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require 'socket'
require 'http11'
require 'thread'
# Mongrel module containing all of the classes (include C extensions) for running
# a Mongrel web server. It contains a minimalist HTTP server with just enough
# functionality to service web application requests fast as possible.
module Mongrel
# When a handler is found for a registered URI then this class is constructed
# and passed to your HttpHandler::process method. You should assume that
# *one* handler processes all requests. Included in the HttpReqeust is a
# HttpRequest.params Hash that matches common CGI params, and a HttpRequest.body
# which is a string containing the request body (raw for now).
# Mongrel really only support small-ish request bodies right now since really
# huge ones have to be completely read off the wire and put into a string.
# Later there will be several options for efficiently handling large file
# uploads.
class HttpRequest
attr_reader :body, :params
# You don't really call this. It's made for you.
# Main thing it does is hook up the params, and store any remaining
# body data into the HttpRequest.body attribute.
def initialize(params, initial_body, socket)
@body = initial_body || ""
@params = params
@socket = socket
# fix up the CGI requirements
params['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = params['HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH'] || 0
# now, if the initial_body isn't long enough for the content length we have to fill it
# TODO: adapt for big ass stuff by writing to a temp file
clen = params['HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH'].to_i
if @body.length < clen
@body << @socket.read(clen - @body.length)
# Very very simple response object. You basically write your stuff raw
# to the HttpResponse.socket variable. This will be made *much* easier
# in future releases allowing you to set status and request headers prior
# to sending the response.
class HttpResponse
attr_reader :socket
def initialize(socket)
@socket = socket
# You implement your application handler with this. It's very light giving
# just the minimum necessary for you to handle a request and shoot back
# a response. Look at the HttpRequest and HttpResponse objects for how
# to use them.
class HttpHandler
attr_accessor :script_name
def process(request, response)
# The server normally returns a 404 response if a URI is requested, but it
# also returns a lame empty message. This lets you do a 404 response
# with a custom message for special URIs.
class Error404Handler < HttpHandler
# Sets the message to return. This is constructed once for the handler
# so it's pretty efficient.
def initialize(msg)
@response = HttpServer::ERROR_404_RESPONSE + msg
# Just kicks back the standard 404 response with your special message.
def process(request, response)
# This is the main driver of Mongrel, while the Mognrel::HttpParser and Mongrel::URIClassifier
# make up the majority of how the server functions. It's a very simple class that just
# has a thread accepting connections and a simple HttpServer.process_client function
# to do the heavy lifting with the IO and Ruby.
# *NOTE:* The process_client function used threads at one time but that proved to have
# stability issues on Mac OSX. Actually, Ruby in general has stability issues on Mac OSX.
# You use it by doing the following:
# server = HttpServer.new("", 3000)
# server.register("/stuff", MyNifterHandler.new)
# server.run.join
# The last line can be just server.run if you don't want to join the thread used.
# If you don't though Ruby will mysteriously just exit on you.
class HttpServer
attr_reader :acceptor
# The standard empty 404 response for bad requests. Use Error4040Handler for custom stuff.
ERROR_404_RESPONSE="HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nServer: Mongrel/0.1\r\n\r\n"
# For now we just read 2k chunks. Not optimal at all.
# Creates a working server on host:port (strange things happen if port isn't a Number).
# Use HttpServer::run to start the server.
def initialize(host, port)
@socket = TCPServer.new(host, port)
@classifier = URIClassifier.new
# Used internally to process an accepted client. It uses HttpParser and URIClassifier
# (in ext/http11/http11.c) to do the heavy work, and mostly just does a hack job
# at some simple IO. Future releases will target this area mostly.
def process_client(client)
parser = HttpParser.new
params = {}
data = ""
while true
data << client.readpartial(CHUNK_SIZE)
nread = parser.execute(params, data)
if parser.error?
STDERR.puts "parser error:"
STDERR.puts data
elsif parser.finished?
script_name, path_info, handler = @classifier.resolve(params["PATH_INFO"])
if handler
params['PATH_INFO'] = path_info
params['SCRIPT_NAME'] = script_name
request = HttpRequest.new(params, data[nread ... data.length], client)
response = HttpResponse.new(client)
handler.process(request, response)
# gotta stream and read again until we can get the parser to be character safe
# TODO: make this more efficient since this means we're parsing a lot repeatedly
rescue => details
STDERR.puts "ERROR: #{details}"
STDERR.puts details.backtrace.join("\n")
# Runs the thing. It returns the thread used so you can "join" it. You can also
# access the HttpServer::acceptor attribute to get the thread later.
def run
@acceptor = Thread.new do
while true
# Simply registers a handler with the internal URIClassifier. When the URI is
# found in the prefix of a request then your handler's HttpHandler::process method
# is called. See Mongrel::URIClassifier#register for more information.
def register(uri, handler)
@classifier.register(uri, handler)
# Removes any handler registered at the given URI. See Mongrel::URIClassifier#unregister
# for more information.
def unregister(uri)