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# @author John Mair (banisterfiend)
class Pry
# The RC Files to load.
RC_FILES = ["~/.pryrc"]
# class accessors
class << self
# Get nesting data.
# This method should not need to be accessed directly.
# @return [Array] The unparsed nesting information.
attr_reader :nesting
# Get last value evaluated by Pry.
# This method should not need to be accessed directly.
# @return [Object] The last result.
attr_accessor :last_result
# Get last exception raised.
# This method should not need to be accessed directly.
# @return [Exception] The last exception.
attr_accessor :last_exception
# Get the active Pry instance that manages the active Pry session.
# This method should not need to be accessed directly.
# @return [Pry] The active Pry instance.
attr_accessor :active_instance
# Get/Set the object to use for input by default by all Pry instances.
# @return [#readline] The object to use for input by default by all
# Pry instances.
attr_accessor :input
# Get/Set the object to use for output by default by all Pry instances.
# @return [#puts] The object to use for output by default by all
# Pry instances.
attr_accessor :output
# Get/Set the object to use for commands by default by all Pry instances.
# @return [Pry::CommandBase] The object to use for commands by default by all
# Pry instances.
attr_accessor :commands
# Get/Set the Proc to use for printing by default by all Pry
# instances.
# This is the 'print' component of the REPL.
# @return [Proc] The Proc to use for printing by default by all
# Pry instances.
attr_accessor :print
# @return [Proc] The Proc to use for printing exceptions by default by all
# Pry instances.
attr_accessor :exception_handler
# Get/Set the Hash that defines Pry hooks used by default by all Pry
# instances.
# @return [Hash] The hooks used by default by all Pry instances.
# @example
# Pry.hooks :before_session => proc { puts "hello" },
# :after_session => proc { puts "goodbye" }
attr_accessor :hooks
# Get/Set the Proc that defines extra Readline completions (on top
# of the ones defined for IRB).
# @return [Proc] The Proc that defines extra Readline completions (on top
# @example Add file names to completion list
# Pry.custom_completions = proc { Dir.entries('.') }
attr_accessor :custom_completions
# Get the array of Procs to be used for the prompts by default by
# all Pry instances.
# @return [Array<Proc>] The array of Procs to be used for the
# prompts by default by all Pry instances.
attr_accessor :prompt
# Value returned by last executed Pry command.
# @return [Object] The command value
attr_accessor :cmd_ret_value
# Determines whether colored output is enabled.
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :color
# Determines whether paging (of long blocks of text) is enabled.
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :pager
# Determines whether the rc file (~/.pryrc) should be loaded.
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :should_load_rc
# Set to true if Pry is invoked from command line using `pry` executable
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :cli
# Set to true if the pry-doc extension is loaded.
# @return [Boolean]
attr_accessor :has_pry_doc
# The default editor to use. Defaults to $EDITOR or nano if
# $EDITOR is not defined.
# If `editor` is a String then that string is used as the shell
# command to invoke the editor. If `editor` is callable (e.g a
# Proc) then `file` and `line` are passed in as parameters and the
# return value of that callable invocation is used as the exact
# shell command to invoke the editor.
# @example String
# Pry.editor = "emacsclient"
# @example Callable
# Pry.editor = proc { |file, line| "emacsclient #{file} +#{line}" }
# @return [String, #call]
attr_accessor :editor
@plugin_manager ||= PluginManager.new
def self.plugins
# Load the rc files given in the `Pry::RC_FILES` array.
# Defaults to loading just `~/.pryrc`. This method can also
# be used to reload the files if they have changed.
def self.load_rc
RC_FILES.each do |file_name|
file_name = File.expand_path(file_name)
load(file_name) if File.exists?(file_name)
# Start a Pry REPL.
# This method also loads the files specified in `Pry::RC_FILES` the
# first time it is invoked.
# @param [Object, Binding] target The receiver of the Pry session
# @param [Hash] options
# @option options (see Pry#initialize)
# @example
# Pry.start(Object.new, :input => MyInput.new)
def self.start(target=TOPLEVEL_BINDING, options={})
if should_load_rc && !@rc_loaded
@rc_loaded = true
# A custom version of `Kernel#inspect`.
# This method should not need to be accessed directly.
# @param obj The object to view.
# @return [String] The string representation of `obj`.
def self.view(obj)
rescue NoMethodError
# A version of `Pry.view` that clips the output to `max_size` chars.
# In case of > `max_size` chars the `#<Object...> notation is used.
# @param obj The object to view.
# @param max_size The maximum number of chars before clipping occurs.
# @return [String] The string representation of `obj`.
def self.view_clip(obj, max_size=60)
if Pry.view(obj).size < max_size
"#<#{obj.class}:%#x>" % (obj.object_id << 1)
# Run a Pry command from outside a session. The commands available are
# those referenced by `Pry.commands` (the default command set).
# Command output is suppresed by default, this is because the return
# value (if there is one) is likely to be more useful.
# @param [String] arg_string The Pry command (including arguments,
# if any).
# @param [Hash] options Optional named parameters.
# @return [Object] The return value of the Pry command.
# @option options [Object, Binding] :context The object context to run the
# command under. Defaults to `TOPLEVEL_BINDING` (main).
# @option options [Boolean] :show_output Whether to show command
# output. Defaults to false.
# @example Run at top-level with no output.
# Pry.run_command "ls"
# @example Run under Pry class, returning only public methods.
# Pry.run_command "ls -m", :context => Pry
# @example Display command output.
# Pry.run_command "ls -av", :show_output => true
def self.run_command(arg_string, options={})
name, arg_string = arg_string.split(/\s+/, 2)
arg_string = "" if !arg_string
options = {
:show_output => false,
:output => Pry.output,
:commands => Pry.commands
null_output = StringIO.new
context = CommandContext.new
commands = options[:commands]
context.opts = {}
context.output = options[:show_output] ? options[:output] : null_output
context.target = Pry.binding_for(options[:context])
context.command_set = commands
commands.run_command(context, name, *Shellwords.shellwords(arg_string))
def self.default_editor_for_platform
if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/
ENV['EDITOR'] ? ENV['EDITOR'] : "notepad"
ENV['EDITOR'] ? ENV['EDITOR'] : "nano"
# Set all the configurable options back to their default values
def self.reset_defaults
@input = Readline
@output = $stdout
@commands = Pry::Commands
@exception_handler = DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_HANDLER
@custom_completions = DEFAULT_CUSTOM_COMPLETIONS
@color = true
@pager = true
@should_load_rc = true
@rc_loaded = false
@cli = false
@editor = default_editor_for_platform
@nesting = []
def @nesting.level
last.is_a?(Array) ? last.first : nil
# Return all active Pry sessions.
# @return [Array<Pry>] Active Pry sessions.
def self.sessions
# last element in nesting array is the pry instance
# Return a `Binding` object for `target` or return `target` if it is
# already a `Binding`.
# In the case where `target` is top-level then return `TOPLEVEL_BINDING`
# @param [Object] target The object to get a `Binding` object for.
# @return [Binding] The `Binding` object.
def self.binding_for(target)
if target.is_a?(Binding)
if target == TOPLEVEL_BINDING.eval('self')