require 'optparse' require 'uri' require 'puma/server' require 'puma/const' require 'puma/configuration' require 'puma/binder' require 'puma/detect' require 'puma/daemon_ext' require 'puma/util' require 'puma/single' require 'puma/cluster' require 'rack/commonlogger' require 'rack/utils' module Puma # Handles invoke a Puma::Server in a command line style. # class CLI # Create a new CLI object using +argv+ as the command line # arguments. # # +stdout+ and +stderr+ can be set to IO-like objects which # this object will report status on. # def initialize(argv, events=Events.stdio) @debug = false @argv = argv @events = events @status = nil @runner = nil @config = nil ENV['NEWRELIC_DISPATCHER'] ||= "puma" setup_options generate_restart_data @binder = @binder.import_from_env end # The Binder object containing the sockets bound to. attr_reader :binder # The Configuration object used. attr_reader :config # The Hash of options used to configure puma. attr_reader :options # The Events object used to output information. attr_reader :events # Delegate +log+ to +@events+ # def log(str) @events.log str end # Delegate +error+ to +@events+ # def error(str) @events.error str end def debug(str) if @options[:debug] @events.log "- #{str}" end end def jruby? IS_JRUBY end def windows? RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32|ming32/ end def unsupported(str, cond=true) return unless cond @events.error str raise UnsupportedOption end # Build the OptionParser object to handle the available options. # def setup_options @options = { :min_threads => 0, :max_threads => 16, :quiet => false, :debug => false, :binds => [], :workers => 0, :daemon => false, :worker_boot => [] } @parser = do |o| o.on "-b", "--bind URI", "URI to bind to (tcp://, unix://, ssl://)" do |arg| @options[:binds] << arg end o.on "-C", "--config PATH", "Load PATH as a config file" do |arg| @options[:config_file] = arg end o.on "--control URL", "The bind url to use for the control server", "Use 'auto' to use temp unix server" do |arg| if arg @options[:control_url] = arg elsif jruby? unsupported "No default url available on JRuby" end end o.on "--control-token TOKEN", "The token to use as authentication for the control server" do |arg| @options[:control_auth_token] = arg end o.on "-d", "--daemon", "Daemonize the server into the background" do @options[:daemon] = true @options[:quiet] = true end o.on "--debug", "Log lowlevel debugging information" do @options[:debug] = true end o.on "--dir DIR", "Change to DIR before starting" do |d| @options[:directory] = d.to_s @options[:worker_directory] = d.to_s end o.on "-e", "--environment ENVIRONMENT", "The environment to run the Rack app on (default development)" do |arg| @options[:environment] = arg end o.on "-I", "--include PATH", "Specify $LOAD_PATH directories" do |arg| $LOAD_PATH.unshift(*arg.split(':')) end o.on "-p", "--port PORT", "Define the TCP port to bind to", "Use -b for more advanced options" do |arg| @options[:binds] << "tcp://#{Configuration::DefaultTCPHost}:#{arg}" end o.on "--pidfile PATH", "Use PATH as a pidfile" do |arg| @options[:pidfile] = arg end o.on "--preload", "Preload the app. Cluster mode only" do @options[:preload_app] = true end o.on "-q", "--quiet", "Quiet down the output" do @options[:quiet] = true end o.on "-R", "--restart-cmd CMD", "The puma command to run during a hot restart", "Default: inferred" do |cmd| @options[:restart_cmd] = cmd end o.on "-S", "--state PATH", "Where to store the state details" do |arg| @options[:state] = arg end o.on '-t', '--threads INT', "min:max threads to use (default 0:16)" do |arg| min, max = arg.split(":") if max @options[:min_threads] = min @options[:max_threads] = max else @options[:min_threads] = 0 @options[:max_threads] = arg end end o.on "--tcp-mode", "Run the app in raw TCP mode instead of HTTP mode" do @options[:mode] = :tcp end o.on "-V", "--version", "Print the version information" do puts "puma version #{Puma::Const::VERSION}" exit 1 end o.on "-w", "--workers COUNT", "Activate cluster mode: How many worker processes to create" do |arg| @options[:workers] = arg.to_i end end @parser.banner = "puma " @parser.on_tail "-h", "--help", "Show help" do log @parser exit 1 end end def write_state write_pid require 'yaml' if path = @options[:state] state = { "pid" => } cfg = @config.dup [ :logger, :worker_boot, :on_restart ].each { |o| cfg.options.delete o } state["config"] = cfg, "w") do |f| f.write state.to_yaml end end end # If configured, write the pid of the current process out # to a file. # def write_pid if path = @options[:pidfile], "w") do |f| f.puts end cur = at_exit do if cur == delete_pidfile end end end end def set_rack_environment # Try the user option first, then the environment variable, # finally default to development env = @options[:environment] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development' @options[:environment] = env ENV['RACK_ENV'] = env end def delete_pidfile if path = @options[:pidfile] File.unlink path if File.exist? path end end def find_config if cfg = @options[:config_file] # Allow - to disable config finding if cfg == "-" @options[:config_file] = nil return end return end pos = [] if env = (@options[:environment] || ENV['RACK_ENV']) pos << "config/puma/#{env}.rb" end pos << "config/puma.rb" @options[:config_file] = pos.find { |f| File.exist? f } end # :nodoc: def parse_options @parser.parse! @argv if @argv.last @options[:rackup] = @argv.shift end find_config @config = @options # Advertise the Configuration Puma.cli_config = @config @config.load if clustered? unsupported "worker mode not supported on JRuby or Windows", jruby? || windows? end if @options[:daemon] and windows? unsupported "daemon mode not supported on Windows" end end def clustered? @options[:workers] > 0 end def graceful_stop @runner.stop_blocked log "- Goodbye!" end def generate_restart_data # Use the same trick as unicorn, namely favor PWD because # it will contain an unresolved symlink, useful for when # the pwd is /data/releases/current. if dir = ENV['PWD'] s_env = File.stat(dir) s_pwd = File.stat(Dir.pwd) if s_env.ino == s_pwd.ino and == @restart_dir = dir @options[:worker_directory] = dir end end @restart_dir ||= Dir.pwd @original_argv = ARGV.dup if defined? Rubinius::OS_ARGV @restart_argv = Rubinius::OS_ARGV else require 'rubygems' # if $0 is a file in the current directory, then restart # it the same, otherwise add -S on there because it was # picked up in PATH. # if File.exist?($0) arg0 = [Gem.ruby, $0] else arg0 = [Gem.ruby, "-S", $0] end # Detect and reinject -Ilib from the command line lib = File.expand_path "lib" arg0[1,0] = ["-I", lib] if $:[0] == lib @restart_argv = arg0 + ARGV end end def restart_args if cmd = @options[:restart_cmd] cmd.split(' ') + @original_argv else @restart_argv end end def jruby_daemon_start require 'puma/jruby_restart' JRubyRestart.daemon_start(@restart_dir, restart_args) end def restart! @options[:on_restart].each do |block| self end if jruby? @binder.listeners.each_with_index do |(str,io),i| io.close # We have to unlink a unix socket path that's not being used uri = URI.parse str if uri.scheme == "unix" path = "#{}#{uri.path}" File.unlink path end end require 'puma/jruby_restart' JRubyRestart.chdir_exec(@restart_dir, restart_args) elsif windows? @binder.listeners.each_with_index do |(str,io),i| io.close # We have to unlink a unix socket path that's not being used uri = URI.parse str if uri.scheme == "unix" path = "#{}#{uri.path}" File.unlink path end end argv = restart_args Dir.chdir @restart_dir argv += [redirects] unless RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' Kernel.exec(*argv) else redirects = {:close_others => true} @binder.listeners.each_with_index do |(l,io),i| ENV["PUMA_INHERIT_#{i}"] = "#{io.to_i}:#{l}" redirects[io.to_i] = io.to_i end argv = restart_args Dir.chdir @restart_dir argv += [redirects] unless RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' Kernel.exec(*argv) end end # Parse the options, load the rackup, start the server and wait # for it to finish. # def run begin parse_options rescue UnsupportedOption exit 1 end if dir = @options[:directory] Dir.chdir dir end set_rack_environment if clustered? @events = STDOUT, STDERR @options[:logger] = @events @runner = else @runner = end setup_signals @status = :run case @status when :halt log "* Stopping immediately!" when :run, :stop graceful_stop when :restart log "* Restarting..." @runner.before_restart restart! when :exit # nothing end end def setup_signals begin Signal.trap "SIGUSR2" do restart end rescue Exception log "*** SIGUSR2 not implemented, signal based restart unavailable!" end begin Signal.trap "SIGUSR1" do phased_restart end rescue Exception log "*** SIGUSR1 not implemented, signal based restart unavailable!" end begin Signal.trap "SIGTERM" do stop end rescue Exception log "*** SIGTERM not implemented, signal based gracefully stopping unavailable!" end if jruby? Signal.trap("INT") do @status = :exit graceful_stop exit end end end def stop @status = :stop @runner.stop end def restart @status = :restart @runner.restart end def phased_restart unless @runner.respond_to?(:phased_restart) and @runner.phased_restart log "* phased-restart called but not available, restarting normally." return restart end true end def stats @runner.stats end def halt @status = :halt @runner.halt end end end