describe Pry do describe "output failsafe" do after do Pry.config.print = Pry::DEFAULT_PRINT end it "should catch serialization exceptions" do Pry.config.print = lambda { |*a| raise "catch-22" } lambda { mock_pry("1") }.should.not.raise end it "should display serialization exceptions" do Pry.config.print = lambda { |*a| raise "catch-22" } mock_pry("1").should =~ /output error: #/ end it "should catch errors serializing exceptions" do Pry.config.print = lambda do |*a| raise"catch-22").tap{ |e| class << e; def inspect; raise e; end; end } end mock_pry("1").should =~ /output error: failed to show result/ end end describe "DEFAULT_PRINT" do it "should output the right thing" do mock_pry("{:a => 1}").should =~ /\{:a=>1\}/ end it "should not be phased by un-inspectable things" do mock_pry("class NastyClass; undef pretty_inspect; end", "").should =~ /#/ end it "should warn you about un-inspectable things" do mock_pry("class NastyClass; undef pretty_inspect; end", "").should =~ /output error: #<(NoMethodError|NameError): undefined method `pretty_inspect'/ end end end