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mirror of https://github.com/puma/puma.git synced 2022-11-09 13:48:40 -05:00

Backport of HttpRequest enhancements from 0.4. Patch to specify --prefix from Scott Laird. Fix for ids not working with GC.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://rubyforge.org/var/svn/mongrel/trunk@292 19e92222-5c0b-0410-8929-a290d50e31e9
This commit is contained in:
zedshaw 2006-07-13 22:34:59 +00:00
parent a24136cd55
commit ab3c8082de
7 changed files with 488 additions and 437 deletions

View file

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ task :site => [:site_webgen, :site_rdoc, :site_coverage, :site_projects_rdoc]
setup_extension("http11", "http11")
setup_gem(name, version) do |spec|
spec.summary = "A small fast HTTP library and server that runs Rails, Camping, and Nitro apps."

View file

@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ class Start < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands"
['-S', '--script PATH', "Load the given file as an extra config script.", :@config_script, nil],
['-G', '--generate CONFIG', "Generate a config file for -C", :@generate, nil],
['', '--user USER', "User to run as", :@user, nil],
['', '--group GROUP', "Group to run as", :@group, nil]
['', '--group GROUP', "Group to run as", :@group, nil],
['', '--prefix PATH', "URL prefix for Rails app", :@prefix, '/']
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ class Start < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands"
:docroot => @docroot, :mime_map => @mime_map, :daemon => @daemon,
:debug => @debug, :includes => ["mongrel"], :config_script => @config_script,
:num_processors => @num_procs, :timeout => @timeout,
:user => @user, :group => @group
:user => @user, :group => @group, :prefix => @prefix
if @generate
@ -103,13 +104,10 @@ class Start < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands"
if defaults[:debug]
log "Installing debugging prefixed filters. Look in log/mongrel_debug for the files."
debug "/"
elsif not defaults[:daemon]
# they don't have debug on and aren't in daemon so at least log accesses
debug "/", what = [:files]
log "Starting Rails with #{defaults[:environment]} environment ..."
uri "/", :handler => rails(:mime => mime)
log "Starting Rails with #{defaults[:environment]} environment on #{defaults[:prefix]} ..."
uri defaults[:prefix], :handler => rails(:mime => mime, :prefix => @prefix)
log "Rails loaded."
log "Loading any Rails specific GemPlugins"

View file

@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ static VALUE mMongrel;
static VALUE cHttpParser;
static VALUE cURIClassifier;
static VALUE eHttpParserError;
static ID id_handler_map;
#define id_handler_map rb_intern("@handler_map")
#define id_http_body rb_intern("@http_body")
static VALUE global_http_prefix;
static VALUE global_request_method;
@ -156,6 +158,8 @@ void header_done(void *data, const char *at, size_t length)
// grab the initial body and stuff it into an ivar
rb_ivar_set(req, id_http_body, rb_str_new(at, length));
rb_hash_aset(req, global_server_protocol, global_server_protocol_value);
rb_hash_aset(req, global_server_software, global_mongrel_version);
@ -521,7 +525,6 @@ void Init_http11()
mMongrel = rb_define_module("Mongrel");
id_handler_map = rb_intern("@handler_map");
DEF_GLOBAL(http_prefix, "HTTP_");
DEF_GLOBAL(request_method, "REQUEST_METHOD");
@ -539,7 +542,7 @@ void Init_http11()
DEF_GLOBAL(server_protocol, "SERVER_PROTOCOL");
DEF_GLOBAL(server_protocol_value, "HTTP/1.1");
DEF_GLOBAL(http_host, "HTTP_HOST");
DEF_GLOBAL(mongrel_version, "Mongrel");
DEF_GLOBAL(mongrel_version, "Mongrel");
DEF_GLOBAL(server_software, "SERVER_SOFTWARE");
DEF_GLOBAL(port_80, "80");

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ require 'mongrel/handlers'
require 'mongrel/command'
require 'mongrel/tcphack'
require 'yaml'
require 'mongrel/configurator'
require 'time'
require 'rubygems'
require 'etc'
@ -120,13 +121,13 @@ module Mongrel
# The original URI requested by the client. Passed to URIClassifier to build PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME.
# TODO: this use of a base for tempfiles needs to be looked at for security problems
# The standard empty 404 response for bad requests. Use Error4040Handler for custom stuff.
ERROR_404_RESPONSE="HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: #{MONGREL_VERSION}\r\n\r\nNOT FOUND".freeze
ERROR_404_RESPONSE="HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: Mongrel #{MONGREL_VERSION}\r\n\r\nNOT FOUND".freeze
@ -163,6 +164,10 @@ module Mongrel
REDIRECT = "HTTP/1.1 302 Found\r\nLocation: %s\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n".freeze
# Basically a Hash with one extra parameter for the HTTP body, mostly used internally.
class HttpParams < Hash
attr_accessor :http_body
# When a handler is found for a registered URI then this class is constructed
# and passed to your HttpHandler::process method. You should assume that
@ -186,27 +191,58 @@ module Mongrel
# body data into the HttpRequest.body attribute.
# TODO: Implement tempfile removal when the request is done.
def initialize(params, initial_body, socket, notifier)
def initialize(params, socket, dispatcher)
@params = params
@socket = socket
content_length = params[Const::CONTENT_LENGTH].to_i
http_body_len = params.http_body.length
clen = params[Const::CONTENT_LENGTH].to_i - initial_body.length
total = clen
dispatcher.request_begins(params) if dispatcher
# conditions to test:
# * http_body_len == 0 && content_length == 0 -- Nothing to do
# * http_body_len > content_length -- ERROR, abort
# * http_body_len < content_length -- need to read more
# * http_body_len == content_length -- initial body has all of it
if http_body_len == 0 && content_length == 0
# no body to process
@body = StringIO.new
dispatcher.request_progress(params, 0, 0) if dispatcher
elsif http_body_len > content_length
# ERROR, they're sending bad requests
raise HttpParserError.new("Sent body size #{http_body_len} but declared Content-Length: #{content_length}")
elsif http_body_len < content_length
# must read more data to complete body
clen = content_length - http_body_len
if clen > Const::MAX_BODY
# huge body, put it in a tempfile
@body = Tempfile.new(Const::MONGREL_TMP_BASE)
@body = StringIO.new
# small body, just use that
@body = StringIO.new(params.http_body)
read_body(clen, dispatcher)
elsif http_body_len == content_length
# we've got everything, pack it up
@body = StringIO.new(params.http_body)
dispatcher.request_progress(params, 0, http_body_len) if dispatcher
STDERR.puts "BAD LOGIC: Tell Zed he's a moron."
notifier.request_begins(params) if notifier
# Does the heavy lifting of properly reading the larger body requests in
# small chunks. It expects @body to be an IO object, @socket to be valid,
# and will set @body = nil if the request fails. It also expects any initial
# part of the body that has been read to be in the @body already.
def read_body(clen, dispatcher)
total = clen
# write the odd sized chunk first
clen -= @body.write(@socket.read(clen % Const::CHUNK_SIZE))
notifier.request_progress(params, clen, total) if notifier
dispatcher.request_progress(params, clen, total) if dispatcher
# then stream out nothing but perfectly sized chunks
while clen > 0 and !@socket.closed?
@ -215,7 +251,7 @@ module Mongrel
raise "Socket closed or read failure" if not data or data.length != Const::CHUNK_SIZE
clen -= @body.write(data)
# ASSUME: we are writing to a disk and these writes always write the requested amount
notifier.request_progress(params, clen, total) if notifier
dispatcher.request_progress(params, clen, total) if dispatcher
# rewind to keep the world happy
@ -228,6 +264,7 @@ module Mongrel
# Performs URI escaping so that you can construct proper
# query strings faster. Use this rather than the cgi.rb
# version since it's faster. (Stolen from Camping).
@ -514,7 +551,7 @@ module Mongrel
def process_client(client)
parser = HttpParser.new
params = {}
params = HttpParams.new
request = nil
data = client.readpartial(Const::CHUNK_SIZE)
nparsed = 0
@ -535,10 +572,7 @@ module Mongrel
params[Const::REMOTE_ADDR] = params[Const::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR] || client.peeraddr.last
notifier = handlers[0].request_notify ? handlers[0] : nil
# TODO: Find a faster/better way to carve out the range, preferably without copying.
data = data[nparsed ... data.length] || ""
request = HttpRequest.new(params, data, client, notifier)
request = HttpRequest.new(params, client, notifier)
# in the case of large file uploads the user could close the socket, so skip those requests
break if request.body == nil # nil signals from HttpRequest::initialize that the request was aborted
@ -578,6 +612,7 @@ module Mongrel
reap_dead_workers('too many files')
rescue Object
STDERR.puts "#{Time.now}: ERROR: #$!"
STDERR.puts $!.backtrace.join("\n")
client.close unless client.closed?
request.body.delete if request and request.body.class == Tempfile
@ -646,6 +681,9 @@ module Mongrel
rescue Errno::EMFILE
reap_dead_workers("too many open files")
sleep 0.5
rescue Errno::ECONNABORTED
# client closed the socket even before accept
client.close if not client.closed?
@ -702,364 +740,4 @@ module Mongrel
# Implements a simple DSL for configuring a Mongrel server for your
# purposes. More used by framework implementers to setup Mongrel
# how they like, but could be used by regular folks to add more things
# to an existing mongrel configuration.
# It is used like this:
# require 'mongrel'
# config = Mongrel::Configurator.new :host => "" do
# listener :port => 3000 do
# uri "/app", :handler => Mongrel::DirHandler.new(".", load_mime_map("mime.yaml"))
# end
# run
# end
# This will setup a simple DirHandler at the current directory and load additional
# mime types from mimy.yaml. The :host => "" is actually not
# specific to the servers but just a hash of default parameters that all
# server or uri calls receive.
# When you are inside the block after Mongrel::Configurator.new you can simply
# call functions that are part of Configurator (like server, uri, daemonize, etc)
# without having to refer to anything else. You can also call these functions on
# the resulting object directly for additional configuration.
# A major thing about Configurator is that it actually lets you configure
# multiple listeners for any hosts and ports you want. These are kept in a
# map config.listeners so you can get to them.
# * :pid_file => Where to write the process ID.
class Configurator
attr_reader :listeners
attr_reader :defaults
attr_reader :needs_restart
# You pass in initial defaults and then a block to continue configuring.
def initialize(defaults={}, &blk)
@listener = nil
@listener_name = nil
@listeners = {}
@defaults = defaults
@needs_restart = false
@pid_file = defaults[:pid_file]
if blk
# Change privilege of the process to specified user and group.
def change_privilege(user, group)
if group
log "Changing group to #{group}."
if user
log "Changing user to #{user}."
rescue Errno::EPERM
log "FAILED to change user:group #{user}:#{group}: #$!"
exit 1
# Writes the PID file but only if we're on windows.
def write_pid_file
if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin/
open(@pid_file,"w") {|f| f.write(Process.pid) }
# generates a class for cloaking the current self and making the DSL nicer
def cloaking_class
class << self
# Do not call this. You were warned.
def cloaker(&blk)
cloaking_class.class_eval do
define_method :cloaker_, &blk
meth = instance_method( :cloaker_ )
remove_method :cloaker_
# This will resolve the given options against the defaults.
# Normally just used internally.
def resolve_defaults(options)
# Starts a listener block. This is the only one that actually takes
# a block and then you make Configurator.uri calls in order to setup
# your URIs and handlers. If you write your Handlers as GemPlugins
# then you can use load_plugins and plugin to load them.
# It expects the following options (or defaults):
# * :host => Host name to bind.
# * :port => Port to bind.
# * :num_processors => The maximum number of concurrent threads allowed. (950 default)
# * :timeout => 1/100th of a second timeout between requests. (10 is 1/10th, 0 is timeout)
# * :user => User to change to, must have :group as well.
# * :group => Group to change to, must have :user as well.
def listener(options={},&blk)
raise "Cannot call listener inside another listener block." if (@listener or @listener_name)
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
ops[:num_processors] ||= 950
ops[:timeout] ||= 0
@listener = Mongrel::HttpServer.new(ops[:host], ops[:port].to_i, ops[:num_processors].to_i, ops[:timeout].to_i)
@listener_name = "#{ops[:host]}:#{ops[:port]}"
@listeners[@listener_name] = @listener
if ops[:user] and ops[:group]
change_privilege(ops[:user], ops[:group])
# Does the actual cloaking operation to give the new implicit self.
if blk
# all done processing this listener setup, reset implicit variables
@listener = nil
@listener_name = nil
# Called inside a Configurator.listener block in order to
# add URI->handler mappings for that listener. Use this as
# many times as you like. It expects the following options
# or defaults:
# * :handler => HttpHandler -- Handler to use for this location.
# * :in_front => true/false -- Rather than appending, it prepends this handler.
def uri(location, options={})
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
@listener.register(location, ops[:handler], in_front=ops[:in_front])
# Daemonizes the current Ruby script turning all the
# listeners into an actual "server" or detached process.
# You must call this *before* frameworks that open files
# as otherwise the files will be closed by this function.
# Does not work for Win32 systems (the call is silently ignored).
# Requires the following options or defaults:
# * :cwd => Directory to change to.
# * :log_file => Where to write STDOUT and STDERR.
# It is safe to call this on win32 as it will only require the daemons
# gem/library if NOT win32.
def daemonize(options={})
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
# save this for later since daemonize will hose it
if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin/
require 'daemons/daemonize'
Daemonize.daemonize(log_file=File.join(ops[:cwd], ops[:log_file]))
# change back to the original starting directory
log "WARNING: Win32 does not support daemon mode."
# Uses the GemPlugin system to easily load plugins based on their
# gem dependencies. You pass in either an :includes => [] or
# :excludes => [] setting listing the names of plugins to include
# or exclude from the when determining the dependencies.
def load_plugins(options={})
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
load_settings = {}
if ops[:includes]
ops[:includes].each do |plugin|
load_settings[plugin] = GemPlugin::INCLUDE
if ops[:excludes]
ops[:excludes].each do |plugin|
load_settings[plugin] = GemPlugin::EXCLUDE
# Easy way to load a YAML file and apply default settings.
def load_yaml(file, default={})
# Loads the MIME map file and checks that it is correct
# on loading. This is commonly passed to Mongrel::DirHandler
# or any framework handler that uses DirHandler to serve files.
# You can also include a set of default MIME types as additional
# settings. See Mongrel::DirHandler for how the MIME types map
# is organized.
def load_mime_map(file, mime={})
# configure any requested mime map
mime = load_yaml(file, mime)
# check all the mime types to make sure they are the right format
mime.each {|k,v| log "WARNING: MIME type #{k} must start with '.'" if k.index(".") != 0 }
return mime
# Loads and creates a plugin for you based on the given
# name and configured with the selected options. The options
# are merged with the defaults prior to passing them in.
def plugin(name, options={})
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
GemPlugin::Manager.instance.create(name, ops)
# Let's you do redirects easily as described in Mongrel::RedirectHandler.
# You use it inside the configurator like this:
# redirect("/test", "/to/there") # simple
# redirect("/to", /t/, 'w') # regexp
# redirect("/hey", /(w+)/) {|match| ...} # block
def redirect(from, pattern, replacement = nil, &block)
uri from, :handler => Mongrel::RedirectHandler.new(pattern, replacement, &block)
# Works like a meta run method which goes through all the
# configured listeners. Use the Configurator.join method
# to prevent Ruby from exiting until each one is done.
def run
@listeners.each {|name,s|
$mongrel_sleeper_thread = Thread.new { loop { sleep 1 } }
# Calls .stop on all the configured listeners so they
# stop processing requests (gracefully). By default it
# assumes that you don't want to restart and that the pid file
# should be unlinked on exit.
def stop(needs_restart=false, unlink_pid_file=true)
@listeners.each {|name,s|
@needs_restart = needs_restart
if unlink_pid_file
File.unlink @pid_file if (@pid_file and File.exist?(@pid_file))
# This method should actually be called *outside* of the
# Configurator block so that you can control it. In other words
# do it like: config.join.
def join
@listeners.values.each {|s| s.acceptor.join }
# Calling this before you register your URIs to the given location
# will setup a set of handlers that log open files, objects, and the
# parameters for each request. This helps you track common problems
# found in Rails applications that are either slow or become unresponsive
# after a little while.
# You can pass an extra parameter *what* to indicate what you want to
# debug. For example, if you just want to dump rails stuff then do:
# debug "/", what = [:rails]
# And it will only produce the log/mongrel_debug/rails.log file.
# Available options are: :objects, :rails, :files, :threads, :params
# NOTE: Use [:files] to get accesses dumped to stderr like with WEBrick.
def debug(location, what = [:objects, :rails, :files, :threads, :params])
require 'mongrel/debug'
handlers = {
:files => "/handlers/requestlog::access",
:rails => "/handlers/requestlog::files",
:objects => "/handlers/requestlog::objects",
:threads => "/handlers/requestlog::threads",
:params => "/handlers/requestlog::params"
# turn on the debugging infrastructure, and ObjectTracker is a pig
ObjectTracker.configure if what.include? :objects
# now we roll through each requested debug type, turn it on and load that plugin
what.each do |type|
MongrelDbg.begin_trace type
uri location, :handler => plugin(handlers[type])
# Used to allow you to let users specify their own configurations
# inside your Configurator setup. You pass it a script name and
# it reads it in and does an eval on the contents passing in the right
# binding so they can put their own Configurator statements.
def run_config(script)
open(script) {|f| eval(f.read, proc {self}) }
# Sets up the standard signal handlers that are used on most Ruby
# It only configures if the platform is not win32 and doesn't do
# a HUP signal since this is typically framework specific.
# Requires a :pid_file option given to Configurator.new to indicate a file to delete.
# It sets the MongrelConfig.needs_restart attribute if
# the start command should reload. It's up to you to detect this
# and do whatever is needed for a "restart".
# This command is safely ignored if the platform is win32 (with a warning)
def setup_signals(options={})
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
# forced shutdown, even if previously restarted (actually just like TERM but for CTRL-C)
trap("INT") { log "INT signal received."; stop(need_restart=false) }
if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin/
# graceful shutdown
trap("TERM") { log "TERM signal received."; stop }
# restart
trap("USR2") { log "USR2 signal received."; stop(need_restart=true) }
log "Signals ready. TERM => stop. USR2 => restart. INT => stop (no restart)."
log "Signals ready. INT => stop (no restart)."
# Logs a simple message to STDERR (or the mongrel log if in daemon mode).
def log(msg)
STDERR.print "** ", msg, "\n"

lib/mongrel/configurator.rb Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
require 'yaml'
require 'etc'
module Mongrel
# Implements a simple DSL for configuring a Mongrel server for your
# purposes. More used by framework implementers to setup Mongrel
# how they like, but could be used by regular folks to add more things
# to an existing mongrel configuration.
# It is used like this:
# require 'mongrel'
# config = Mongrel::Configurator.new :host => "" do
# listener :port => 3000 do
# uri "/app", :handler => Mongrel::DirHandler.new(".", load_mime_map("mime.yaml"))
# end
# run
# end
# This will setup a simple DirHandler at the current directory and load additional
# mime types from mimy.yaml. The :host => "" is actually not
# specific to the servers but just a hash of default parameters that all
# server or uri calls receive.
# When you are inside the block after Mongrel::Configurator.new you can simply
# call functions that are part of Configurator (like server, uri, daemonize, etc)
# without having to refer to anything else. You can also call these functions on
# the resulting object directly for additional configuration.
# A major thing about Configurator is that it actually lets you configure
# multiple listeners for any hosts and ports you want. These are kept in a
# map config.listeners so you can get to them.
# * :pid_file => Where to write the process ID.
class Configurator
attr_reader :listeners
attr_reader :defaults
attr_reader :needs_restart
# You pass in initial defaults and then a block to continue configuring.
def initialize(defaults={}, &blk)
@listener = nil
@listener_name = nil
@listeners = {}
@defaults = defaults
@needs_restart = false
@pid_file = defaults[:pid_file]
if blk
# Change privilege of the process to specified user and group.
def change_privilege(user, group)
if group
log "Changing group to #{group}."
if user
log "Changing user to #{user}."
rescue Errno::EPERM
log "FAILED to change user:group #{user}:#{group}: #$!"
exit 1
# Writes the PID file but only if we're on windows.
def write_pid_file
if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin/
open(@pid_file,"w") {|f| f.write(Process.pid) }
# generates a class for cloaking the current self and making the DSL nicer
def cloaking_class
class << self
# Do not call this. You were warned.
def cloaker(&blk)
cloaking_class.class_eval do
define_method :cloaker_, &blk
meth = instance_method( :cloaker_ )
remove_method :cloaker_
# This will resolve the given options against the defaults.
# Normally just used internally.
def resolve_defaults(options)
# Starts a listener block. This is the only one that actually takes
# a block and then you make Configurator.uri calls in order to setup
# your URIs and handlers. If you write your Handlers as GemPlugins
# then you can use load_plugins and plugin to load them.
# It expects the following options (or defaults):
# * :host => Host name to bind.
# * :port => Port to bind.
# * :num_processors => The maximum number of concurrent threads allowed. (950 default)
# * :timeout => 1/100th of a second timeout between requests. (10 is 1/10th, 0 is timeout)
# * :user => User to change to, must have :group as well.
# * :group => Group to change to, must have :user as well.
def listener(options={},&blk)
raise "Cannot call listener inside another listener block." if (@listener or @listener_name)
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
ops[:num_processors] ||= 950
ops[:timeout] ||= 0
@listener = Mongrel::HttpServer.new(ops[:host], ops[:port].to_i, ops[:num_processors].to_i, ops[:timeout].to_i)
@listener_name = "#{ops[:host]}:#{ops[:port]}"
@listeners[@listener_name] = @listener
if ops[:user] and ops[:group]
change_privilege(ops[:user], ops[:group])
# Does the actual cloaking operation to give the new implicit self.
if blk
# all done processing this listener setup, reset implicit variables
@listener = nil
@listener_name = nil
# Called inside a Configurator.listener block in order to
# add URI->handler mappings for that listener. Use this as
# many times as you like. It expects the following options
# or defaults:
# * :handler => HttpHandler -- Handler to use for this location.
# * :in_front => true/false -- Rather than appending, it prepends this handler.
def uri(location, options={})
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
@listener.register(location, ops[:handler], in_front=ops[:in_front])
# Daemonizes the current Ruby script turning all the
# listeners into an actual "server" or detached process.
# You must call this *before* frameworks that open files
# as otherwise the files will be closed by this function.
# Does not work for Win32 systems (the call is silently ignored).
# Requires the following options or defaults:
# * :cwd => Directory to change to.
# * :log_file => Where to write STDOUT and STDERR.
# It is safe to call this on win32 as it will only require the daemons
# gem/library if NOT win32.
def daemonize(options={})
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
# save this for later since daemonize will hose it
if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin/
require 'daemons/daemonize'
Daemonize.daemonize(log_file=File.join(ops[:cwd], ops[:log_file]))
# change back to the original starting directory
log "WARNING: Win32 does not support daemon mode."
# Uses the GemPlugin system to easily load plugins based on their
# gem dependencies. You pass in either an :includes => [] or
# :excludes => [] setting listing the names of plugins to include
# or exclude from the when determining the dependencies.
def load_plugins(options={})
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
load_settings = {}
if ops[:includes]
ops[:includes].each do |plugin|
load_settings[plugin] = GemPlugin::INCLUDE
if ops[:excludes]
ops[:excludes].each do |plugin|
load_settings[plugin] = GemPlugin::EXCLUDE
# Easy way to load a YAML file and apply default settings.
def load_yaml(file, default={})
# Loads the MIME map file and checks that it is correct
# on loading. This is commonly passed to Mongrel::DirHandler
# or any framework handler that uses DirHandler to serve files.
# You can also include a set of default MIME types as additional
# settings. See Mongrel::DirHandler for how the MIME types map
# is organized.
def load_mime_map(file, mime={})
# configure any requested mime map
mime = load_yaml(file, mime)
# check all the mime types to make sure they are the right format
mime.each {|k,v| log "WARNING: MIME type #{k} must start with '.'" if k.index(".") != 0 }
return mime
# Loads and creates a plugin for you based on the given
# name and configured with the selected options. The options
# are merged with the defaults prior to passing them in.
def plugin(name, options={})
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
GemPlugin::Manager.instance.create(name, ops)
# Let's you do redirects easily as described in Mongrel::RedirectHandler.
# You use it inside the configurator like this:
# redirect("/test", "/to/there") # simple
# redirect("/to", /t/, 'w') # regexp
# redirect("/hey", /(w+)/) {|match| ...} # block
def redirect(from, pattern, replacement = nil, &block)
uri from, :handler => Mongrel::RedirectHandler.new(pattern, replacement, &block)
# Works like a meta run method which goes through all the
# configured listeners. Use the Configurator.join method
# to prevent Ruby from exiting until each one is done.
def run
@listeners.each {|name,s|
$mongrel_sleeper_thread = Thread.new { loop { sleep 1 } }
# Calls .stop on all the configured listeners so they
# stop processing requests (gracefully). By default it
# assumes that you don't want to restart and that the pid file
# should be unlinked on exit.
def stop(needs_restart=false, unlink_pid_file=true)
@listeners.each {|name,s|
@needs_restart = needs_restart
if unlink_pid_file
File.unlink @pid_file if (@pid_file and File.exist?(@pid_file))
# This method should actually be called *outside* of the
# Configurator block so that you can control it. In other words
# do it like: config.join.
def join
@listeners.values.each {|s| s.acceptor.join }
# Calling this before you register your URIs to the given location
# will setup a set of handlers that log open files, objects, and the
# parameters for each request. This helps you track common problems
# found in Rails applications that are either slow or become unresponsive
# after a little while.
# You can pass an extra parameter *what* to indicate what you want to
# debug. For example, if you just want to dump rails stuff then do:
# debug "/", what = [:rails]
# And it will only produce the log/mongrel_debug/rails.log file.
# Available options are: :objects, :rails, :files, :threads, :params
# NOTE: Use [:files] to get accesses dumped to stderr like with WEBrick.
def debug(location, what = [:objects, :rails, :files, :threads, :params])
require 'mongrel/debug'
handlers = {
:files => "/handlers/requestlog::access",
:rails => "/handlers/requestlog::files",
:objects => "/handlers/requestlog::objects",
:threads => "/handlers/requestlog::threads",
:params => "/handlers/requestlog::params"
# turn on the debugging infrastructure, and ObjectTracker is a pig
ObjectTracker.configure if what.include? :objects
# now we roll through each requested debug type, turn it on and load that plugin
what.each do |type|
MongrelDbg.begin_trace type
uri location, :handler => plugin(handlers[type])
# Used to allow you to let users specify their own configurations
# inside your Configurator setup. You pass it a script name and
# it reads it in and does an eval on the contents passing in the right
# binding so they can put their own Configurator statements.
def run_config(script)
open(script) {|f| eval(f.read, proc {self}) }
# Sets up the standard signal handlers that are used on most Ruby
# It only configures if the platform is not win32 and doesn't do
# a HUP signal since this is typically framework specific.
# Requires a :pid_file option given to Configurator.new to indicate a file to delete.
# It sets the MongrelConfig.needs_restart attribute if
# the start command should reload. It's up to you to detect this
# and do whatever is needed for a "restart".
# This command is safely ignored if the platform is win32 (with a warning)
def setup_signals(options={})
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
# forced shutdown, even if previously restarted (actually just like TERM but for CTRL-C)
trap("INT") { log "INT signal received."; stop(need_restart=false) }
if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin/
# graceful shutdown
trap("TERM") { log "TERM signal received."; stop }
# restart
trap("USR2") { log "USR2 signal received."; stop(need_restart=true) }
log "Signals ready. TERM => stop. USR2 => restart. INT => stop (no restart)."
log "Signals ready. INT => stop (no restart)."
# Logs a simple message to STDERR (or the mongrel log if in daemon mode).
def log(msg)
STDERR.print "** ", msg, "\n"

View file

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ module Mongrel
rescue Errno::EPIPE
# ignored
rescue Object => rails_error
STDERR.puts "Error calling Dispatcher.dispatch #{rails_error.inspect}"
STDERR.puts "#{Tim.now}: Error calling Dispatcher.dispatch #{rails_error.inspect}"
STDERR.puts rails_error.backtrace.join("\n")
@guard.unlock unless ActionController::Base.allow_concurrency
@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ module Mongrel
ops[:environment] ||= "development"
ops[:docroot] ||= "public"
ops[:mime] ||= {}
ops[:prefix] ||= "/"
$orig_dollar_quote = $".clone
@ -148,6 +149,9 @@ module Mongrel
if ActionController::Base.allow_concurrency
log "[RAILS] ActionController::Base.allow_concurrency is true. Wow, you're very brave."
ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = ops[:prefix]
@rails_handler = RailsHandler.new(ops[:docroot], ops[:mime])

View file

@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ class WebServerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
@server = HttpServer.new("", 9998,num_processors=1)
@tester = TestHandler.new
@server.register("/test", @tester)
redirect_test_io do
def teardown