describe "ls" do describe "bug #1407" do it "behaves as usual when a method of the same name exists." do expect( pry_eval("def ls; 5; end", "ls") ).to match(/self\.methods: /) pry_eval("undef ls") end end describe "below ceiling" do it "should stop before Object by default" do expect(pry_eval("cd{ def goo; end }.new", "ls")).not_to match(/Object/) expect(pry_eval("cd{ def goo; end }", "ls -M")).not_to match(/Object/) end it "should include object if -v is given" do expect(pry_eval("cd{ def goo; end }.new", "ls -m -v")).to match(/Object/) expect(pry_eval("cd{ def goo; end }", "ls -vM")).to match(/Object/) end it "should include super-classes by default" do expect( pry_eval( "cd{ def goo; end; public :goo }).new", "ls" ) ).to match(/goo/) expect( pry_eval( "cd{ def goo; end; public :goo })", "ls -M" ) ).to match(/goo/) end it "should not include super-classes when -q is given" do expect(pry_eval("cd{ def goo; end }).new", "ls -q")) .not_to match(/goo/) expect(pry_eval("cd{ def goo; end })", "ls -M -q")) .not_to match(/goo/) end end describe "help" do it 'should show help with -h' do expect(pry_eval("ls -h")).to match(/Usage: ls/) end end describe "BasicObject" do it "should work on BasicObject" do expect(pry_eval("ls")).to match(/BasicObject#methods:.*__send__/m) end it "should work on subclasses of BasicObject" do expect( pry_eval( "class LessBasic < BasicObject; def jaroussky; 5; end; end", "ls" ) ).to match(/LessBasic#methods:.*jaroussky/m) end end describe "immediates" do # Ruby 2.4+ if == 'Integer' it "should work on Integer" do expect(pry_eval("ls 5")).to match(/Integer#methods:.*modulo/m) end else it "should work on Fixnum" do expect(pry_eval("ls 5")).to match(/Fixnum#methods:.*modulo/m) end end end describe "methods" do it "should show public methods by default" do output = pry_eval("ls{ def goo; end; public :goo }.new") expect(output).to match(/methods: goo/) end it "should not show protected/private by default" do expect(pry_eval("ls -M{ def goo; end; private :goo }")) .not_to match(/goo/) expect(pry_eval("ls{ def goo; end; protected :goo }.new")) .not_to match(/goo/) end it "should show public methods with -p" do expect(pry_eval("ls -p{ def goo; end }.new")).to match(/methods: goo/) end it "should show protected/private methods with -p" do expect(pry_eval("ls -pM{ def goo; end; protected :goo }")) .to match(/methods: goo/) expect(pry_eval("ls -p{ def goo; end; private :goo }.new")) .to match(/methods: goo/) end it "should work for objects with an overridden method method" do require 'net/http' # This doesn't actually touch the network, promise! expect(pry_eval("ls'localhost')")) .to match(/Net::HTTPGenericRequest#methods/) end it( "should work for objects which instance_variables returns array of " \ "symbol but there is no Symbol#downcase" ) do test_case = "class Object; alias :fg :instance_variables; " \ "def instance_variables;; end end;" normalize = "class Object; def instance_variables; fg; end end;" test = lambda do begin pry_eval( test_case, "class GeFromulate2; @flurb=1.3; end", "cd GeFromulate2", "ls" ) pry_eval(normalize) rescue StandardError pry_eval(normalize) raise end end expect(test).to_not raise_error end it "should show error message when instance is given with -M option" do expect { pry_eval("ls -M") } .to raise_error(Pry::CommandError, /-M only makes sense with a Module or a Class/) end it "should handle classes that (pathologically) define .ancestors" do output = pry_eval("ls{ def self.ancestors; end; def hihi; end }") expect(output).to match(/hihi/) end end describe 'with -l' do focus 'should find locals and sort by descending size' do result = pry_eval(, "aa = 'asdf'; bb = 'xyz'", 'ls -l') expect(result).not_to match(/=>/) expect(result).not_to match(/0x\d{5}/) expect(result).to match(/asdf.*xyz/m) end it 'should not list pry noise' do expect(pry_eval('ls -l')).not_to match(/_(?:dir|file|ex|pry|out|in)_/) end end describe "when inside Modules" do it "should still work" do expect( pry_eval( "cd{ def foobie; end; public :foobie }", "ls -M" ) ).to match(/foobie/) end it "should work for ivars" do expect( pry_eval( "module StigmaT1sm; def foobie; @@gharble = 456; end; end", "{ |o| o.extend(StigmaT1sm) }.foobie", "cd StigmaT1sm", "ls -i" ) ).to match(/@@gharble/) end it "should include instance methods by default" do output = pry_eval( "ls{ def shinanagarns; 4; end; public :shinanagarns }" ) expect(output).to match(/shinanagarns/) end it "should behave normally when invoked on Module itself" do expect(pry_eval("ls Module")).not_to match(/Pry/) end end describe "constants" do it "works on top-level" do toplevel_consts = pry_eval('ls -c') [/RUBY_PLATFORM/, /ARGF/, /STDOUT/].each do |const| expect(toplevel_consts).to match(const) end end it "should show constants defined on the current module" do expect(pry_eval("class TempFoo1; BARGHL = 1; end", "ls TempFoo1")) .to match(/BARGHL/) end it "should not show constants defined on parent modules by default" do output = pry_eval( "class TempFoo2; LHGRAB = 1; end; " \ "class TempFoo3 < TempFoo2; BARGHL = 1; end", "ls TempFoo3" ) expect(output).not_to match(/LHGRAB/) end it "should show constants defined on ancestors with -v" do output = pry_eval( "class TempFoo4; LHGRAB = 1; end; " \ "class TempFoo5 < TempFoo4; BARGHL = 1; end", "ls -v TempFoo5" ) expect(output).to match(/LHGRAB/) end it "should not autoload constants!" do autoload :McflurgleTheThird, "/tmp/this-file-d000esnat-exist.rb" expect { pry_eval("ls -c") }.to_not raise_error end it "should show constants for an object's class regardless of mixins" do expect( pry_eval( "cd", "extend", "ls -c" ) ).to match(/Method/) end end describe "grep" do it "should reduce the number of outputted things" do expect(pry_eval("ls -c Object")).to match(/ArgumentError/) expect(pry_eval("ls -c Object --grep Run")).not_to match(/ArgumentError/) end it "should still output matching things" do expect(pry_eval("ls -c Object --grep Run")).to match(/RuntimeError/) end end describe "when no arguments given" do describe "when at the top-level" do it "should show local variables" do expect(pry_eval("ls")).to match(/pry_instance/) expect(pry_eval("arbitrar = 1", "ls")).to match(/arbitrar/) end end describe "when in a class" do it "should show constants" do output = pry_eval( "class GeFromulate1; FOOTIFICATE=1.3; end", "cd GeFromulate1", "ls" ) expect(output).to match(/FOOTIFICATE/) end it "should show class variables" do output = pry_eval( "class GeFromulate2; @@flurb=1.3; end", "cd GeFromulate2", "ls" ) expect(output).to match(/@@flurb/) end it "should show methods" do output = pry_eval( "class GeFromulate3; def self.mooflight; end ; end", "cd GeFromulate3", "ls" ) expect(output).to match(/mooflight/) end end describe "when in an object" do it "should show methods" do expect(pry_eval("cd{ def self.fooerise; end; self }", "ls")) .to match(/fooerise/) end it "should show instance variables" do expect(pry_eval("cd", "@alphooent = 1", "ls")).to match(/@alphooent/) end end end describe 'on java objects', skip: !Pry::Helpers::Platform.jruby? do it 'should omit java-esque aliases by default' do expect(pry_eval('ls java.lang.Thread.current_thread')) .to match(/\bthread_group\b/) expect(pry_eval('ls java.lang.Thread.current_thread')) .not_to match(/\bgetThreadGroup\b/) end it 'should include java-esque aliases if requested' do expect(pry_eval('ls java.lang.Thread.current_thread -J')) .to match(/\bthread_group\b/) expect(pry_eval('ls java.lang.Thread.current_thread -J')) .to match(/\bgetThreadGroup\b/) end end end