# Nothing in this file runs if Puma isn't compiled with ssl support # # helper is required first since it loads Puma, which needs to be # loaded so HAS_SSL is defined require_relative "helper" if ::Puma::HAS_SSL require "puma/minissl" require "puma/events" require "net/http" class SSLEventsHelper < ::Puma::Events attr_accessor :addr, :cert, :error def ssl_error(error, ssl_socket) self.error = error self.addr = ssl_socket.peeraddr.last rescue "" self.cert = ssl_socket.peercert end end # net/http (loaded in helper) does not necessarily load OpenSSL require "openssl" unless Object.const_defined? :OpenSSL if Puma::IS_JRUBY puts "", RUBY_DESCRIPTION, "RUBYOPT: #{ENV['RUBYOPT']}", " OpenSSL", "OPENSSL_LIBRARY_VERSION: #{OpenSSL::OPENSSL_LIBRARY_VERSION}", " OPENSSL_VERSION: #{OpenSSL::OPENSSL_VERSION}", "" else puts "", RUBY_DESCRIPTION, "RUBYOPT: #{ENV['RUBYOPT']}", " Puma::MiniSSL OpenSSL", "OPENSSL_LIBRARY_VERSION: #{Puma::MiniSSL::OPENSSL_LIBRARY_VERSION.ljust 32}#{OpenSSL::OPENSSL_LIBRARY_VERSION}", " OPENSSL_VERSION: #{Puma::MiniSSL::OPENSSL_VERSION.ljust 32}#{OpenSSL::OPENSSL_VERSION}", "" end end class TestPumaServerSSL < Minitest::Test parallelize_me! def setup @http = nil @server = nil end def teardown @http.finish if @http && @http.started? @server.stop(true) if @server end # yields ctx to block, use for ctx setup & configuration def start_server @host = "" app = lambda { |env| [200, {}, [env['rack.url_scheme']]] } ctx = Puma::MiniSSL::Context.new if Puma.jruby? ctx.keystore = File.expand_path "../examples/puma/keystore.jks", __dir__ ctx.keystore_pass = 'jruby_puma' else ctx.key = File.expand_path "../examples/puma/puma_keypair.pem", __dir__ ctx.cert = File.expand_path "../examples/puma/cert_puma.pem", __dir__ end ctx.verify_mode = Puma::MiniSSL::VERIFY_NONE yield ctx if block_given? @events = SSLEventsHelper.new STDOUT, STDERR @server = Puma::Server.new app, @events @port = (@server.add_ssl_listener @host, 0, ctx).addr[1] @server.run @http = Net::HTTP.new @host, @port @http.use_ssl = true @http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end def test_url_scheme_for_https start_server body = nil @http.start do req = Net::HTTP::Get.new "/", {} @http.request(req) do |rep| body = rep.body end end assert_equal "https", body end def test_request_wont_block_thread start_server # Open a connection and give enough data to trigger a read, then wait ctx = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new ctx.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE port = @server.connected_ports[0] socket = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new TCPSocket.new(@host, port), ctx socket.connect socket.write "HEAD" sleep 0.1 # Capture the amount of threads being used after connecting and being idle thread_pool = @server.instance_variable_get(:@thread_pool) busy_threads = thread_pool.spawned - thread_pool.waiting socket.close # The thread pool should be empty since the request would block on read # and our request should have been moved to the reactor. assert busy_threads.zero?, "Our connection is monopolizing a thread" end def test_very_large_return start_server giant = "x" * 2056610 @server.app = proc do [200, {}, [giant]] end body = nil @http.start do req = Net::HTTP::Get.new "/" @http.request(req) do |rep| body = rep.body end end assert_equal giant.bytesize, body.bytesize end def test_form_submit start_server body = nil @http.start do req = Net::HTTP::Post.new '/' req.set_form_data('a' => '1', 'b' => '2') @http.request(req) do |rep| body = rep.body end end assert_equal "https", body end def test_ssl_v3_rejection skip("SSLv3 protocol is unavailable") if Puma::MiniSSL::OPENSSL_NO_SSL3 start_server @http.ssl_version= :SSLv3 # Ruby 2.4.5 on Travis raises ArgumentError assert_raises(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, ArgumentError) do @http.start do Net::HTTP::Get.new '/' end end unless Puma.jruby? msg = /wrong version number|no protocols available|version too low|unknown SSL method/ assert_match(msg, @events.error.message) if @events.error end end def test_tls_v1_rejection skip("TLSv1 protocol is unavailable") if Puma::MiniSSL::OPENSSL_NO_TLS1 start_server { |ctx| ctx.no_tlsv1 = true } if OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.private_instance_methods(false).include?(:set_minmax_proto_version) @http.max_version = :TLS1 else @http.ssl_version = :TLSv1 end # Ruby 2.4.5 on Travis raises ArgumentError assert_raises(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, ArgumentError) do @http.start do Net::HTTP::Get.new '/' end end unless Puma.jruby? msg = /wrong version number|(unknown|unsupported) protocol|no protocols available|version too low|unknown SSL method/ assert_match(msg, @events.error.message) if @events.error end end def test_tls_v1_1_rejection start_server { |ctx| ctx.no_tlsv1_1 = true } if OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.private_instance_methods(false).include?(:set_minmax_proto_version) @http.max_version = :TLS1_1 else @http.ssl_version = :TLSv1_1 end # Ruby 2.4.5 on Travis raises ArgumentError assert_raises(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, ArgumentError) do @http.start do Net::HTTP::Get.new '/' end end unless Puma.jruby? msg = /wrong version number|(unknown|unsupported) protocol|no protocols available|version too low|unknown SSL method/ assert_match(msg, @events.error.message) if @events.error end end def test_http_rejection body_http = nil body_https = nil start_server http = Net::HTTP.new @host, @server.connected_ports[0] http.use_ssl = false http.read_timeout = 6 tcp = Thread.new do req_http = Net::HTTP::Get.new "/", {} # Net::ReadTimeout - TruffleRuby assert_raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED, EOFError, Net::ReadTimeout) do http.start.request(req_http) { |rep| body_http = rep.body } end end ssl = Thread.new do @http.start do req_https = Net::HTTP::Get.new "/", {} @http.request(req_https) { |rep_https| body_https = rep_https.body } end end tcp.join ssl.join http.finish sleep 1.0 assert_nil body_http assert_equal "https", body_https thread_pool = @server.instance_variable_get(:@thread_pool) busy_threads = thread_pool.spawned - thread_pool.waiting assert busy_threads.zero?, "Our connection is wasn't dropped" end end if ::Puma::HAS_SSL # client-side TLS authentication tests class TestPumaServerSSLClient < Minitest::Test parallelize_me! unless ::Puma.jruby? CERT_PATH = File.expand_path "../examples/puma/client-certs", __dir__ # Context can be shared, may help with JRuby CTX = Puma::MiniSSL::Context.new.tap { |ctx| if Puma.jruby? ctx.keystore = "#{CERT_PATH}/keystore.jks" ctx.keystore_pass = 'jruby_puma' else ctx.key = "#{CERT_PATH}/server.key" ctx.cert = "#{CERT_PATH}/server.crt" ctx.ca = "#{CERT_PATH}/ca.crt" end ctx.verify_mode = Puma::MiniSSL::VERIFY_PEER | Puma::MiniSSL::VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT } def assert_ssl_client_error_match(error, subject=nil, &blk) host = "localhost" port = 0 app = lambda { |env| [200, {}, [env['rack.url_scheme']]] } events = SSLEventsHelper.new STDOUT, STDERR server = Puma::Server.new app, events server.add_ssl_listener host, port, CTX host_addrs = server.binder.ios.map { |io| io.to_io.addr[2] } server.run http = Net::HTTP.new host, server.connected_ports[0] http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE yield http client_error = false begin http.start do req = Net::HTTP::Get.new "/", {} http.request(req) end rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, EOFError, Errno::ECONNRESET # Errno::ECONNRESET TruffleRuby client_error = true # closes socket if open, may not close on error http.send :do_finish end sleep 0.1 assert_equal !!error, client_error # The JRuby MiniSSL implementation lacks error capturing currently, # so we can't inspect the messages here unless Puma.jruby? assert_match error, events.error.message if error assert_includes host_addrs, events.addr if error assert_equal subject, events.cert.subject.to_s if subject end ensure server.stop(true) if server end def test_verify_fail_if_no_client_cert assert_ssl_client_error_match 'peer did not return a certificate' do |http| # nothing end end def test_verify_fail_if_client_unknown_ca assert_ssl_client_error_match('self signed certificate in certificate chain', '/DC=net/DC=puma/CN=CAU') do |http| key = "#{CERT_PATH}/client_unknown.key" crt = "#{CERT_PATH}/client_unknown.crt" http.key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new File.read(key) http.cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new File.read(crt) http.ca_file = "#{CERT_PATH}/unknown_ca.crt" end end def test_verify_fail_if_client_expired_cert assert_ssl_client_error_match('certificate has expired', '/DC=net/DC=puma/CN=localhost') do |http| key = "#{CERT_PATH}/client_expired.key" crt = "#{CERT_PATH}/client_expired.crt" http.key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new File.read(key) http.cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new File.read(crt) http.ca_file = "#{CERT_PATH}/ca.crt" end end def test_verify_client_cert assert_ssl_client_error_match(nil) do |http| key = "#{CERT_PATH}/client.key" crt = "#{CERT_PATH}/client.crt" http.key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new File.read(key) http.cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new File.read(crt) http.ca_file = "#{CERT_PATH}/ca.crt" http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER end end end if ::Puma::HAS_SSL