require 'puma/server' require 'puma/const' require 'puma/configuration' require 'puma/binder' require 'puma/detect' require 'puma/daemon_ext' require 'puma/util' require 'puma/single' require 'puma/cluster' require 'puma/commonlogger' module Puma # Puam::Launcher is the single entry point for starting a Puma server based on user # configuration. It is responsible for taking user supplied arguments and resolving them # with configuration in `config/puma.rb` or `config/puma/.rb`. # # It is responsible for either launching a cluster of Puma workers or a single # puma server. class Launcher KEYS_NOT_TO_PERSIST_IN_STATE = [ :logger, :lowlevel_error_handler, :before_worker_shutdown, :before_worker_boot, :before_worker_fork, :after_worker_boot, :before_fork, :on_restart ] # Returns an instance of Launcher # # +input_options+ A Hash of options that is supplied by a user, typically through # a CLI. These options are evaluated and merged with other configuration such as # `config/puma.rb` file to generate the configuration options needed to run a Puma server. # # +launcher_args+ A Hash that currently has one required key `:events`, this is expected to # hold an object similar to an `Puma::Events.stdio`, this object will be responsible for # broadcasting Puma's internal state to a logging destination. An optional key `:argv` can # be supplied, this should be an array of strings, these arguments are re-used when restarting # the puma server. # # Examples: # # options = { min_threads: 1, max_threads: 10 } # options[:app] = ->(env) { [200, {}, ["hello world"]] } #, argv: Puma::Events.stdio).run def initialize(input_options, launcher_args = {}) @runner = nil @events = launcher_args[:events] or raise "must provide :events key" @argv = launcher_args[:argv] || [] @original_argv = @argv.dup @config = nil @binder = @binder.import_from_env # Final internal representation of options is stored here # input_options will be parsed to populate this hash. @options = {} generate_restart_data @env = @options[:environment] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development' if input_options[:config_file] == '-' input_options[:config_file] = nil else input_options[:config_file] ||= %W(config/puma/#{@env}.rb config/puma.rb).find { |f| File.exist?(f) } end @config = # Advertise the Configuration Puma.cli_config = @config if defined?(Puma.cli_config) @config.load @options = @config.options if clustered? && (jruby? || windows?) unsupported 'worker mode not supported on JRuby or Windows' end if @options[:daemon] && windows? unsupported 'daemon mode not supported on Windows' end dir = @options[:directory] Dir.chdir(dir) if dir prune_bundler if prune_bundler? @env = @options[:environment] if @options[:environment] set_rack_environment if clustered? @events.formatter = @options[:logger] = @events @runner = else @runner = end @status = :run end attr_reader :binder, :events, :config, :options ## THIS STUFF IS NEEDED FOR RUNNER # Delegate +log+ to +@events+ # def log(str) @events.log str end def stats @runner.stats end def halt @status = :halt @runner.halt end def binder @binder end # Delegate +error+ to +@events+ # def error(str) @events.error str end def debug(str) @events.log "- #{str}" if @options[:debug] end def write_state write_pid path = @options[:state] return unless path state = { 'pid' => } cfg = @config.dup KEYS_NOT_TO_PERSIST_IN_STATE.each { |k| cfg.options.delete(k) } state['config'] = cfg require 'yaml', 'w') { |f| f.write state.to_yaml } end def delete_pidfile path = @options[:pidfile] File.unlink(path) if path && File.exist?(path) end # If configured, write the pid of the current process out # to a file. # def write_pid path = @options[:pidfile] return unless path, 'w') { |f| f.puts } cur = at_exit do delete_pidfile if cur == end end attr_accessor :options, :binder, :config ## THIS STUFF IS NEEDED FOR RUNNER def stop @status = :stop @runner.stop end def connected_port @binder.connected_port end def restart @status = :restart @runner.restart end def run setup_signals set_process_title case @status when :halt log "* Stopping immediately!" when :run, :stop graceful_stop when :restart log "* Restarting..." @runner.before_restart restart! when :exit # nothing end end def clustered? @options[:workers] > 0 end def jruby? Puma.jruby? end def windows? end def prune_bundler return unless defined?(Bundler) puma = Bundler.rubygems.loaded_specs("puma") dirs = { |x| File.join(puma.full_gem_path, x) } puma_lib_dir = dirs.detect { |x| File.exist? File.join(x, '../bin/puma-wild') } unless puma_lib_dir log "! Unable to prune Bundler environment, continuing" return end deps = do |d| spec = Bundler.rubygems.loaded_specs( "#{}:#{spec.version.to_s}" end log '* Pruning Bundler environment' home = ENV['GEM_HOME'] Bundler.with_clean_env do ENV['GEM_HOME'] = home ENV['PUMA_BUNDLER_PRUNED'] = '1' wild = File.expand_path(File.join(puma_lib_dir, "../bin/puma-wild")) args = [Gem.ruby, wild, '-I', dirs.join(':'), deps.join(',')] + @original_argv Kernel.exec(*args) end end def redirect_io @runner.redirect_io end def phased_restart unless @runner.respond_to?(:phased_restart) and @runner.phased_restart log "* phased-restart called but not available, restarting normally." return restart end true end private def restart_args cmd = @options[:restart_cmd] if cmd cmd.split(' ') + @original_argv else @restart_argv end end public def jruby_daemon_start require 'puma/jruby_restart' JRubyRestart.daemon_start(@restart_dir, restart_args) end def reload_worker_directory @launcher.reload_worker_directory end def restart! @options[:on_restart].each do |block| self end if jruby? close_binder_listeners require 'puma/jruby_restart' JRubyRestart.chdir_exec(@restart_dir, restart_args) elsif windows? close_binder_listeners argv = restart_args Dir.chdir(@restart_dir) argv += [redirects] if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' Kernel.exec(*argv) else redirects = {:close_others => true} @binder.listeners.each_with_index do |(l, io), i| ENV["PUMA_INHERIT_#{i}"] = "#{io.to_i}:#{l}" redirects[io.to_i] = io.to_i end argv = restart_args Dir.chdir(@restart_dir) argv += [redirects] if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' Kernel.exec(*argv) end end private def parse_options # backwards compat with CLI (private) interface end def unsupported(str) @events.error(str) raise UnsupportedOption end def graceful_stop @runner.stop_blocked log "=== puma shutdown: #{} ===" log "- Goodbye!" end def set_process_title Process.respond_to?(:setproctitle) ? Process.setproctitle(title) : $0 = title end def title buffer = "puma #{Puma::Const::VERSION} (#{@options[:binds].join(',')})" buffer << " [#{@options[:tag]}]" if @options[:tag] && !@options[:tag].empty? buffer end def set_rack_environment @options[:environment] = env ENV['RACK_ENV'] = env end def env @env end def prune_bundler? @options[:prune_bundler] && clustered? && !@options[:preload_app] end def close_binder_listeners @binder.listeners.each do |l, io| io.close uri = URI.parse(l) next unless uri.scheme == 'unix' File.unlink("#{}#{uri.path}") end end def generate_restart_data # Use the same trick as unicorn, namely favor PWD because # it will contain an unresolved symlink, useful for when # the pwd is /data/releases/current. if dir = ENV['PWD'] s_env = File.stat(dir) s_pwd = File.stat(Dir.pwd) if s_env.ino == s_pwd.ino and (jruby? or == @restart_dir = dir @options[:worker_directory] = dir end end @restart_dir ||= Dir.pwd require 'rubygems' # if $0 is a file in the current directory, then restart # it the same, otherwise add -S on there because it was # picked up in PATH. # if File.exist?($0) arg0 = [Gem.ruby, $0] else arg0 = [Gem.ruby, "-S", $0] end # Detect and reinject -Ilib from the command line lib = File.expand_path "lib" arg0[1,0] = ["-I", lib] if $:[0] == lib if defined? Puma::WILD_ARGS @restart_argv = arg0 + Puma::WILD_ARGS + @original_argv else @restart_argv = arg0 + @original_argv end end def setup_signals begin Signal.trap "SIGUSR2" do restart end rescue Exception log "*** SIGUSR2 not implemented, signal based restart unavailable!" end begin Signal.trap "SIGUSR1" do phased_restart end rescue Exception log "*** SIGUSR1 not implemented, signal based restart unavailable!" end begin Signal.trap "SIGTERM" do stop end rescue Exception log "*** SIGTERM not implemented, signal based gracefully stopping unavailable!" end begin Signal.trap "SIGHUP" do redirect_io end rescue Exception log "*** SIGHUP not implemented, signal based logs reopening unavailable!" end if jruby? Signal.trap("INT") do @status = :exit graceful_stop exit end end end end end