mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 13:48:40 -05:00
Removed experimental mime carving (in branch now).
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://rubyforge.org/var/svn/mongrel/trunk@413 19e92222-5c0b-0410-8929-a290d50e31e9
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 0 additions and 489 deletions
@ -9,26 +9,11 @@
#include "http11_parser.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "tst.h"
#include <string.h>
typedef struct BMHSearchState {
size_t occ[UCHAR_MAX+1];
size_t htotal;
unsigned char *needle;
size_t nlen;
size_t skip;
size_t max_find;
size_t *found_at;
size_t nfound;
} BMHSearchState;
static VALUE mMongrel;
static VALUE cHttpParser;
static VALUE cBMHSearch;
static VALUE cURIClassifier;
static VALUE eHttpParserError;
static VALUE eBMHSearchError;
#define id_handler_map rb_intern("@handler_map")
#define id_http_body rb_intern("@http_body")
@ -192,294 +177,6 @@ void header_done(void *data, const char *at, size_t length)
inline size_t max(size_t a, size_t b) { return a>b ? a : b; }
void BMHSearch_free(void *data) {
BMHSearchState *S = (BMHSearchState *)data;
if(data) {
if(S->needle) free(S->needle);
if(S->found_at) free(S->found_at);
VALUE BMHSearch_alloc(VALUE klass)
VALUE obj;
BMHSearchState *S = ALLOC_N(BMHSearchState, 1);
obj = Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, NULL, BMHSearch_free, S);
return obj;
* call-seq:
* BMHSearch.new(needle, max_find) -> searcher
* Prepares the needle for searching and allocates enough space to
* retain max_find locations. BMHSearch will throw an exception
* if you go over the max_find without calling BMHSearch#pop.
VALUE BMHSearch_init(VALUE self, VALUE needle, VALUE max_find)
BMHSearchState *S = NULL;
size_t a, b;
DATA_GET(self, BMHSearchState, S);
S->htotal = 0;
S->nfound = 0;
S->skip = 0;
S->nlen = RSTRING(needle)->len;
S->max_find = FIX2INT(max_find);
S->needle = NULL;
S->found_at = NULL;
if(S->nlen <= 0) rb_raise(eBMHSearchError, "Needle can't be 0 length.");
// copy it so we don't have to worry about Ruby messing it up
S->needle = ALLOC_N(unsigned char, S->nlen);
memcpy(S->needle, RSTRING(needle)->ptr, S->nlen);
// setup the number of finds they want
S->found_at = ALLOC_N(size_t, S->max_find);
/* Preprocess */
/* Initialize the table to default value */
for(a=0; a<UCHAR_MAX+1; a=a+1) S->occ[a] = S->nlen;
/* Then populate it with the analysis of the needle */
for(a=0; a < S->nlen; a=a+1)
S->occ[S->needle[a]] = b;
return self;
* call-seq:
* searcher.find(haystack) -> nfound
* This will look for the needle in the haystack and return the total
* number found so far. The key ingredient is that you can pass in
* as many haystacks as you want as long as they are longer than the
* needle. Each time you call find, it adds to the total and number
* found. The purpose is to allow you to read a large string in chunks
* and find the needle.
* The main purpose of the nfound is so that you can periodically call
* BMHSearch.pop to clear the list of found locations before you run
* out of max_finds.
VALUE BMHSearch_find(VALUE self, VALUE hay)
size_t hpos = 0, npos = 0, skip = 0;
unsigned char* haystack = NULL;
size_t hlen = 0, last = 0;
BMHSearchState *S = NULL;
DATA_GET(self, BMHSearchState, S);
haystack = RSTRING(hay)->ptr;
hlen = RSTRING(hay)->len;
/* Sanity checks on the parameters */
if(S->nlen > hlen) {
rb_raise(eBMHSearchError, "Haystack can't be smaller than needle.");
} else if(S->nlen <= 0) {
rb_raise(eBMHSearchError, "Needle can't be 0 length.");
} else if(!haystack || !S->needle) {
rb_raise(eBMHSearchError, "Corrupt search state. REALLY BAD!");
/* Check for a trailing remainder, which is only possible if skip > 1 */
if(S->skip) {
// only scan for what should be the rest of the string
size_t remainder = S->nlen - S->skip;
if(!memcmp(haystack, S->needle + S->skip, remainder)) {
// record a find
S->found_at[S->nfound++] = S->htotal - S->skip;
// move up by the amount found
hpos += remainder;
/* Start searching from the end of S->needle (this is not a typo) */
hpos = S->nlen-1;
while(hpos < hlen) {
/* Compare the S->needle backwards, and stop when first mismatch is found */
npos = S->nlen-1;
while(hpos < hlen && haystack[hpos] == S->needle[npos]) {
if(npos == 0) {
// found one, log it in found_at, but reduce by the skip if we're at the beginning
S->found_at[S->nfound++] = hpos + S->htotal;
last = hpos; // keep track of the last one we found in this chunk
if(S->nfound > S->max_find) {
rb_raise(eBMHSearchError, "More than max requested needles found. Use pop.");
/* continue at the next possible spot, from end of S->needle (not typo) */
hpos += S->nlen + S->nlen - 1;
npos = S->nlen - 1;
} else {
// exhausted the string already, done
if(hpos > hlen) break;
/* Find out how much ahead we can skip based on the byte that was found */
skip = max(S->nlen - npos, S->occ[haystack[hpos]]);
hpos += skip;
skip = 0; // skip defaults to 0
// don't bother if the string ends in the needle completely
if(S->nfound == 0 || last != hlen - S->nlen) {
// invert the occ array to figure out how much to jump back
size_t back = S->nlen - S->occ[haystack[hlen-1]];
// the needle could have an ending char that's also repeated in the needle
// in that case, we have to adjust to search for nlen-1 just in case
if(haystack[hlen-1] == S->needle[S->nlen - 1]) {
back = S->nlen - 1;
int found_it = 0; // defaults to 0 for test at end of it
if(back < S->nlen && back > 0) {
// search for the longest possible prefix
for(hpos = hlen - back; hpos < hlen; hpos++) {
skip = hlen - hpos;
if(!memcmp(haystack+hpos, S->needle, skip)) {
found_it = 1; // make sure we actually found it
// skip will be 1 if nothing was found, so we have to force it 0
if(!found_it) skip = 0;
// keep track of the skip, it's set to 0 by the code above
S->skip = skip;
// update the total processed so far so indexes will be in sync
S->htotal += hlen;
return INT2FIX(S->nfound);
* call-seq:
* searcher.pop -> [1, 2, 3, ..]
* Pops off the locations in the TOTAL string (over all haystacks processed)
* clearing the internal buffer for more space and letting you use it.
VALUE BMHSearch_pop(VALUE self)
int i = 0;
BMHSearchState *S = NULL;
VALUE result;
DATA_GET(self, BMHSearchState, S);
result = rb_ary_new();
for(i = 0; i < S->nfound; i++) {
rb_ary_push(result, INT2FIX(S->found_at[i]));
S->nfound = 0;
return result;
* call-seq:
* searcher.nfound -> Fixed
* The number found so far.
VALUE BMHSearch_nfound(VALUE self)
BMHSearchState *S = NULL;
DATA_GET(self, BMHSearchState, S);
return INT2FIX(S->nfound);
* call-seq:
* searcher.max_find -> Fixed
* The current maximum find setting (cannot be changed).
VALUE BMHSearch_max_find(VALUE self)
BMHSearchState *S = NULL;
DATA_GET(self, BMHSearchState, S);
return INT2FIX(S->max_find);
* call-seq:
* searcher.total -> Fixed
* The total bytes processed so far.
VALUE BMHSearch_total(VALUE self)
BMHSearchState *S = NULL;
DATA_GET(self, BMHSearchState, S);
return INT2FIX(S->htotal);
* call-seq:
* searcher.needle -> String
* A COPY of the internal needle string being used for searching.
VALUE BMHSearch_needle(VALUE self)
BMHSearchState *S = NULL;
DATA_GET(self, BMHSearchState, S);
return rb_str_new(S->needle, S->nlen);
* call-seq:
* searcher.has_trailing? -> Boolean
* Tells you whether the last call to BMHSearch#find has possible
* trailing matches. This is mostly for completeness but you
* might use this to adjust the amount of data you're reading
* or the buffer size.
VALUE BMHSearch_has_trailing(VALUE self)
BMHSearchState *S = NULL;
DATA_GET(self, BMHSearchState, S);
return S->skip ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
void HttpParser_free(void *data) {
@ -864,18 +561,6 @@ void Init_http11()
DEF_GLOBAL(port_80, "80");
eHttpParserError = rb_define_class_under(mMongrel, "HttpParserError", rb_eIOError);
eBMHSearchError = rb_define_class_under(mMongrel, "BMHSearchError", rb_eIOError);
cBMHSearch = rb_define_class_under(mMongrel, "BMHSearch", rb_cObject);
rb_define_alloc_func(cBMHSearch, BMHSearch_alloc);
rb_define_method(cBMHSearch, "initialize", BMHSearch_init,2);
rb_define_method(cBMHSearch, "find", BMHSearch_find,1);
rb_define_method(cBMHSearch, "pop", BMHSearch_pop,0);
rb_define_method(cBMHSearch, "nfound", BMHSearch_nfound,0);
rb_define_method(cBMHSearch, "total", BMHSearch_total,0);
rb_define_method(cBMHSearch, "needle", BMHSearch_needle,0);
rb_define_method(cBMHSearch, "max_find", BMHSearch_max_find,0);
rb_define_method(cBMHSearch, "has_trailing?", BMHSearch_has_trailing,0);
cHttpParser = rb_define_class_under(mMongrel, "HttpParser", rb_cObject);
rb_define_alloc_func(cHttpParser, HttpParser_alloc);
@ -199,20 +199,7 @@ module Mongrel
content_length = @params[Const::CONTENT_LENGTH].to_i
remain = content_length - @params.http_body.length
if @params.has_key? 'CONTENT_TYPE'
# see if it's multipart, and carve out the boundary for later
@mpart_type, @mpart_boundary = @params['CONTENT_TYPE'].split(/;\s*/)
if @mpart_type and @mpart_boundary and @mpart_boundary.include? "="
@mpart_boundary = @mpart_boundary.split("=")[1].strip
STDERR.puts "boundary: #{@mpart_boundary}"
@params['MULTIPART_TYPE'] = @mpart_type
@params['MULTIPART_BOUNDARY'] = @mpart_boundary
@search = BMHSearch.new(@mpart_boundary, 100)
dispatcher.request_begins(@params) if dispatcher
@search.find @params.http_body if @search and @params.http_body.length > @mpart_boundary.length
# Some clients (like FF1.0) report 0 for body and then send a body. This will probably truncate them but at least the request goes through usually.
if remain <= 0
@ -235,15 +222,6 @@ module Mongrel
read_body(remain, content_length, dispatcher)
if @search and @body
STDERR.puts "number of boundaries: #{@search.nfound}"
@search.pop.each do |boundary|
@body.seek(boundary - 2)
STDERR.puts "BOUNDARY at #{boundary}: #{@body.read(@mpart_boundary.length + 2)}"
@body.rewind if @body
@ -256,7 +234,6 @@ module Mongrel
# write the odd sized chunk first
@params.http_body = read_socket(remain % Const::CHUNK_SIZE)
@search.find(@params.http_body) if @search
remain -= @body.write(@params.http_body)
dispatcher.request_progress(@params, remain, total) if dispatcher
@ -265,7 +242,6 @@ module Mongrel
until remain <= 0 or @socket.closed?
# ASSUME: we are writing to a disk and these writes always write the requested amount
@params.http_body = read_socket(Const::CHUNK_SIZE)
@search.find(@params.http_body) if @search
remain -= @body.write(@params.http_body)
dispatcher.request_progress(@params, remain, total) if dispatcher
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) 2005 Zed A. Shaw
# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Ruby.
# Additional work donated by contributors. See http://mongrel.rubyforge.org/attributions.html
# for more information.
require 'test/unit'
require 'mongrel'
require 'http11'
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/testhelp.rb"
include Mongrel
class BMHSearchTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
@needle = "needle"
def teardown
def test_operations
to_find = "this has a needle and a need"
s = BMHSearch.new(@needle, 10)
assert s.needle == @needle, "internal needle does not match needle"
assert_equal s.max_find, 10, "max_found isn't right"
n = s.find(to_find)
assert_equal n,1,"wrong number found"
assert_equal n,s.nfound, "returned found and nfound don't match"
f = s.pop
assert f, "didn't get the locations"
assert_equal f.length,n,"wrong number of returned finds"
assert_equal f[0],11,"wrong location returned"
assert_equal to_find.length, s.total, "total doesn't match searched length"
assert s.has_trailing?, "should have trailing data"
to_find2 = "le through a needle dude"
n = s.find(to_find2)
assert_equal n,2,"second find not working"
assert_equal n,s.nfound, "nfound don't match"
f = s.pop
assert f, "pop after second find not working"
assert_equal f[0],24,"first location of second find not right"
assert_equal f[1],41,"second location of second find not right"
assert_equal to_find.length+to_find2.length,s.total,"wrong total length"
assert !s.has_trailing?, "should not have trailing"
assert_raise BMHSearchError do
11.times { s.find("this has a needle") }
def test_boundaries_over_chunks
hay = ["zed is a tool ba",
"ggiethis has the baggieb",
"aggie of baggie-baggie tricks in another ",
total = "zed is a tool baggiethis has the baggiebaggie of baggie-baggie tricks in another baggie"
s = BMHSearch.new("baggie", 20)
hay.each {|h| s.find(h) }
hay_found = s.pop
s = BMHSearch.new("baggie", 20)
total_found = s.pop
assert_equal hay_found.length, total_found.length, "wrong number of needles found"
total_found.length.times do |i|
assert_equal total_found[i], hay_found[i], "boundary doesn't match"
def test_fuzzing
has_rfuzz = require 'rfuzz/random'
rescue Object
has_rfuzz = false
if has_rfuzz
r = RFuzz::RandomGenerator.new
needles = r.base64(20, 64).collect {|n| "\r\n" + n.strip }
needles.each do |needle|
next if needle.length == 0
nchunks = r.num(10) + 10
bmh = BMHSearch.new(needle, nchunks+1)
total = "" # used to collect the full string for compare
# each needle is sprinkled into up to 100 chunks
nchunks.times do
# each chunk is up to 16k in size
chunk = r.bytes(r.num(16 * 1024) + needle.length * 2)
chunk.gsub! needle, ""
# make about 60% go across boundaries
if r.num(10) < 6
# this one gets cut in two
cut_at = r.num(needle.length - 1) + 1
n1 = needle[0 ... cut_at]
n2 = needle[cut_at .. -1]
assert_equal n1+n2, needle, "oops, messed up breaking the needle"
last_nfound = bmh.nfound
bmh.find(chunk + n1)
assert bmh.has_trailing?, "should have trailing on #{n1}:#{n2} on chunk length: #{chunk.length}"
assert_equal last_nfound, bmh.nfound, "shouldn't find it yet"
bmh.find(n2 + chunk)
assert_equal last_nfound+1, bmh.nfound, "should have found the boundary for #{n1}:#{n2} on chunk length: #{chunk.length}"
total << chunk + n1 + n2 + chunk
# this one is put in complete
bmh.find(chunk + needle)
total << chunk + needle + chunk
tbmh = BMHSearch.new(needle, nchunks+1)
assert_equal total.length, bmh.total, "totals don't match"
assert_equal tbmh.nfound, bmh.nfound, "nfound don't match"
total_found = tbmh.pop
hay_found = bmh.pop
total_found.length.times do |i|
assert_equal total_found[i], hay_found[i], "boundary doesn't match"
Reference in a new issue