex) if _pry_.last_exception.nil? raise CommandError, "No exception found." end ex = _pry_.last_exception bt_index = opts[:ex].to_i ex_file, ex_line = ex.bt_source_location_for(bt_index) if ex_file && RbxPath.is_core_path?(ex_file) file_name = RbxPath.convert_path_to_full(ex_file) else file_name = ex_file end line = ex_line if file_name.nil? raise CommandError, "Exception has no associated file." end if Pry.eval_path == file_name raise CommandError, "Cannot edit exceptions raised in REPL." end elsif opts.present?(:current) file_name = target.eval("__FILE__") line = target.eval("__LINE__") else # break up into file:line file_name = File.expand_path(args.first) line = file_name.sub!(/:(\d+)$/, "") ? $1.to_i : 1 end if not_a_real_file?(file_name) raise CommandError, "#{file_name} is not a valid file name, cannot edit!" end line = opts[:l].to_i if opts.present?(:line) reload = opts.present?(:reload) || ((opts.present?(:ex) || file_name.end_with?(".rb")) && !opts.present?(:'no-reload')) && !Pry.config.disable_auto_reload # Sanitize blanks. sanitized_file_name = Shellwords.escape(file_name) invoke_editor(sanitized_file_name, line, reload) set_file_and_dir_locals(sanitized_file_name) if reload silence_warnings do TOPLEVEL_BINDING.eval(, file_name) end end end end create_command "edit-method" do description "Edit the source code for a method." banner <<-BANNER Usage: edit-method [OPTIONS] [METH] Edit the method METH in an editor. Ensure Pry.config.editor is set to your editor of choice. e.g: `edit-method hello_method` e.g: `edit-method Pry#rep` e.g: `edit-method` BANNER command_options :shellwords => false def options(opt) method_options(opt) opt.on :n, "no-reload", "Do not automatically reload the method's file after editing." opt.on "no-jump", "Do not fast forward editor to first line of method." opt.on :p, :patch, "Instead of editing the method's file, try to edit in a tempfile and apply as a monkey patch." end def process if !Pry.config.editor raise CommandError, "No editor set!\nEnsure that #{text.bold("Pry.config.editor")} is set to your editor of choice." end begin @method = method_object rescue MethodNotFound => err end if opts.present?(:patch) || (@method && @method.dynamically_defined?) if err raise err # can't patch a non-method end process_patch else if err && !File.exist?(target.eval('__FILE__')) raise err # can't edit a non-file end process_file end end def process_patch lines = @method.source.lines.to_a lines[0] = definition_line_for_owner(lines[0]) temp_file do |f| f.puts lines f.flush f.close(false) invoke_editor(f.path, 0, true) source = wrap_for_nesting(wrap_for_owner( if @method.alias? with_method_transaction(original_name, @method.owner) do => Pry.binding_for(@method.owner).eval("alias #{} #{original_name}") end else => end end end def process_file file, line = extract_file_and_line reload = !opts.present?(:'no-reload') && !Pry.config.disable_auto_reload invoke_editor(file, opts["no-jump"] ? 0 : line, reload) silence_warnings do load file if reload end end protected def extract_file_and_line if @method if @method.source_type == :c raise CommandError, "Can't edit a C method." else [@method.source_file, @method.source_line] end else [target.eval('__FILE__'), target.eval('__LINE__')] end end # Run some code ensuring that at the end target#meth_name will not have changed. # # When we're redefining aliased methods we will overwrite the method at the # unaliased name (so that super continues to work). By wrapping that code in a # transation we make that not happen, which means that alias_method_chains, etc. # continue to work. # # @param [String] meth_name The method name before aliasing # @param [Module] target The owner of the method def with_method_transaction(meth_name, target) target = Pry.binding_for(target) temp_name = "__pry_#{meth_name}__" target.eval("alias #{temp_name} #{meth_name}") yield target.eval("alias #{meth_name} #{temp_name}") ensure target.eval("undef #{temp_name}") rescue nil end # The original name of the method, if it's not present raise an error telling # the user why we don't work. # def original_name @method.original_name or raise CommandError, "Pry can only patch methods created with the `def` keyword." end # Update the definition line so that it can be eval'd directly on the Method's # owner instead of from the original context. # # In particular this takes `def` and turns it into `def foo` so that we # don't end up creating the method on the singleton class of the singleton class # by accident. # # This is necessarily done by String manipulation because we can't find out what # syntax is needed for the argument list by ruby-level introspection. # # @param String The original definition line. e.g. def, baz=1) # @return String The new definition line. e.g. def foo(bar, baz=1) def definition_line_for_owner(line) if line =~ /^def (?:.*?\.)?#{Regexp.escape(original_name)}(?=[\(\s;]|$)/ "def #{original_name}#{$'}" else raise CommandError, "Could not find original `def #{original_name}` line to patch." end end # Update the source code so that when it has the right owner when eval'd. # # This (combined with definition_line_for_owner) is backup for the case that # wrap_for_nesting fails, to ensure that the method will stil be defined in # the correct place. # # @param [String] source The source to wrap # @return [String] def wrap_for_owner(source) Thread.current[:__pry_owner__] = @method.owner source = "Thread.current[:__pry_owner__].class_eval do\n#{source}\nend" end # Update the new source code to have the correct Module.nesting. # # This method uses syntactic analysis of the original source file to determine # the new nesting, so that we can tell the difference between: # # class A; def self.b; end; end # class << A; def b; end; end # # The resulting code should be evaluated in the TOPLEVEL_BINDING. # # @param [String] source The source to wrap. # @return [String] def wrap_for_nesting(source) nesting = Pry::Code.from_file(@method.source_file).nesting_at(@method.source_line) (nesting + [source] +{ "end" } + [""]).join("\n") rescue Pry::Indent::UnparseableNestingError => e source end end create_command(/amend-line(?: (-?\d+)(?:\.\.(-?\d+))?)?/) do description "Amend a line of input in multi-line mode." command_options :interpolate => false, :listing => "amend-line" banner <<-'BANNER' Amend a line of input in multi-line mode. `amend-line N`, where the N in `amend-line N` represents line to replace. Can also specify a range of lines using `amend-line N..M` syntax. Passing '!' as replacement content deletes the line(s) instead. e.g amend-line 1 puts 'hello world! # replace line 1' e.g amend-line 1..4 ! # delete lines 1..4 e.g amend-line 3 >puts 'goodbye' # insert before line 3 e.g amend-line puts 'hello again' # no line number modifies immediately preceding line BANNER def process start_line_number, end_line_number, replacement_line = *args if eval_string.empty? raise CommandError, "No input to amend." end replacement_line = "" if !replacement_line input_array = eval_string.each_line.to_a end_line_number = start_line_number.to_i if !end_line_number line_range = start_line_number ? (one_index_number(start_line_number.to_i)..one_index_number(end_line_number.to_i)) : input_array.size - 1 # delete selected lines if replacement line is '!' if arg_string == "!" input_array.slice!(line_range) elsif arg_string.start_with?(">") insert_slot = Array(line_range).first input_array.insert(insert_slot, arg_string[1..-1] + "\n") else input_array[line_range] = arg_string + "\n" end eval_string.replace input_array.join run "show-input" end end create_command "play" do include Helpers::DocumentationHelpers description "Play back a string variable or a method or a file as input." banner <<-BANNER Usage: play [OPTIONS] [--help] The play command enables you to replay code from files and methods as if they were entered directly in the Pry REPL. Default action (no options) is to play the provided string variable e.g: `play -i 20 --lines 1..3` e.g: `play -m Pry#repl --lines 1..-1` e.g: `play -f Rakefile --lines 5` BANNER attr_accessor :content def setup self.content = "" end def options(opt) opt.on :m, :method, "Play a method's source.", :argument => true do |meth_name| meth = get_method_or_raise(meth_name, target, {}) self.content << meth.source end opt.on :d, :doc, "Play a method's documentation.", :argument => true do |meth_name| meth = get_method_or_raise(meth_name, target, {}) text.no_color do self.content << process_comment_markup(meth.doc) end end opt.on :c, :command, "Play a command's source.", :argument => true do |command_name| command = find_command(command_name) block = self.content << block.source end opt.on :f, :file, "Play a file.", :argument => true do |file| self.content << end opt.on :l, :lines, "Only play a subset of lines.", :optional_argument => true, :as => Range, :default => 1..-1 opt.on :i, :in, "Play entries from Pry's input expression history. Takes an index or range. Note this can only replay pure Ruby code, not Pry commands.", :optional_argument => true, :as => Range, :default => -5..-1 do |range| input_expressions = _pry_.input_array[range] || [] Array(input_expressions).each { |v| self.content << v } end opt.on :o, "open", 'When used with the -m switch, it plays the entire method except the last line, leaving the method definition "open". `amend-line` can then be used to modify the method.' end def process perform_play run "show-input" unless Pry::Code.complete_expression?(eval_string) end def process_non_opt args.each do |arg| begin self.content << target.eval(arg) rescue Pry::RescuableException raise CommandError, "Problem when evaling #{arg}." end end end def perform_play process_non_opt if opts.present?(:lines) self.content = restrict_to_lines(self.content, opts[:l]) end if opts.present?(:open) self.content = restrict_to_lines(self.content, 1..-2) end eval_string << self.content end end end end end