# frozen_string_literal: true require 'uri' require 'socket' require 'puma/const' require 'puma/util' require 'puma/configuration' module Puma if HAS_SSL require 'puma/minissl' require 'puma/minissl/context_builder' require 'puma/accept_nonblock' end class Binder include Puma::Const RACK_VERSION = [1,6].freeze def initialize(events, conf = Configuration.new) @events = events @listeners = [] @inherited_fds = {} @activated_sockets = {} @unix_paths = [] @proto_env = { "rack.version".freeze => RACK_VERSION, "rack.errors".freeze => events.stderr, "rack.multithread".freeze => conf.options[:max_threads] > 1, "rack.multiprocess".freeze => conf.options[:workers] >= 1, "rack.run_once".freeze => false, "SCRIPT_NAME".freeze => ENV['SCRIPT_NAME'] || "", # I'd like to set a default CONTENT_TYPE here but some things # depend on their not being a default set and inferring # it from the content. And so if i set it here, it won't # infer properly. "QUERY_STRING".freeze => "", SERVER_PROTOCOL => HTTP_11, SERVER_SOFTWARE => PUMA_SERVER_STRING, GATEWAY_INTERFACE => CGI_VER } @envs = {} @ios = [] end attr_reader :ios # @version 5.0.0 attr_reader :activated_sockets, :envs, :inherited_fds, :listeners, :proto_env, , :unix_paths # @version 5.0.0 attr_writer :ios, :listeners def env(sock) @envs.fetch(sock, @proto_env) end def close @ios.each { |i| i.close } end # @version 5.0.0 def connected_ports ios.map { |io| io.addr[1] }.uniq end # @version 5.0.0 def create_inherited_fds(env_hash) env_hash.select {|k,v| k =~ /PUMA_INHERIT_\d+/}.each do |_k, v| fd, url = v.split(":", 2) @inherited_fds[url] = fd.to_i end.keys # pass keys back for removal end # systemd socket activation. # LISTEN_FDS = number of listening sockets. e.g. 2 means accept on 2 sockets w/descriptors 3 and 4. # LISTEN_PID = PID of the service process, aka us # @see https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-socket-activate.html # @version 5.0.0 # def create_activated_fds(env_hash) return [] unless env_hash['LISTEN_FDS'] && env_hash['LISTEN_PID'].to_i == $$ env_hash['LISTEN_FDS'].to_i.times do |index| sock = TCPServer.for_fd(socket_activation_fd(index)) key = begin # Try to parse as a path [:unix, Socket.unpack_sockaddr_un(sock.getsockname)] rescue ArgumentError # Try to parse as a port/ip port, addr = Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(sock.getsockname) addr = "[#{addr}]" if addr =~ /\:/ [:tcp, addr, port] end @activated_sockets[key] = sock @events.debug "Registered #{key.join ':'} for activation from LISTEN_FDS" end ["LISTEN_FDS", "LISTEN_PID"] # Signal to remove these keys from ENV end def parse(binds, logger, log_msg = 'Listening') binds.each do |str| uri = URI.parse str case uri.scheme when "tcp" if fd = @inherited_fds.delete(str) io = inherit_tcp_listener uri.host, uri.port, fd logger.log "* Inherited #{str}" elsif sock = @activated_sockets.delete([ :tcp, uri.host, uri.port ]) io = inherit_tcp_listener uri.host, uri.port, sock logger.log "* Activated #{str}" else params = Util.parse_query uri.query opt = params.key?('low_latency') bak = params.fetch('backlog', 1024).to_i io = add_tcp_listener uri.host, uri.port, opt, bak @ios.each do |i| next unless TCPServer === i addr = if i.local_address.ipv6? "[#{i.local_address.ip_unpack[0]}]:#{i.local_address.ip_unpack[1]}" else i.local_address.ip_unpack.join(':') end logger.log "* #{log_msg} on http://#{addr}" end end @listeners << [str, io] if io when "unix" path = "#{uri.host}#{uri.path}".gsub("%20", " ") if fd = @inherited_fds.delete(str) io = inherit_unix_listener path, fd logger.log "* Inherited #{str}" elsif sock = @activated_sockets.delete([ :unix, path ]) io = inherit_unix_listener path, sock logger.log "* Activated #{str}" else umask = nil mode = nil backlog = 1024 if uri.query params = Util.parse_query uri.query if u = params['umask'] # Use Integer() to respect the 0 prefix as octal umask = Integer(u) end if u = params['mode'] mode = Integer('0'+u) end if u = params['backlog'] backlog = Integer(u) end end io = add_unix_listener path, umask, mode, backlog logger.log "* #{log_msg} on #{str}" end @listeners << [str, io] when "ssl" raise "Puma compiled without SSL support" unless HAS_SSL params = Util.parse_query uri.query ctx = MiniSSL::ContextBuilder.new(params, @events).context if fd = @inherited_fds.delete(str) logger.log "* Inherited #{str}" io = inherit_ssl_listener fd, ctx elsif sock = @activated_sockets.delete([ :tcp, uri.host, uri.port ]) io = inherit_ssl_listener sock, ctx logger.log "* Activated #{str}" else io = add_ssl_listener uri.host, uri.port, ctx logger.log "* Listening on #{str}" end @listeners << [str, io] if io else logger.error "Invalid URI: #{str}" end end # If we inherited fds but didn't use them (because of a # configuration change), then be sure to close them. @inherited_fds.each do |str, fd| logger.log "* Closing unused inherited connection: #{str}" begin IO.for_fd(fd).close rescue SystemCallError end # We have to unlink a unix socket path that's not being used uri = URI.parse str if uri.scheme == "unix" path = "#{uri.host}#{uri.path}" File.unlink path end end # Also close any unused activated sockets @activated_sockets.each do |key, sock| logger.log "* Closing unused activated socket: #{key.join ':'}" begin sock.close rescue SystemCallError end # We have to unlink a unix socket path that's not being used File.unlink key[1] if key[0] == :unix end end # Tell the server to listen on host +host+, port +port+. # If +optimize_for_latency+ is true (the default) then clients connecting # will be optimized for latency over throughput. # # +backlog+ indicates how many unaccepted connections the kernel should # allow to accumulate before returning connection refused. # def add_tcp_listener(host, port, optimize_for_latency=true, backlog=1024) if host == "localhost" loopback_addresses.each do |addr| add_tcp_listener addr, port, optimize_for_latency, backlog end return end host = host[1..-2] if host and host[0..0] == '[' tcp_server = TCPServer.new(host, port) if optimize_for_latency tcp_server.setsockopt(Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1) end tcp_server.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET,Socket::SO_REUSEADDR, true) tcp_server.listen backlog @ios << tcp_server tcp_server end def inherit_tcp_listener(host, port, fd) if fd.kind_of? TCPServer s = fd else s = TCPServer.for_fd(fd) end @ios << s s end def add_ssl_listener(host, port, ctx, optimize_for_latency=true, backlog=1024) raise "Puma compiled without SSL support" unless HAS_SSL if host == "localhost" loopback_addresses.each do |addr| add_ssl_listener addr, port, ctx, optimize_for_latency, backlog end return end host = host[1..-2] if host[0..0] == '[' s = TCPServer.new(host, port) if optimize_for_latency s.setsockopt(Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1) end s.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET,Socket::SO_REUSEADDR, true) s.listen backlog ssl = MiniSSL::Server.new s, ctx env = @proto_env.dup env[HTTPS_KEY] = HTTPS @envs[ssl] = env @ios << ssl s end def inherit_ssl_listener(fd, ctx) raise "Puma compiled without SSL support" unless HAS_SSL if fd.kind_of? TCPServer s = fd else s = TCPServer.for_fd(fd) end ssl = MiniSSL::Server.new(s, ctx) env = @proto_env.dup env[HTTPS_KEY] = HTTPS @envs[ssl] = env @ios << ssl s end # Tell the server to listen on +path+ as a UNIX domain socket. # def add_unix_listener(path, umask=nil, mode=nil, backlog=1024) @unix_paths << path unless File.exist? path # Let anyone connect by default umask ||= 0 begin old_mask = File.umask(umask) if File.exist? path begin old = UNIXSocket.new path rescue SystemCallError, IOError File.unlink path else old.close raise "There is already a server bound to: #{path}" end end s = UNIXServer.new(path) s.listen backlog @ios << s ensure File.umask old_mask end if mode File.chmod mode, path end env = @proto_env.dup env[REMOTE_ADDR] = "" @envs[s] = env s end def inherit_unix_listener(path, fd) @unix_paths << path unless File.exist? path if fd.kind_of? TCPServer s = fd else s = UNIXServer.for_fd fd end @ios << s env = @proto_env.dup env[REMOTE_ADDR] = "" @envs[s] = env s end def close_listeners listeners.each do |l, io| io.close unless io.closed? # Ruby 2.2 issue uri = URI.parse(l) next unless uri.scheme == 'unix' unix_path = "#{uri.host}#{uri.path}" File.unlink unix_path if unix_paths.include? unix_path end end def redirects_for_restart redirects = listeners.map { |a| [a[1].to_i, a[1].to_i] }.to_h redirects[:close_others] = true redirects end # @version 5.0.0 def redirects_for_restart_env listeners.each_with_object({}).with_index do |(listen, memo), i| memo["PUMA_INHERIT_#{i}"] = "#{listen[1].to_i}:#{listen[0]}" end end private def loopback_addresses Socket.ip_address_list.select do |addrinfo| addrinfo.ipv6_loopback? || addrinfo.ipv4_loopback? end.map { |addrinfo| addrinfo.ip_address }.uniq end # @version 5.0.0 def socket_activation_fd(int) int + 3 # 3 is the magic number you add to follow the SA protocol end end end