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Kyrylo Silin edaa1383f2 Require files from pry.rb; deps from each file that uses them
This change brings some order to how we require files. Previously, we required
app files from everywhere, including pry.rb. Now we require app files only from

External and stdlib dependencies are required at places where they're used, not
2019-03-10 13:20:03 +02:00

131 lines
5.4 KiB

class Pry
class Command
class Ls < Pry::ClassCommand
heading_color: :bright_blue,
public_method_color: :default,
private_method_color: :blue,
protected_method_color: :blue,
method_missing_color: :bright_red,
local_var_color: :yellow,
pry_var_color: :default, # e.g. _, _pry_, _file_
instance_var_color: :blue, # e.g. @foo
class_var_color: :bright_blue, # e.g. @@foo
global_var_color: :default, # e.g. $CODERAY_DEBUG, $eventmachine_library
builtin_global_color: :cyan, # e.g. $stdin, $-w, $PID
pseudo_global_color: :cyan, # e.g. $~, $1..$9, $LAST_MATCH_INFO
constant_color: :default, # e.g. VERSION, ARGF
class_constant_color: :blue, # e.g. Object, Kernel
exception_constant_color: :magenta, # e.g. Exception, RuntimeError
unloaded_constant_color: :yellow, # Any constant that is still in .autoload? state
separator: " ",
ceiling: [Object, Module, Class]
match 'ls'
group 'Context'
description 'Show the list of vars and methods in the current scope.'
command_options shellwords: false, interpolate: false
banner <<-'BANNER'
Usage: ls [-m|-M|-p|-pM] [-q|-v] [-c|-i] [Object]
ls [-g] [-l]
ls shows you which methods, constants and variables are accessible to Pry. By
default it shows you the local variables defined in the current shell, and any
public methods or instance variables defined on the current object.
The colours used are configurable using Pry.config.ls.*_color, and the separator
is Pry.config.ls.separator.
Pry.config.ls.ceiling is used to hide methods defined higher up in the
inheritance chain, this is by default set to [Object, Module, Class] so that
methods defined on all Objects are omitted. The -v flag can be used to ignore
this setting and show all methods, while the -q can be used to set the ceiling
much lower and show only methods defined on the object or its direct class.
Also check out `find-method` command (run `help find-method`).
def options(opt)
opt.on :m, :methods, "Show public methods defined on the Object"
opt.on :M, "instance-methods", "Show public methods defined in a " \
"Module or Class"
opt.on :p, :ppp, "Show public, protected (in yellow) and private " \
"(in green) methods"
opt.on :q, :quiet, "Show only methods defined on object.singleton_class " \
"and object.class"
opt.on :v, :verbose, "Show methods and constants on all super-classes " \
"(ignores Pry.config.ls.ceiling)"
opt.on :g, :globals, "Show global variables, including those builtin to " \
"Ruby (in cyan)"
opt.on :l, :locals, "Show hash of local vars, sorted by descending size"
opt.on :c, :constants, "Show constants, highlighting classes (in blue), " \
"and exceptions (in purple).\n" \
"#{' ' * 32}Constants that are pending autoload? " \
"are also shown (in yellow)"
opt.on :i, :ivars, "Show instance variables (in blue) and class " \
"variables (in bright blue)"
opt.on :G, :grep, "Filter output by regular expression", argument: true
if Object.respond_to?(:deprecate_constant)
opt.on :d, :dconstants, "Show deprecated constants"
if Helpers::Platform.jruby?
opt.on :J, "all-java", "Show all the aliases for methods from java " \
"(default is to show only prettiest)"
# Exclude -q, -v and --grep because they,
# don't specify what the user wants to see.
def no_user_opts?
!(opts[:methods] || opts['instance-methods'] || opts[:ppp] ||
opts[:globals] || opts[:locals] || opts[:constants] || opts[:ivars])
def process
@interrogatee = args.empty? ? target_self : target.eval(args.join(' '))
ls_entity = LsEntity.new(
interrogatee: @interrogatee,
no_user_opts: no_user_opts?,
opts: opts,
args: args,
_pry_: _pry_
_pry_.pager.page ls_entity.entities_table
def error_list
any_args = args.any?
non_mod_interrogatee = !(Module === @interrogatee)
['-l does not make sense with a specified Object', :locals, any_args],
['-g does not make sense with a specified Object', :globals, any_args],
['-q does not make sense with -v', :quiet, opts.present?(:verbose)],
'-M only makes sense with a Module or a Class', 'instance-methods',
'-c only makes sense with a Module or a Class', :constants,
any_args && non_mod_interrogatee
def raise_errors_if_arguments_are_weird
error_list.each do |message, option, invalid_expr|
raise Pry::CommandError, message if opts.present?(option) && invalid_expr