# Mongrel Web Server - A Mostly Ruby Webserver and Library # # Copyright (C) 2005 Zed A. Shaw zedshaw AT zedshaw dot com # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA require 'logger' require 'set' require 'socket' $mongrel_debugging=true module MongrelDbg SETTINGS = { :tracing => {}} LOGGING = { } def MongrelDbg::configure(log_dir = "log/mongrel_debug") Dir.mkdir(log_dir) if not File.exist?(log_dir) @log_dir = log_dir end def MongrelDbg::trace(target, message) if SETTINGS[:tracing][target] and LOGGING[target] LOGGING[target].log(Logger::DEBUG, message) end end def MongrelDbg::begin_trace(target) SETTINGS[:tracing][target] = true if not LOGGING[target] LOGGING[target] = Logger.new(File.join(@log_dir, "#{target.to_s}.log")) end MongrelDbg::trace(target, "TRACING ON #{Time.now}") end def MongrelDbg::end_trace(target) SETTINGS[:tracing][target] = false MongrelDbg::trace(target, "TRACING OFF #{Time.now}") LOGGING[target].close LOGGING[target] = nil end def MongrelDbg::tracing?(target) SETTINGS[:tracing][target] end end module ObjectTracker @active_objects = nil def ObjectTracker.configure @active_objects = Set.new ObjectSpace.each_object do |obj| begin # believe it or not, some idiots actually alter the object_id method @active_objects << obj.object_id rescue Object # skip this one, he's an idiot end end end def ObjectTracker.sample ospace = Set.new counts = {} ObjectSpace.each_object do |obj| begin ospace << obj.object_id counts[obj.class] ||= 0 counts[obj.class] += 1 rescue Object # skip since object_id can magically get parameters end end dead_objects = @active_objects - ospace new_objects = ospace - @active_objects live_objects = ospace & @active_objects MongrelDbg::trace(:objects, "COUNTS: #{dead_objects.length},#{new_objects.length},#{live_objects.length}") if MongrelDbg::tracing? :objects top_20 = counts.sort{|a,b| b[1] <=> a[1]}[0..20] MongrelDbg::trace(:objects,"TOP 20: #{top_20.inspect}") end @active_objects = live_objects + new_objects [@active_objects, top_20] end end $open_files = {} class IO alias_method :orig_open, :open alias_method :orig_close, :close def open(*arg, &blk) $open_files[self] = args.inspect orig_open(*arg,&blk) end def close(*arg,&blk) $open_files.delete self orig_close(*arg,&blk) end end module Kernel alias_method :orig_open, :open def open(*arg, &blk) $open_files[self] = arg[0] orig_open(*arg,&blk) end def log_open_files open_counts = {} $open_files.each do |f,args| open_counts[args] ||= 0 open_counts[args] += 1 end MongrelDbg::trace(:files, open_counts.to_yaml) end end module RequestLog # Just logs whatever requests it gets to STDERR (which ends up in the mongrel # log when daemonized). class Access < GemPlugin::Plugin "/handlers" include Mongrel::HttpHandlerPlugin def process(request,response) p = request.params STDERR.puts "#{p['REMOTE_ADDR']} - [#{Time.now.httpdate}] \"#{p['REQUEST_METHOD']} #{p["REQUEST_URI"]} HTTP/1.1\"" end end class Files < GemPlugin::Plugin "/handlers" include Mongrel::HttpHandlerPlugin def process(request, response) MongrelDbg::trace(:files, "#{Time.now} FILES OPEN BEFORE REQUEST #{request.params['PATH_INFO']}") log_open_files end end class Objects < GemPlugin::Plugin "/handlers" include Mongrel::HttpHandlerPlugin def process(request, response) MongrelDbg::trace(:objects, "#{'-' * 10}\n#{Time.now} OBJECT STATS BEFORE REQUEST #{request.params['PATH_INFO']}") ObjectTracker.sample end end class Params < GemPlugin::Plugin "/handlers" include Mongrel::HttpHandlerPlugin def process(request, response) MongrelDbg::trace(:rails, "#{Time.now} REQUEST #{request.params['PATH_INFO']}") MongrelDbg::trace(:rails, request.params.to_yaml) end end class Threads < GemPlugin::Plugin "/handlers" include Mongrel::HttpHandlerPlugin def process(request, response) MongrelDbg::trace(:threads, "#{Time.now} REQUEST #{request.params['PATH_INFO']}") ObjectSpace.each_object do |obj| begin if obj.class == Mongrel::HttpServer worker_list = obj.workers.list if worker_list.length > 0 keys = "-----\n\tKEYS:" worker_list.each {|t| keys << "\n\t\t-- #{t}: #{t.keys.inspect}" } end MongrelDbg::trace(:threads, "#{obj.host}:#{obj.port} -- THREADS: #{worker_list.length} #{keys}") end rescue Object # ignore since obj.class can sometimes take parameters end end end end end END { MongrelDbg::trace(:files, "FILES OPEN AT EXIT") log_open_files }