2015-07-14 10:28:59 -07:00
module Puma::Rack
class Options
def parse! ( args )
options = { }
opt_parser = OptionParser . new ( " " , 24 , ' ' ) do | opts |
opts . banner = " Usage: rackup [ruby options] [rack options] [rackup config] "
opts . separator " "
opts . separator " Ruby options: "
lineno = 1
opts . on ( " -e " , " --eval LINE " , " evaluate a LINE of code " ) { | line |
eval line , TOPLEVEL_BINDING , " -e " , lineno
lineno += 1
opts . on ( " -b " , " --builder BUILDER_LINE " , " evaluate a BUILDER_LINE of code as a builder script " ) { | line |
options [ :builder ] = line
opts . on ( " -d " , " --debug " , " set debugging flags (set $DEBUG to true) " ) {
options [ :debug ] = true
opts . on ( " -w " , " --warn " , " turn warnings on for your script " ) {
options [ :warn ] = true
opts . on ( " -q " , " --quiet " , " turn off logging " ) {
options [ :quiet ] = true
opts . on ( " -I " , " --include PATH " ,
" specify $LOAD_PATH (may be used more than once) " ) { | path |
( options [ :include ] || = [ ] ) . concat ( path . split ( " : " ) )
opts . on ( " -r " , " --require LIBRARY " ,
" require the library, before executing your script " ) { | library |
options [ :require ] = library
opts . separator " "
opts . separator " Rack options: "
opts . on ( " -s " , " --server SERVER " , " serve using SERVER (thin/puma/webrick/mongrel) " ) { | s |
options [ :server ] = s
opts . on ( " -o " , " --host HOST " , " listen on HOST (default: localhost) " ) { | host |
options [ :Host ] = host
opts . on ( " -p " , " --port PORT " , " use PORT (default: 9292) " ) { | port |
options [ :Port ] = port
opts . on ( " -O " , " --option NAME[=VALUE] " , " pass VALUE to the server as option NAME. If no VALUE, sets it to true. Run ' #{ $0 } -s SERVER -h' to get a list of options for SERVER " ) { | name |
name , value = name . split ( '=' , 2 )
value = true if value . nil?
options [ name . to_sym ] = value
opts . on ( " -E " , " --env ENVIRONMENT " , " use ENVIRONMENT for defaults (default: development) " ) { | e |
options [ :environment ] = e
opts . on ( " -D " , " --daemonize " , " run daemonized in the background " ) { | d |
options [ :daemonize ] = d ? true : false
opts . on ( " -P " , " --pid FILE " , " file to store PID " ) { | f |
options [ :pid ] = :: File . expand_path ( f )
opts . separator " "
opts . separator " Common options: "
opts . on_tail ( " -h " , " -? " , " --help " , " Show this message " ) do
puts opts
puts handler_opts ( options )
opts . on_tail ( " --version " , " Show version " ) do
puts " Rack #{ Rack . version } (Release: #{ Rack . release } ) "
opt_parser . parse! args
rescue OptionParser :: InvalidOption = > e
warn e . message
abort opt_parser . to_s
options [ :config ] = args . last if args . last
def handler_opts ( options )
info = [ ]
server = Rack :: Handler . get ( options [ :server ] ) || Rack :: Handler . default ( options )
if server && server . respond_to? ( :valid_options )
info << " "
info << " Server-specific options for #{ server . name } : "
has_options = false
server . valid_options . each do | name , description |
next if name . to_s . match ( / ^(Host|Port)[^a-zA-Z] / ) # ignore handler's host and port options, we do our own.
info << " -O %-21s %s " % [ name , description ]
has_options = true
return " " if ! has_options
info . join ( " \n " )
rescue NameError
return " Warning: Could not find handler specified ( #{ options [ :server ] || 'default' } ) to determine handler-specific options "
# Rack::Builder implements a small DSL to iteratively construct Rack
# applications.
# Example:
# require 'rack/lobster'
# app = Rack::Builder.new do
# use Rack::CommonLogger
# use Rack::ShowExceptions
# map "/lobster" do
# use Rack::Lint
# run Rack::Lobster.new
# end
# end
# run app
# Or
# app = Rack::Builder.app do
# use Rack::CommonLogger
# run lambda { |env| [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, ['OK']] }
# end
# run app
# +use+ adds middleware to the stack, +run+ dispatches to an application.
# You can use +map+ to construct a Rack::URLMap in a convenient way.
class Builder
def self . parse_file ( config , opts = Options . new )
options = { }
if config =~ / \ .ru$ /
cfgfile = :: File . read ( config )
if cfgfile [ / ^ # \\ (.*) / ] && opts
options = opts . parse! $1 . split ( / \ s+ / )
cfgfile . sub! ( / ^__END__ \ n.* \ Z /m , '' )
app = new_from_string cfgfile , config
require config
app = Object . const_get ( :: File . basename ( config , '.rb' ) . capitalize )
return app , options
def self . new_from_string ( builder_script , file = " (rackup) " )
eval " Puma::Rack::Builder.new { \n " + builder_script + " \n }.to_app " ,
2015-08-03 21:54:55 -07:00
2015-07-14 10:28:59 -07:00
def initialize ( default_app = nil , & block )
@use , @map , @run , @warmup = [ ] , nil , default_app , nil
2015-08-03 21:54:55 -07:00
# Conditionally load rack now, so that any rack middlewares,
# etc are available.
require 'rack'
rescue LoadError
2015-07-14 10:28:59 -07:00
instance_eval ( & block ) if block_given?
def self . app ( default_app = nil , & block )
self . new ( default_app , & block ) . to_app
# Specifies middleware to use in a stack.
# class Middleware
# def initialize(app)
# @app = app
# end
# def call(env)
# env["rack.some_header"] = "setting an example"
# @app.call(env)
# end
# end
# use Middleware
# run lambda { |env| [200, { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" }, ["OK"]] }
# All requests through to this application will first be processed by the middleware class.
# The +call+ method in this example sets an additional environment key which then can be
# referenced in the application if required.
def use ( middleware , * args , & block )
if @map
mapping , @map = @map , nil
@use << proc { | app | generate_map app , mapping }
@use << proc { | app | middleware . new ( app , * args , & block ) }
# Takes an argument that is an object that responds to #call and returns a Rack response.
# The simplest form of this is a lambda object:
# run lambda { |env| [200, { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" }, ["OK"]] }
# However this could also be a class:
# class Heartbeat
# def self.call(env)
# [200, { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" }, ["OK"]]
# end
# end
# run Heartbeat
def run ( app )
@run = app
# Takes a lambda or block that is used to warm-up the application.
# warmup do |app|
# client = Rack::MockRequest.new(app)
# client.get('/')
# end
# use SomeMiddleware
# run MyApp
def warmup ( prc = nil , & block )
@warmup = prc || block
# Creates a route within the application.
# Rack::Builder.app do
# map '/' do
# run Heartbeat
# end
# end
# The +use+ method can also be used here to specify middleware to run under a specific path:
# Rack::Builder.app do
# map '/' do
# use Middleware
# run Heartbeat
# end
# end
# This example includes a piece of middleware which will run before requests hit +Heartbeat+.
def map ( path , & block )
@map || = { }
@map [ path ] = block
def to_app
app = @map ? generate_map ( @run , @map ) : @run
fail " missing run or map statement " unless app
app = @use . reverse . inject ( app ) { | a , e | e [ a ] }
@warmup . call ( app ) if @warmup
def call ( env )
to_app . call ( env )
def generate_map ( default_app , mapping )
2015-07-17 10:52:06 -07:00
require 'puma/rack/urlmap'
2015-07-14 10:28:59 -07:00
mapped = default_app ? { '/' = > default_app } : { }
mapping . each { | r , b | mapped [ r ] = self . class . new ( default_app , & b ) . to_app }
URLMap . new ( mapped )