'################################################################## '# '# mongrel_service: Win32 native implementation for mongrel '# (using ServiceFB and FreeBASIC) '# '# Copyright (c) 2006 Multimedia systems '# (c) and code by Luis Lavena '# '# mongrel_service (native) and mongrel_service gem_pluing are licensed '# in the same terms as mongrel, please review the mongrel license at '# http://mongrel.rubyforge.org/license.html '# '################################################################## '################################################################## '# Requirements: '# - FreeBASIC 0.17, Win32 CVS Build (as for November 09, 2006). '# '################################################################## #ifndef __Debug_bi__ #define __Debug_bi__ #ifdef DEBUG_LOG #include once "vbcompat.bi" #ifndef DEBUG_LOG_FILE #define DEBUG_LOG_FILE EXEPATH + "\debug.log" #endif '# this procedure is only used for debugging purposed, will be removed from '# final compilation private sub debug_to_file(byref message as string, byref file as string, byval linenumber as uinteger, byref func as string) dim handle as integer static first_time as integer handle = freefile open DEBUG_LOG_FILE for append as #handle if (first_time = 0) then print #handle, "# Logfile created on "; format(now(), "dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss") print #handle, "" first_time = 1 end if '# src/module.bas:123, namespace.function: '# message '# print #handle, file; ":"; str(linenumber); ", "; lcase(func); ":" print #handle, space(2); message print #handle, "" close #handle end sub #define debug(message) debug_to_file(message, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__) #else #define debug(message) #endif '# DEBUG_LOG #endif '# __Debug_bi__