[changelog skip]
We needed `backlog` and `running` when we introduced the stats endpoint
in [c5aad50e][]. We changed the endpoint to use `@cli.stats` instead in
[c48b804d][], so these values are no longer needed.
[c5aad50e]: c5aad50eb4
[c48b804d]: c48b804d8f
* Add frozen string literal everywhere it wasnt already
* Enforce stopgap for tests
* Small amount of integration test cleanup
* Parallelize and freeze Test_app_status
* Big cleanup for test_binder
* Whitespace fix
running `rake` loads all files starting with `test_` which is not supposed to also load the helper,
since the helper should be loaded by each test and is not a test itself.
* Bump minitest version.
* Add basic test helper file.
* Use minitest for web server tests.
* Use Minitest for unix socket tests.
* Use Minitest for ThreadPool tests.
* Use Minitest for TCP-Rack tests
* Use Minitest for TCPLogger tests.
* Add missing helper to test helpers.
* Use Minitest for Rack server tests.
* Use Minitest for Rack handler tests.
* Use Minitest for Puma::Server tests.
* Use Minitest for Puma::Server with SSL tests.
* Use Minitest for persisten connections tests.
* Require puma in test_helper file.
* Use minitest for Puma::NullIO tests.
* Remove unnecessary requires on test files.
* Use Minitest for MiniSSL tests.
* Use Minitest for IOBuffer tests.
* Require bundler/setup in Rakefile.
* Use Minitest for HttpParser tests.
* Use Minitest for Puma::Configuration tests.
* Use Minitest for Puma::CLI tests.
* Bump Minitest version for Ruby 2.1 Gemfile.
* Use Minitest for integration tests.
* Use Minitest for Puma::App::Status tests.
* Remove test-unit from Gemfiles.
* Add timeout helper to Minitest::Test.
* Use Minitest for Puma::Binder tests.
* Remove testhelp file.
* Add missing require to Puma::Binder tests.
* Prefer require instead of require_relative.