module Puma # Rack::CommonLogger forwards every request to the given +app+, and # logs a line in the # {Apache common log format}[] # to the +logger+. # # If +logger+ is nil, CommonLogger will fall back +rack.errors+, which is # an instance of Rack::NullLogger. # # +logger+ can be any class, including the standard library Logger, and is # expected to have either +write+ or +<<+ method, which accepts the CommonLogger::FORMAT. # According to the SPEC, the error stream must also respond to +puts+ # (which takes a single argument that responds to +to_s+), and +flush+ # (which is called without arguments in order to make the error appear for # sure) class CommonLogger # Common Log Format: # # lilith.local - - [07/Aug/2006 23:58:02 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 - # # %{%s - %s [%s] "%s %s%s %s" %d %s\n} % FORMAT = %{%s - %s [%s] "%s %s%s %s" %d %s %0.4f\n} def initialize(app, logger=nil) @app = app @logger = logger end def call(env) began_at = status, header, body = header = # If we've been hijacked, then output a special line if env['rack.hijack_io'] log_hijacking(env, 'HIJACK', header, began_at) else ary = env['rack.after_reply'] ary << lambda { log(env, status, header, began_at) } end [status, header, body] end HIJACK_FORMAT = %{%s - %s [%s] "%s %s%s %s" HIJACKED -1 %0.4f\n} private def log_hijacking(env, status, header, began_at) now = logger = @logger || env['rack.errors'] logger.write HIJACK_FORMAT % [ env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] || env["REMOTE_ADDR"] || "-", env["REMOTE_USER"] || "-", now.strftime("%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S"), env["REQUEST_METHOD"], env["PATH_INFO"], env["QUERY_STRING"].empty? ? "" : "?"+env["QUERY_STRING"], env["HTTP_VERSION"], now - began_at ] end PATH_INFO = 'PATH_INFO'.freeze REQUEST_METHOD = 'REQUEST_METHOD'.freeze QUERY_STRING = 'QUERY_STRING'.freeze CONTENT_LENGTH = 'Content-Length'.freeze def log(env, status, header, began_at) now = length = extract_content_length(header) msg = FORMAT % [ env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] || env["REMOTE_ADDR"] || "-", env["REMOTE_USER"] || "-", now.strftime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z"), env[REQUEST_METHOD], env[PATH_INFO], env[QUERY_STRING].empty? ? "" : "?"+env[QUERY_STRING], env["HTTP_VERSION"], status.to_s[0..3], length, now - began_at ] logger = @logger || env['rack.errors'] # Standard library logger doesn't support write but it supports << which actually # calls to write on the log device without formatting if logger.respond_to?(:write) logger.write(msg) else logger << msg end end def extract_content_length(headers) value = headers[CONTENT_LENGTH] or return '-' value.to_s == '0' ? '-' : value end end end