require 'tempfile' class Pry module DefaultCommands Introspection = do command "show-method", "Show the source for METH. Type `show-method --help` for more info. Aliases: $, show-source", :shellwords => false do |*args| opts, meth = parse_options!(args, :method_object) do |opt| opt.banner unindent <<-USAGE Usage: show-method [OPTIONS] [METH] Show the source for method METH. Tries instance methods first and then methods by default. e.g: show-method hello_method USAGE opt.on :l, "line-numbers", "Show line numbers." opt.on :b, "base-one", "Show line numbers but start numbering at 1 (useful for `amend-line` and `play` commands)." opt.on :f, :flood, "Do not use a pager to view text longer than one screen." end raise CommandError, "Could not find method source" unless meth.source output.puts make_header(meth) output.puts "#{text.bold("Owner:")} #{meth.owner || "N/A"}" output.puts "#{text.bold("Visibility:")} #{meth.visibility}" output.puts if Pry.color code = CodeRay.scan(meth.source, meth.source_type).term else code = meth.source end start_line = false if opts.present?(:'base-one') start_line = 1 elsif opts.present?(:'line-numbers') start_line = meth.source_line || 1 end render_output(opts.present?(:flood), start_line, code) end alias_command "show-source", "show-method" alias_command "$", "show-method" command "show-command", "Show the source for CMD. Type `show-command --help` for more info." do |*args| target = target() opts = Slop.parse!(args) do |opt| opt.banner unindent <<-USAGE Usage: show-command [OPTIONS] [CMD] Show the source for command CMD. e.g: show-command show-method USAGE opt.on :l, "line-numbers", "Show line numbers." opt.on :f, :flood, "Do not use a pager to view text longer than one screen." opt.on :h, :help, "This message." do output.puts opt end end next if opts.present?(:help) command_name = args.shift if !command_name raise CommandError, "You must provide a command name." end if find_command(command_name) block = next unless block.source set_file_and_dir_locals(block.source_file) output.puts make_header(block) output.puts if Pry.color code = CodeRay.scan(block.source, :ruby).term else code = block.source end start_line = false if opts.present?(:'line-numbers') start_line = block.source_line || 1 end render_output(opts.present?(:flood), opts.present?(:'line-numbers') ? block.source_line : false, code) code else raise CommandError, "No such command: #{command_name}." end end command "edit", "Invoke the default editor on a file. Type `edit --help` for more info" do |*args| opts = Slop.parse!(args) do |opt| opt.banner unindent <<-USAGE Usage: edit [--no-reload|--reload] [--line LINE] [--temp|--ex|FILE[:LINE]|--in N] Open a text editor. When no FILE is given, edits the pry input buffer. Ensure #{text.bold("Pry.config.editor")} is set to your editor of choice. e.g: edit sample.rb USAGE opt.on :e, :ex, "Open the file that raised the most recent exception (_ex_.file)", :optional => true, :as => Integer opt.on :i, :in, "Open a temporary file containing the Nth line of _in_. N may be a range.", :optional => true, :as => Range, :default => -1..-1 opt.on :t, :temp, "Open an empty temporary file" opt.on :l, :line, "Jump to this line in the opened file", true, :as => Integer opt.on :n, :"no-reload", "Don't automatically reload the edited code" opt.on :r, :reload, "Reload the edited code immediately (default for ruby files)" opt.on :h, :help, "This message." do output.puts opt end end next if opts.present?(:help) if [opts.present?(:ex), opts.present?(:temp), opts.present?(:in), !args.empty?].count(true) > 1 raise CommandError, "Only one of --ex, --temp, --in and FILE may be specified." end # edit of local code, eval'd within pry. if !opts.present?(:ex) && args.empty? content = if opts.present?(:temp) "" elsif opts.present?(:in) case opts[:i] when Range (_pry_.input_array[opts[:i]] || []).join when Fixnum _pry_.input_array[opts[:i]] || "" else next output.puts "Not a valid range: #{opts[:i]}" end elsif eval_string.strip != "" eval_string else _pry_.input_array.reverse_each.find{ |x| x && x.strip != "" } || "" end line = content.lines.count temp_file do |f| f.puts(content) f.flush invoke_editor(f.path, line) if !opts.present?(:'no-reload') silence_warnings do eval_string.replace( end end end # edit of remote code, eval'd at top-level else if opts.present?(:ex) if _pry_.last_exception.nil? raise CommandError, "No exception found." end ex = _pry_.last_exception bt_index = opts[:ex].to_i ex_file, ex_line = ex.bt_source_location_for(bt_index) if ex_file && RbxPath.is_core_path?(ex_file) file_name = RbxPath.convert_path_to_full(ex_file) else file_name = ex_file end line = ex_line if file_name.nil? raise CommandError, "Exception has no associated file." end if Pry.eval_path == file_name raise CommandError, "Cannot edit exceptions raised in REPL." end else # break up into file:line file_name = File.expand_path(args.first) line = file_name.sub!(/:(\d+)$/, "") ? $1.to_i : 1 end line = opts[:l].to_i if opts.present?(:line) invoke_editor(file_name, line) set_file_and_dir_locals(file_name) if opts.present?(:reload) || ((opts.present?(:ex) || file_name.end_with?(".rb")) && !opts.present?(:'no-reload')) silence_warnings do TOPLEVEL_BINDING.eval(, file_name) end end end end command "edit-method", "Edit a method. Type `edit-method --help` for more info.", :shellwords => false do |*args| target = target() opts, meth = parse_options!(args, :method_object) do |opt| opt.banner unindent <<-USAGE Usage: edit-method [OPTIONS] [METH] Edit the method METH in an editor. Ensure #{text.bold("Pry.config.editor")} is set to your editor of choice. e.g: edit-method hello_method USAGE opt.on :n, "no-reload", "Do not automatically reload the method's file after editing." opt.on "no-jump", "Do not fast forward editor to first line of method." opt.on :p, :patch, "Instead of editing the method's file, try to edit in a tempfile and apply as a monkey patch." opt.on :h, :help, "This message." do output.puts opt end end if !Pry.config.editor raise CommandError, "No editor set!\nEnsure that #{text.bold("Pry.config.editor")} is set to your editor of choice." end if opts.present?(:patch) || meth.dynamically_defined? lines = meth.source.lines.to_a if ((original_name = meth.original_name) && lines[0] =~ /^def (?:.*?\.)?#{original_name}(?=[\(\s;]|$)/) lines[0] = "def #{original_name}#{$'}" else raise CommandError, "Pry can only patch methods created with the `def` keyword." end temp_file do |f| f.puts lines.join f.flush invoke_editor(f.path, 0) if meth.alias? with_method_transaction(original_name, meth.owner) do => Pry.binding_for(meth.owner).eval("alias #{} #{original_name}") end else => end end next end if meth.source_type == :c raise CommandError, "Can't edit a C method." else file, line = meth.source_file, meth.source_line invoke_editor(file, opts["no-jump"] ? 0 : line) silence_warnings do load file if !opts.present?(:'no-jump') && !Pry.config.disable_auto_reload end end end helpers do def with_method_transaction(meth_name, target=TOPLEVEL_BINDING) target = Pry.binding_for(target) temp_name = "__pry_#{meth_name}__" target.eval("alias #{temp_name} #{meth_name}") yield target.eval("alias #{meth_name} #{temp_name}") ensure target.eval("undef #{temp_name}") rescue nil end end end end end