module Puma class Reactor DefaultSleepFor = 5 def initialize(events, app_pool) @events = events @app_pool = app_pool @mutex = @ready, @trigger = IO.pipe @input = [] @sleep_for = DefaultSleepFor @timeouts = [] end def run sockets = [@ready] while true ready = sockets, nil, nil, @sleep_for if ready and reads = ready[0] reads.each do |c| if c == @ready @mutex.synchronize do # drain sockets += @input @input.clear end else begin if c.try_to_finish @app_pool << c sockets.delete c end # The client doesn't know HTTP well rescue HttpParserError => e @events.parse_error self, c.env, e rescue EOFError c.close sockets.delete c end end end end unless @timeouts.empty? now = while @timeouts.first.timeout_at < now c = @timeouts.shift sockets.delete c c.close if @timeouts.empty? @sleep_for = DefaultSleepFor break end end end end end def run_in_thread @thread = { run } end def add(c) @mutex.synchronize do @input << c @trigger << "!" if c.timeout_at @timeouts << c @timeouts.sort! { |a,b| a.timeout_at <=> b.timeout_at } @sleep_for = @timeouts.first.timeout_at.to_f - end end end end end