require 'optparse' require 'puma/const' require 'puma/configuration' require 'yaml' require 'uri' require 'socket' module Puma class ControlCLI COMMANDS = %w{halt restart start stats status stop} def is_windows? RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ ? true : false end def initialize(argv, stdout=STDOUT, stderr=STDERR) @argv = argv @stdout = stdout @stderr = stderr @options = {} opts = do |o| o.banner = "Usage: pumactl (-p PID | -P pidfile | -S status_file | -C url -T token) (#{COMMANDS.join("|")})" o.on "-S", "--state PATH", "Where the state file to use is" do |arg| @options[:status_path] = arg end o.on "-Q", "--quiet", "Not display messages" do |arg| @options[:quiet_flag] = true end o.on "-P", "--pidfile PATH", "Pid file" do |arg| @options[:pid_file] = arg end o.on "-p", "--pid PID", "Pid" do |arg| @options[:pid] = arg.to_i end o.on "-C", "--control-url URL", "The bind url to use for the control server" do |arg| @options[:control_url] = arg end o.on "-T", "--control-token TOKEN", "The token to use as authentication for the control server" do |arg| @options[:control_auth_token] = arg end o.on_tail("-H", "--help", "Show this message") do @stdout.puts o exit end o.on_tail("-V", "--version", "Show version") do puts Const::PUMA_VERSION exit end end opts.order!(argv) { |a| opts.terminate a } command = argv.shift @options[:command] = command if command # check present of command unless @options[:command] raise "Available commands: #{COMMANDS.join(", ")}" end unless COMMANDS.include? @options[:command] raise "Invalid command: #{@options[:command]}" end rescue => e @stdout.puts e.message exit 1 end def message(msg) @stdout.puts msg unless @options[:quiet_flag] end def prepare_configuration if @options.has_key? :status_path unless File.exist? @options[:status_path] raise "Status file not found: #{@options[:status_path]}" end status = YAML.load[:status_path]) if status.has_key? "config" conf = status["config"] # get control_url if url = conf.options[:control_url] @options[:control_url] = url end # get control_auth_token if token = conf.options[:control_auth_token] @options[:control_auth_token] = token end # get pid @options[:pid] = status["pid"].to_i else raise "Invalid status file: #{@options[:status_path]}" end elsif @options.has_key? :pid_file # get pid from pid_file @options[:pid] =[:pid_file]).gets.to_i end end def send_request uri = URI.parse @options[:control_url] # create server object by scheme @server = case uri.scheme when "tcp", uri.port when "unix" "#{}#{uri.path}" else raise "Invalid scheme: #{uri.scheme}" end if @options[:command] == "status" message "Puma is started" else url = "/#{@options[:command]}" if @options.has_key?(:control_auth_token) url = url + "?token=#{@options[:control_auth_token]}" end @server << "GET #{url} HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" response ="\r\n") (@http,@code,@message) = response.first.split(" ") if @code == "403" raise "Unauthorized access to server (wrong auth token)" elsif @code != "200" raise "Bad response from server: #{@code}" end message "Command #{@options[:command]} sent success" end @server.close end def send_signal unless pid = @options[:pid] raise "Neither pid nor control url available" end begin Process.getpgid pid rescue SystemCallError raise "No pid '#{pid}' found" end case @options[:command] when "restart" Process.kill "SIGUSR2", pid when "halt" Process.kill "QUIT", pid when "stop" Process.kill "SIGTERM", pid when "stats" puts "Stats not available via pid only" return else message "Puma is started" return end message "Command #{@options[:command]} sent success" end def run if @options[:command] == "start" require 'puma/cli' cli = @argv, @stdout, @stderr return end prepare_configuration if is_windows? send_request else @options.has_key?(:control_url) ? send_request : send_signal end rescue => e message e.message exit 1 end end end