require 'rubygems/dependency_installer' require "pry/command_base_helpers" class Pry # Basic command functionality. All user-defined commands must # inherit from this class. It provides the `command` method. class CommandBase class << self include CommandBaseHelpers attr_accessor :commands attr_accessor :opts, :output, :target # private because we want to force function style invocation. We require # that the location where the block is defined has the `opts` # method in scope. private # Defines a new Pry command. # @param [String, Array] names The name of the command (or array of # command name aliases). # @param [String] description A description of the command. # @param [Hash] options The optional configuration parameters. # @option options [Boolean] :keep_retval Whether or not to use return value # of the block for return of `command` or just to return `nil` # (the default). # @yield The action to perform. The parameters in the block # determines the parameters the command will receive. All # parameters passed into the block will be strings. Successive # command parameters are separated by whitespace at the Pry prompt. # @example # class MyCommands < Pry::CommandBase # command "greet", "Greet somebody" do |name| # puts "Good afternoon #{name.capitalize}!" # end # end # # # From pry: # # pry(main)> _pry_.commands = MyCommands # # pry(main)> greet john # # Good afternoon John! # # pry(main)> help greet # # Greet somebody def command(names, description="No description.", options={}, &block) options = { :keep_retval => false, :requires_gem => nil }.merge!(options) @commands ||= {} if command_dependencies_met?(options) Array(names).each do |name| commands[name] = { :description => description, :action => block, :keep_retval => options[:keep_retval] } end else create_command_stub(names, description, options, block) end end # Delete a command or an array of commands. # Useful when inheriting from another command set and pruning # those commands down to the ones you want. # @param [Array] names The command name or array # of command names you want to delete # @example Deleteing inherited commands # class MyCommands < Pry::Commands # delete "show_method", "show_imethod", "show_doc", "show_idoc" # end # Pry.commands = MyCommands def delete(*names) names.each { |name| commands.delete(name) } end # Execute a command (this enables commands to call other commands). # @param [String] name The command to execute # @param [Array] args The parameters to pass to the command. # @example Wrap one command with another # class MyCommands < Pry::Commands # command "ls2" do # output.puts "before ls" # run "ls" # output.puts "after ls" # end # end def run(name, *args) command_processor ='_pry_')) if command_processor.system_command?(name) command_processor.execute_system_command("#{name} #{args.join(' ')}", target) else raise "#{name.inspect} is not a valid pry command." unless opts[:commands].include? name action = opts[:commands][name][:action] instance_exec(*args, &action) end end # Import commands from another command object. # @param [Pry::CommandBase] klass The class to import from (must # be a subclass of `Pry::CommandBase`) # @param [Array] names The commands to import. # @example # class MyCommands < Pry::CommandBase # import_from Pry::Commands, "ls", "show_method", "cd" # end def import_from(klass, *names) imported_hash = Hash[ { |k, v| names.include?(k) }] commands.merge!(imported_hash) end # Create an alias for a command. # @param [String] new_command The alias name. # @param [String] orig_command The original command name. # @param [String] desc The optional description. # @example # class MyCommands < Pry::CommandBase # alias_command "help_alias", "help" # end def alias_command(new_command_name, orig_command_name, desc=nil) commands[new_command_name] = commands[orig_command_name].dup commands[new_command_name][:description] = desc if desc end # Set the description for a command (replacing the old # description.) # @param [String] name The command name. # @param [String] description The command description. # @example # class MyCommands < Pry::CommandBase # desc "help", "help description" # end def desc(name, description) commands[name][:description] = description end end command "help", "This menu." do |cmd| command_info = opts[:commands] if !cmd output.puts help_text = heading("Command List:") + "\n" command_info.each do |k, data| if !data[:stub_info] help_text << ("#{k}".ljust(18) + data[:description] + "\n") if !data[:description].empty? else help_text << (bold("#{k}".ljust(18) + data[:description] + "\n")) if !data[:description].empty? end end stagger_output(help_text) else if command_info[cmd] output.puts command_info[cmd][:description] else output.puts "No info for command: #{cmd}" end end end command "install", "Install a disabled command." do |name| stub_info = commands[name][:stub_info] if !stub_info output.puts "Not a command stub. Nothing to do." next end output.puts "Attempting to install `#{name}` command..." gems_to_install = Array(stub_info[:requires_gem]) gem_install_failed = false gems_to_install.each do |g| next if gem_installed?(g) output.puts "Installing `#{g}` gem..." begin rescue Gem::GemNotFoundException output.puts "Required Gem: `#{g}` not found. Aborting command installation." gem_install_failed = true next end end next if gem_install_failed Gem.refresh load "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/commands.rb" output.puts "Installation of `#{name}` successful! Type `help #{name}` for information" end # Ensures that commands can be inherited def self.inherited(klass) klass.commands = commands.dup end end end