class Pry::Pager def self.page_size 27 end def, out = $stdout) is_jruby = defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE == "jruby" is_jruby ?, out).page :, out).page end def page raise NotImplementedError, "#{self.class} does not implement #page." end def initialize(text, out = $stdout) @text = text @out = out end class SimplePager < Pry::Pager def page text_array = @text.lines.to_a text_array.each_slice(Pry::Pager.page_size) do |chunk| @out.puts chunk.join break if chunk.size < Pry::Pager.page_size if text_array.size > Pry::Pager.page_size @out.puts "\n --- Press enter to continue ( q to break ) --- " break if $stdin.gets.chomp == "q" end end end end class SystemPager < Pry::Pager def page IO.popen("less -R -S -F -X", "w") do |less| less.puts @text end end end end