mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 13:48:40 -05:00
Runs a rack app!
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 374 additions and 215 deletions
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Manifest.txt
@ -9,11 +9,9 @@
require 'yaml'
require 'etc'
$LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../lib"
require 'puma'
require 'puma/rails'
Puma::Gems.require 'gem_plugin'
Puma::Gems.require 'puma/gem_plugin'
# require 'ruby-debug'
# Debugger.start
@ -24,25 +22,19 @@ module Puma
def configure
options [
["-e", "--environment ENV", "Rails environment to run as", :@environment, ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || "development"],
["-d", "--daemonize", "Run daemonized in the background", :@daemon, false],
['-p', '--port PORT', "Which port to bind to", :@port, 3000],
['-a', '--address ADDR', "Address to bind to", :@address, ""],
['-l', '--log FILE', "Where to write log messages", :@log_file, "log/puma.log"],
['-P', '--pid FILE', "Where to write the PID", :@pid_file, "log/puma.pid"],
['-n', '--num-processors INT', "Number of processors active before clients denied", :@num_processors, 1024],
['-o', '--timeout TIME', "Time to wait (in seconds) before killing a stalled thread", :@timeout, 60],
['-t', '--throttle TIME', "Time to pause (in hundredths of a second) between accepting clients", :@throttle, 0],
['-m', '--mime PATH', "A YAML file that lists additional MIME types", :@mime_map, nil],
['-n', '--concurrency INT', "Number of concurrent threads to use",
:@concurrency, 16],
['-c', '--chdir PATH', "Change to dir before starting (will be expanded)", :@cwd, Dir.pwd],
['-r', '--root PATH', "Set the document root (default 'public')", :@docroot, "public"],
['-B', '--debug', "Enable debugging mode", :@debug, false],
['-C', '--config PATH', "Use a config file", :@config_file, nil],
['-S', '--script PATH', "Load the given file as an extra config script", :@config_script, nil],
['-G', '--generate PATH', "Generate a config file for use with -C", :@generate, nil],
['-r', '--rackup PATH', 'Load a specific rackup file', :@rackup_file, "config.ru"],
['', '--user USER', "User to run as", :@user, nil],
['', '--group GROUP', "Group to run as", :@group, nil],
['', '--prefix PATH', "URL prefix for Rails app", :@prefix, nil]
['', '--group GROUP', "Group to run as", :@group, nil]
@ -61,99 +53,52 @@ module Puma
# Change there to start, then we'll have to come back after daemonize
valid?(@prefix[0] == ?/ && @prefix[-1] != ?/, "Prefix must begin with / and not end in /") if @prefix
valid_dir? File.dirname(@log_file), "Path to log file not valid: #@log_file"
valid_dir? File.dirname(@pid_file), "Path to pid file not valid: #@pid_file"
valid_dir? @docroot, "Path to docroot not valid: #@docroot"
valid_exists? @mime_map, "MIME mapping file does not exist: #@mime_map" if @mime_map
valid_exists? @config_file, "Config file not there: #@config_file" if @config_file
valid_dir? File.dirname(@generate), "Problem accessing directory to #@generate" if @generate
valid_user? @user if @user
valid_group? @group if @group
@rackup = ARGV.shift || "config.ru"
valid? File.exists?(@rackup), "Unable to find rackup file"
return @valid
def run
if @generate
@generate = File.expand_path(@generate)
@generate = File.expand_path(@generate)
@stderr.puts "** Writing config to \"#@generate\"."
open(@generate, "w") {|f| f.write(settings.to_yaml) }
@stderr.puts "** Finished. Run \"puma_rails start -C #@generate\" to use the config file."
exit 0
config = Puma::Rails::RailsConfigurator.new(settings) do
if defaults[:daemon]
if File.exist? defaults[:pid_file]
log "!!! PID file #{defaults[:pid_file]} already exists. Puma could be running already. Check your #{defaults[:log_file]} for errors."
log "!!! Exiting with error. You must stop puma and clear the .pid before I'll attempt a start."
exit 1
rackup = @rackup
config = Puma::Configurator.new(settings) do |c|
c.log "Starting Puma listening at #{c.defaults[:host]}:#{c.defaults[:port]}"
c.listener do |l|
l.load_rackup rackup
if c.defaults[:config_script]
c.log "Loading #{c.defaults[:config_script]} external config script"
log "Daemonized, any open files are closed. Look at #{defaults[:pid_file]} and #{defaults[:log_file]} for info."
log "Settings loaded from #{@config_file} (they override command line)." if @config_file
log "Starting Puma listening at #{defaults[:host]}:#{defaults[:port]}"
listener do
mime = {}
if defaults[:mime_map]
log "Loading additional MIME types from #{defaults[:mime_map]}"
mime = load_mime_map(defaults[:mime_map], mime)
if defaults[:debug]
log "Installing debugging prefixed filters. Look in log/puma_debug for the files."
debug "/"
log "Starting Rails with #{defaults[:environment]} environment..."
log "Mounting Rails at #{defaults[:prefix]}..." if defaults[:prefix]
uri defaults[:prefix] || "/", :handler => rails(:mime => mime, :prefix => defaults[:prefix])
log "Rails loaded."
log "Loading any Rails specific GemPlugins"
if defaults[:config_script]
log "Loading #{defaults[:config_script]} external config script"
config.log "Puma #{Puma::Const::PUMA_VERSION} available at #{@address}:#{@port}"
unless config.defaults[:daemon]
config.log "Use CTRL-C to stop."
config.log "Use CTRL-C to stop."
if config.needs_restart
unless RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mingw|mswin/
cmd = "ruby #{__FILE__} start #{original_args.join(' ')}"
config.log "Restarting with arguments: #{cmd}"
config.stop(false, true)
if config.defaults[:daemon]
system cmd
@stderr.puts "Can't restart unless in daemon mode."
exit 1
config.log "Win32 does not support restarts. Exiting."
def load_config
@ -161,7 +106,7 @@ module Puma
settings = YAML.load_file(@config_file)
@stderr.puts "** Loading settings from #{@config_file} (they override command line)." unless @daemon || settings[:daemon]
@stderr.puts "** Loading settings from #{@config_file} (they override command line)."
settings[:includes] ||= ["puma"]
@ -181,7 +126,7 @@ module Puma
def config_keys
@config_keys ||=
%w(address host port cwd log_file pid_file environment docroot mime_map daemon debug includes config_script num_processors timeout throttle user group prefix)
%w(address host port cwd log_file pid_file config_script concurrency user group)
def settings
@ -194,7 +139,7 @@ module Puma
def Puma::send_signal(signal, pid_file)
def Puma.send_signal(signal, pid_file)
pid = File.read(pid_file).to_i
print "Sending #{signal} to Puma at PID #{pid}..."
@ -206,7 +151,6 @@ module Puma
puts "Done."
class Stop < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands"
include Puma::Command::Base
@ -236,9 +180,9 @@ module Puma
sleep 1
Puma::send_signal("KILL", @pid_file) if File.exist? @pid_file
Puma.send_signal("KILL", @pid_file) if File.exist? @pid_file
Puma::send_signal("TERM", @pid_file)
Puma.send_signal("TERM", @pid_file)
@ -267,16 +211,15 @@ module Puma
def run
if @soft
Puma::send_signal("HUP", @pid_file)
Puma.send_signal("HUP", @pid_file)
Puma::send_signal("USR2", @pid_file)
Puma.send_signal("USR2", @pid_file)
GemPlugin::Manager.instance.load "puma" => GemPlugin::INCLUDE,
"rails" => GemPlugin::EXCLUDE
GemPlugin::Manager.instance.load "puma" => GemPlugin::INCLUDE
exit 1 unless Puma::Command::Registry.instance.run(ARGV)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ require 'singleton'
require 'optparse'
require 'puma/gems'
Puma::Gems.require 'gem_plugin'
Puma::Gems.require 'puma/gem_plugin'
module Puma
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module Puma
module Command
BANNER = "Usage: puma_rails <command> [options]"
BANNER = "Usage: puma <command> [options]"
# A Command pattern implementation used to create the set of command available to the user
# from Puma. The script uses objects which implement this interface to do the
@ -31,9 +31,10 @@ module Puma
def options(opts)
# process the given options array
opts.each do |short, long, help, variable, default|
self.instance_variable_set(variable, default)
instance_variable_set(variable, default)
@opt.on(short, long, help) do |arg|
self.instance_variable_set(variable, arg)
instance_variable_set(variable, arg)
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ module Puma
def initialize(options={})
argv = options[:argv] || []
@stderr = options[:stderr] || $stderr
@stdout = options[:stdout] || $stderr
@stdout = options[:stdout] || $stdout
@opt = OptionParser.new
@opt.banner = Puma::Command::BANNER
@ -165,22 +166,30 @@ module Puma
@stdout.puts "#{Puma::Command::BANNER}\nAvailable commands are:\n\n"
self.commands.each do |name|
if /puma::/ =~ name
name = name[9 .. -1]
if /puma::(.*)/ =~ name
name = $1
@stdout.puts " - #{name[1 .. -1]}\n"
@stdout.puts " - #{name}\n"
@stdout.puts "\nEach command takes -h as an option to get help."
BUILTIN_COMMANDS = ["start", "stop", "restart"]
# Runs the args against the first argument as the command name.
# If it has any errors it returns a false, otherwise it return true.
def run(args)
# find the command
cmd_name = args.shift
cmd_name = args.first
if !cmd_name or (!BUILTIN_COMMANDS.include?(cmd_name) and
cmd_name = "start"
if !cmd_name or cmd_name == "?" or cmd_name == "help"
@ -191,8 +200,10 @@ module Puma
# quick hack so that existing commands will keep working but the Puma:: ones can be moved
if ["start", "stop", "restart"].include? cmd_name
# quick hack so that existing commands will keep working but the
# Puma:: ones can be moved
if BUILTIN_COMMANDS.include? cmd_name
cmd_name = "puma::" + cmd_name
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
require 'yaml'
require 'etc'
require 'rack/builder'
module Puma
# Implements a simple DSL for configuring a Puma server for your
# purposes. More used by framework implementers to setup Puma
@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ module Puma
@pid_file = defaults[:pid_file]
if block
yield self
@ -129,14 +131,14 @@ module Puma
# * :user => User to change to, must have :group as well.
# * :group => Group to change to, must have :user as well.
def listener(options={},&block)
def listener(options={})
raise "Cannot call listener inside another listener block." if (@listener or @listener_name)
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
ops[:num_processors] ||= 950
ops[:throttle] ||= 0
ops[:timeout] ||= 60
@listener = Puma::HttpServer.new(ops[:host], ops[:port].to_i, ops[:num_processors].to_i, ops[:throttle].to_i, ops[:timeout].to_i)
@listener = Puma::Server.new(ops[:host], ops[:port].to_i, ops[:concurrency].to_i)
@listener_name = "#{ops[:host]}:#{ops[:port]}"
@listeners[@listener_name] = @listener
@ -145,8 +147,8 @@ module Puma
# Does the actual cloaking operation to give the new implicit self.
if block
if block_given?
yield self
# all done processing this listener setup, reset implicit variables
@ -154,60 +156,13 @@ module Puma
@listener_name = nil
def load_rackup(file)
app, options = Rack::Builder.parse_file file
# Called inside a Configurator.listener block in order to
# add URI->handler mappings for that listener. Use this as
# many times as you like. It expects the following options
# or defaults:
# * :handler => HttpHandler -- Handler to use for this location.
# * :in_front => true/false -- Rather than appending, it prepends this handler.
def uri(location, options={})
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
@listener.register(location, ops[:handler], ops[:in_front])
@listener.app = app
# Do something with options?
# Daemonizes the current Ruby script turning all the
# listeners into an actual "server" or detached process.
# You must call this *before* frameworks that open files
# as otherwise the files will be closed by this function.
# Does not work for Win32 systems (the call is silently ignored).
# Requires the following options or defaults:
# * :cwd => Directory to change to.
# * :log_file => Where to write STDOUT and STDERR.
# It is safe to call this on win32 as it will only require the daemons
# gem/library if NOT win32.
def daemonize(options={})
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
# save this for later since daemonize will hose it
unless RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mingw|mswin/
require 'daemons/daemonize'
logfile = ops[:log_file]
if logfile[0].chr != "/"
logfile = File.join(ops[:cwd],logfile)
if not File.exist?(File.dirname(logfile))
log "!!! Log file directory not found at full path #{File.dirname(logfile)}. Update your configuration to use a full path."
exit 1
# change back to the original starting directory
log "WARNING: Win32 does not support daemon mode."
# Uses the GemPlugin system to easily load plugins based on their
# gem dependencies. You pass in either an :includes => [] or
# :excludes => [] setting listing the names of plugins to include
@ -237,24 +192,6 @@ module Puma
# Loads the MIME map file and checks that it is correct
# on loading. This is commonly passed to Puma::DirHandler
# or any framework handler that uses DirHandler to serve files.
# You can also include a set of default MIME types as additional
# settings. See Puma::DirHandler for how the MIME types map
# is organized.
def load_mime_map(file, mime={})
# configure any requested mime map
mime = load_yaml(file, mime)
# check all the mime types to make sure they are the right format
mime.each {|k,v| log "WARNING: MIME type #{k} must start with '.'" if k.index(".") != 0 }
return mime
# Loads and creates a plugin for you based on the given
# name and configured with the selected options. The options
# are merged with the defaults prior to passing them in.
@ -281,8 +218,6 @@ module Puma
@listeners.each {|name,s|
$puma_sleeper_thread = Thread.new { loop { sleep 1 } }
# Calls .stop on all the configured listeners so they
@ -303,42 +238,6 @@ module Puma
@listeners.values.each {|s| s.acceptor.join }
# Calling this before you register your URIs to the given location
# will setup a set of handlers that log open files, objects, and the
# parameters for each request. This helps you track common problems
# found in Rails applications that are either slow or become unresponsive
# after a little while.
# You can pass an extra parameter *what* to indicate what you want to
# debug. For example, if you just want to dump rails stuff then do:
# debug "/", what = [:rails]
# And it will only produce the log/puma_debug/rails.log file.
# Available options are: :access, :files, :objects, :threads, :rails
# NOTE: Use [:files] to get accesses dumped to stderr like with WEBrick.
def debug(location, what = [:access, :files, :objects, :threads, :rails])
require 'puma/debug'
handlers = {
:access => "/handlers/requestlog::access",
:files => "/handlers/requestlog::files",
:objects => "/handlers/requestlog::objects",
:threads => "/handlers/requestlog::threads",
:rails => "/handlers/requestlog::params"
# turn on the debugging infrastructure, and ObjectTracker is a pig
# now we roll through each requested debug type, turn it on and load that plugin
what.each do |type|
PumaDbg.begin_trace type
uri location, :handler => plugin(handlers[type])
# Used to allow you to let users specify their own configurations
# inside your Configurator setup. You pass it a script name and
# it reads it in and does an eval on the contents passing in the right
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
require 'singleton'
require 'rubygems'
# Implements a dynamic plugin loading, configuration, and discovery system
# based on RubyGems and a simple additional name space that looks like a URI.
# A plugin is created and put into a category with the following code:
# class MyThing < GemPlugin::Plugin "/things"
# ...
# end
# What this does is sets up your MyThing in the plugin registry via GemPlugin::Manager.
# You can then later get this plugin with GemPlugin::Manager.create("/things/mything")
# and can also pass in options as a second parameter.
# This isn't such a big deal, but the power is really from the GemPlugin::Manager.load
# method. This method will go through the installed gems and require_gem any
# that depend on the gem_plugin RubyGem. You can arbitrarily include or exclude
# gems based on what they also depend on, thus letting you load these gems when appropriate.
# Since this system was written originally for the Mongrel project that'll be the
# best example of using it.
# Imagine you have a neat plugin for Mongrel called snazzy_command that gives the
# mongrel_rails a new command snazzy (like: mongrel_rails snazzy). You'd like
# people to be able to grab this plugin if they want and use it, because it's snazzy.
# First thing you do is create a gem of your project and make sure that it depends
# on "mongrel" AND "gem_plugin". This signals to the GemPlugin system that this is
# a plugin for mongrel.
# Next you put this code into a file like lib/init.rb (can be anything really):
# class Snazzy < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands"
# ...
# end
# Then when you create your gem you have the following bits in your Rakefile:
# spec.add_dependency('mongrel', '>= 0.3.9')
# spec.add_dependency('gem_plugin', '>= 0.1')
# spec.autorequire = 'init.rb'
# Finally, you just have to now publish this gem for people to install and Mongrel
# will "magically" be able to install it.
# The "magic" part though is pretty simple and done via the GemPlugin::Manager.load
# method. Read that to see how it is really done.
module GemPlugin
EXCLUDE = true
INCLUDE = false
class PluginNotLoaded < StandardError; end
# This class is used by people who use gem plugins (but don't necessarily make them)
# to add plugins to their own systems. It provides a way to load plugins, list them,
# and create them as needed.
# It is a singleton so you use like this: GemPlugins::Manager.instance.load
class Manager
include Singleton
attr_reader :plugins
attr_reader :gems
def initialize
# plugins that have been loaded
@plugins = {}
# keeps track of gems which have been loaded already by the manager *and*
# where they came from so that they can be referenced later
@gems = {}
def every_gem
if Gem::VERSION >= '1.8.0'
gems = Gem::Specification.to_a
gems.each { |g| yield g }
gems = Gem::SourceIndex.from_gems_in(sdirs)
gems.each do |path, gem|
yield gem
# Responsible for going through the list of available gems and loading
# any plugins requested. It keeps track of what it's loaded already
# and won't load them again.
# It accepts one parameter which is a hash of gem depends that should include
# or exclude a gem from being loaded. A gem must depend on gem_plugin to be
# considered, but then each system has to add it's own INCLUDE to make sure
# that only plugins related to it are loaded.
# An example again comes from Mongrel. In order to load all Mongrel plugins:
# GemPlugin::Manager.instance.load "mongrel" => GemPlugin::INCLUDE
# Which will load all plugins that depend on mongrel AND gem_plugin. Now, one
# extra thing we do is we delay loading Rails Mongrel plugins until after rails
# is configured. Do do this the mongrel_rails script has:
# GemPlugin::Manager.instance.load "mongrel" => GemPlugin::INCLUDE, "rails" => GemPlugin::EXCLUDE
# The only thing to remember is that this is saying "include a plugin if it
# depends on gem_plugin, mongrel, but NOT rails". If a plugin also depends on other
# stuff then it's loaded just fine. Only gem_plugin, mongrel, and rails are
# ever used to determine if it should be included.
# NOTE: Currently RubyGems will run autorequire on gems that get required AND
# on their dependencies. This really messes with people running edge rails
# since activerecord or other stuff gets loaded for just touching a gem plugin.
# To prevent this load requires the full path to the "init.rb" file, which
# avoids the RubyGems autorequire magic.
def load(needs = {})
needs = needs.merge({"gem_plugin" => INCLUDE})
every_gem do |gem|
# don't load gems more than once
next if @gems.has_key? gem.name
check = needs.dup
# rolls through the depends and inverts anything it finds
gem.dependencies.each do |dep|
# this will fail if a gem is depended more than once
if check.has_key? dep.name
check[dep.name] = !check[dep.name]
# now since excluded gems start as true, inverting them
# makes them false so we'll skip this gem if any excludes are found
if (check.select {|name,test| !test}).length == 0
# looks like no needs were set to false, so it's good
# Previously was set wrong, we already have the correct gem path!
gem_dir = ""
Gem.path.each do |gem_path|
gem_dir = File.join(gem_path, "gems", path)
break if File.exists?(gem_dir)
require File.join(gem_dir, "lib", gem.name, "init.rb")
@gems[gem.name] = gem_dir
return nil
# Not necessary for you to call directly, but this is
# how GemPlugin::Base.inherited actually adds a
# plugin to a category.
def register(category, name, klass)
@plugins[category] ||= {}
@plugins[category][name.downcase] = klass
# Resolves the given name (should include /category/name) to
# find the plugin class and create an instance. You can
# pass a second hash option that is then given to the Plugin
# to configure it.
def create(name, options = {})
last_slash = name.rindex("/")
category = name[0 ... last_slash]
plugin = name[last_slash .. -1]
map = @plugins[category]
if not map
raise "Plugin category #{category} does not exist"
elsif not map.has_key? plugin
raise "Plugin #{plugin} does not exist in category #{category}"
# Simply says whether the given gem has been loaded yet or not.
def loaded?(gem_name)
@gems.has_key? gem_name
# GemPlugins can have a 'resources' directory which is packaged with them
# and can hold any data resources the plugin may need. The main problem
# is that it's difficult to figure out where these resources are
# actually located on the file system. The resource method tries to
# locate the real path for a given resource path.
# Let's say you have a 'resources/stylesheets/default.css' file in your
# gem distribution, then finding where this file really is involves:
# Manager.instance.resource("mygem", "/stylesheets/default.css")
# You either get back the full path to the resource or you get a nil
# if it doesn't exist.
# If you request a path for a GemPlugin that hasn't been loaded yet
# then it will throw an PluginNotLoaded exception. The gem may be
# present on your system in this case, but you just haven't loaded
# it with Manager.instance.load properly.
def resource(gem_name, path)
if not loaded? gem_name
raise PluginNotLoaded.new("Plugin #{gem_name} not loaded when getting resource #{path}")
file = File.join(@gems[gem_name], "resources", path)
if File.exist? file
return file
return nil
# While Manager.resource will find arbitrary resources, a special
# case is when you need to load a set of configuration defaults.
# GemPlugin normalizes this to be if you have a file "resources/defaults.yaml"
# then you'll be able to load them via Manager.config.
# How you use the method is you get the options the user wants set, pass
# them to Manager.instance.config, and what you get back is a new Hash
# with the user's settings overriding the defaults.
# opts = Manager.instance.config "mygem", :age => 12, :max_load => .9
# In the above case, if defaults had {:age => 14} then it would be
# changed to 12.
# This loads the .yaml file on the fly every time, so doing it a
# whole lot is very stupid. If you need to make frequent calls to
# this, call it once with no options (Manager.instance.config) then
# use the returned defaults directly from then on.
def config(gem_name, options={})
config_file = Manager.instance.resource(gem_name, "/defaults.yaml")
if config_file
defaults = YAML.load_file(config_file)
return defaults.merge(options)
raise "Error loading config #{config_file} for gem #{gem_name}"
return options
# This base class for plugins really does nothing
# more than wire up the new class into the right category.
# It is not thread-safe yet but will be soon.
class Base
attr_reader :options
# See Mongrel::Plugin for an explanation.
def Base.inherited(klass)
name = "/" + klass.to_s.downcase
Manager.instance.register(@@category, name, klass)
@@category = nil
# See Mongrel::Plugin for an explanation.
def Base.category=(category)
@@category = category
def initialize(options = {})
@options = options
# This nifty function works with the GemPlugin::Base to give you
# the syntax:
# class MyThing < GemPlugin::Plugin "/things"
# ...
# end
# What it does is temporarily sets the GemPlugin::Base.category, and then
# returns GemPlugin::Base. Since the next immediate thing Ruby does is
# use this returned class to create the new class, GemPlugin::Base.inherited
# gets called. GemPlugin::Base.inherited then uses the set category, class name,
# and class to register the plugin in the right way.
def GemPlugin.Plugin(c)
Base.category = c
@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
require 'puma/gems'
Puma::Gems.require 'gem_plugin'
Puma::Gems.require 'puma/gem_plugin'
# File is just a stub that makes sure the puma_plugins gem is loaded and ready
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ HOE = Hoe.spec 'puma' do
developer 'Evan Phoenix', 'evan@phx.io'
spec_extras[:extensions] = ["ext/http11/extconf.rb"]
spec_extras[:executables] = ['puma_rails']
spec_extras[:executables] = ['puma']
extra_rdoc_files << 'LICENSE'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
require 'rack/lobster'
use Rack::ShowExceptions
run Rack::Lobster.new
Add table
Reference in a new issue