require 'socket' require 'http11' require 'thread' require 'stringio' # Mongrel module containing all of the classes (include C extensions) for running # a Mongrel web server. It contains a minimalist HTTP server with just enough # functionality to service web application requests fast as possible. module Mongrel # Every standard HTTP code mapped to the appropriate message. These are # used so frequently that they are placed directly in Mongrel for easy # access rather than Mongrel::Const. HTTP_STATUS_CODES = { 100 => 'Continue', 101 => 'Switching Protocols', 200 => 'OK', 201 => 'Created', 202 => 'Accepted', 203 => 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'No Content', 205 => 'Reset Content', 206 => 'Partial Content', 300 => 'Multiple Choices', 301 => 'Moved Permanently', 302 => 'Moved Temporarily', 303 => 'See Other', 304 => 'Not Modified', 305 => 'Use Proxy', 400 => 'Bad Request', 401 => 'Unauthorized', 402 => 'Payment Required', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'Not Found', 405 => 'Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'Not Acceptable', 407 => 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'Request Time-out', 409 => 'Conflict', 410 => 'Gone', 411 => 'Length Required', 412 => 'Precondition Failed', 413 => 'Request Entity Too Large', 414 => 'Request-URI Too Large', 415 => 'Unsupported Media Type', 500 => 'Internal Server Error', 501 => 'Not Implemented', 502 => 'Bad Gateway', 503 => 'Service Unavailable', 504 => 'Gateway Time-out', 505 => 'HTTP Version not supported' } # Frequently used constants when constructing requests or responses. Many times # the constant just refers to a string with the same contents. Using these constants # gave about a 3% to 10% performance improvement over using the strings directly. # Symbols did not really improve things much compared to constants. # # While Mongrel does try to emulate the CGI/1.2 protocol, it does not use the REMOTE_IDENT, # REMOTE_USER, or REMOTE_HOST parameters since those are either a security problem or # too taxing on performance. module Const # This is the part of the path after the SCRIPT_NAME. URIClassifier will determine this. PATH_INFO="PATH_INFO" # This is the intial part that your handler is identified as by URIClassifier. SCRIPT_NAME="SCRIPT_NAME" # The original URI requested by the client. Passed to URIClassifier to build PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME. REQUEST_URI='REQUEST_URI' # Content length (also available as HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH). CONTENT_LENGTH='CONTENT_LENGTH' # Content length (also available as CONTENT_LENGTH). HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH='HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH' # Content type (also available as HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE). CONTENT_TYPE='CONTENT_TYPE' # Content type (also available as CONTENT_TYPE). HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE='HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE' # Gateway interface key in the HttpRequest parameters. GATEWAY_INTERFACE='GATEWAY_INTERFACE' # We claim to support CGI/1.2. GATEWAY_INTERFACE_VALUE='CGI/1.2' # Hosts remote IP address. Mongrel does not do DNS resolves since that slows # processing down considerably. REMOTE_ADDR='REMOTE_ADDR' # This is not given since Mongrel does not do DNS resolves. It is only here for # completeness for the CGI standard. REMOTE_HOST='REMOTE_HOST' # The name/host of our server as given by the,port) call. SERVER_NAME='SERVER_NAME' # The port of our server as given by the,port) call. SERVER_PORT='SERVER_PORT' # Official server protocol key in the HttpRequest parameters. SERVER_PROTOCOL='SERVER_PROTOCOL' # Mongrel claims to support HTTP/1.1. SERVER_PROTOCOL_VALUE='HTTP/1.1' # The actual server software being used (it's Mongrel man). SERVER_SOFTWARE='SERVER_SOFTWARE' # Current Mongrel version (used for SERVER_SOFTWARE and other response headers). MONGREL_VERSION='Mongrel 0.2.2' # The standard empty 404 response for bad requests. Use Error4040Handler for custom stuff. ERROR_404_RESPONSE="HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: #{MONGREL_VERSION}\r\n\r\nNOT FOUND" # A common header for indicating the server is too busy. Not used yet. ERROR_503_RESPONSE="HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable\r\n\r\nBUSY" # The basic max request size we'll try to read. CHUNK_SIZE=(16 * 1024) end # When a handler is found for a registered URI then this class is constructed # and passed to your HttpHandler::process method. You should assume that # *one* handler processes all requests. Included in the HttpReqeust is a # HttpRequest.params Hash that matches common CGI params, and a HttpRequest.body # which is a string containing the request body (raw for now). # # Mongrel really only supports small-ish request bodies right now since really # huge ones have to be completely read off the wire and put into a string. # Later there will be several options for efficiently handling large file # uploads. class HttpRequest attr_reader :body, :params # You don't really call this. It's made for you. # Main thing it does is hook up the params, and store any remaining # body data into the HttpRequest.body attribute. def initialize(params, initial_body, socket) @body = initial_body || "" @params = params @socket = socket # fix up the CGI requirements params[Const::CONTENT_LENGTH] = params[Const::HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH] || 0 params[Const::CONTENT_TYPE] ||= params[Const::HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE] # now, if the initial_body isn't long enough for the content length we have to fill it # TODO: adapt for big ass stuff by writing to a temp file clen = params[Const::HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH].to_i if @body.length < clen @body << - @body.length) end end end # This class implements a simple way of constructing the HTTP headers dynamically # via a Hash syntax. Think of it as a write-only Hash. Refer to HttpResponse for # information on how this is used. # # One consequence of this write-only nature is that you can write multiple headers # by just doing them twice (which is sometimes needed in HTTP), but that the normal # semantics for Hash (where doing an insert replaces) is not there. class HeaderOut attr_reader :out def initialize(out) @out = out end # Simply writes "#{key}: #{value}" to an output buffer. def[]=(key,value) @out.write(key) @out.write(": ") @out.write(value) @out.write("\r\n") end end # Writes and controls your response to the client using the HTTP/1.1 specification. # You use it by simply doing: # # response.start(200) do |head,out| # head['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' # out.write("hello\n") # end # # The parameter to start is the response code--which Mongrel will translate for you # based on HTTP_STATUS_CODES. The head parameter is how you write custom headers. # The out parameter is where you write your body. The default status code for # HttpResponse.start is 200 so the above example is redundant. # # As you can see, it's just like using a Hash and as you do this it writes the proper # header to the output on the fly. You can even intermix specifying headers and # writing content. The HttpResponse class with write the things in the proper order # once the HttpResponse.block is ended. # # You may also work the HttpResponse object directly using the various attributes available # for the raw socket, body, header, and status codes. If you do this you're on your own. # A design decision was made to force the client to not pipeline requests. HTTP/1.1 # pipelining really kills the performance due to how it has to be handled and how # unclear the standard is. To fix this the HttpResponse gives a "Connection: close" # header which forces the client to close right away. The bonus for this is that it # gives a pretty nice speed boost to most clients since they can close their connection # immediately. # # One additional caveat is that you don't have to specify the Content-length header # as the HttpResponse will write this for you based on the out length. class HttpResponse attr_reader :socket attr_reader :body attr_reader :header attr_reader :status attr_writer :status def initialize(socket) @socket = socket @body = @status = 404 @header = end # Receives a block passing it the header and body for you to work with. # When the block is finished it writes everything you've done to # the socket in the proper order. This lets you intermix header and # body content as needed. def start(status=200) @status = status yield @header, @body finished end # Primarily used in exception handling to reset the response output in order to write # an alternative response. def reset @header.out.rewind @body.rewind end # This takes whatever has been done to header and body and then writes it in the # proper format to make an HTTP/1.1 response. def finished @header.out.rewind @body.rewind # connection: close is also added to ensure that the client does not pipeline. @socket.write("HTTP/1.1 #{@status} #{HTTP_STATUS_CODES[@status]}\r\nContent-Length: #{@body.length}\r\nConnection: close\r\n") @socket.write( @socket.write("\r\n") @socket.write( end end # You implement your application handler with this. It's very light giving # just the minimum necessary for you to handle a request and shoot back # a response. Look at the HttpRequest and HttpResponse objects for how # to use them. class HttpHandler def process(request, response) end end # This is the main driver of Mongrel, while the Mognrel::HttpParser and Mongrel::URIClassifier # make up the majority of how the server functions. It's a very simple class that just # has a thread accepting connections and a simple HttpServer.process_client function # to do the heavy lifting with the IO and Ruby. # # You use it by doing the following: # # server ="", 3000) # server.register("/stuff", # # # The last line can be just if you don't want to join the thread used. # If you don't though Ruby will mysteriously just exit on you. # # Ruby's thread implementation is "interesting" to say the least. Experiments with # *many* different types of IO processing simply cannot make a dent in it. Future # releases of Mongrel will find other creative ways to make threads faster, but don't # hold your breath until Ruby 1.9 is actually finally useful. class HttpServer attr_reader :acceptor # Creates a working server on host:port (strange things happen if port isn't a Number). # Use HttpServer::run to start the server. # # The num_processors variable has varying affects on how requests are processed. You'd # think adding more processing threads (processors) would make the server faster, but # that's just not true. There's actually an effect of how Ruby does threads such that # the more processors waiting on the request queue, the slower the system is to handle # each request. But, the lower the number of processors the fewer concurrent responses # the server can make. # # 20 is the default number of processors and is based on experimentation on a few # systems. If you find that you overload Mongrel too much # try changing it higher. If you find that responses are way too slow # try lowering it (after you've tuned your stuff of course). # Future versions of Mongrel will make this more dynamic (hopefully). def initialize(host, port, num_processors=20) @socket =, port) @classifier = @req_queue = @host = host @port = port @num_procesors = num_processors num_processors.times {|i| do while client = @req_queue.deq process_client(client) end end } end # Does the majority of the IO processing. It has been written in Ruby using # about 7 different IO processing strategies and no matter how it's done # the performance just does not improve. It is currently carefully constructed # to make sure that it gets the best possible performance, but anyone who # thinks they can make it faster is more than welcome to take a crack at it. def process_client(client) begin parser = params = {} data = client.readpartial(Const::CHUNK_SIZE) while true nread = parser.execute(params, data) if parser.finished? script_name, path_info, handler = @classifier.resolve(params[Const::REQUEST_URI]) if handler params[Const::PATH_INFO] = path_info params[Const::SCRIPT_NAME] = script_name params[Const::GATEWAY_INTERFACE]=Const::GATEWAY_INTERFACE_VALUE params[Const::REMOTE_ADDR]=client.peeraddr params[Const::SERVER_NAME]=@host params[Const::SERVER_PORT]=@port params[Const::SERVER_PROTOCOL]=Const::SERVER_PROTOCOL_VALUE params[Const::SERVER_SOFTWARE]=Const::MONGREL_VERSION request =, data[nread ... data.length], client) response = handler.process(request, response) else client.write(Const::ERROR_404_RESPONSE) end break else # gotta stream and read again until we can get the parser to be character safe # TODO: make this more efficient since this means we're parsing a lot repeatedly parser.reset data << client.readpartial(Const::CHUNK_SIZE) end end rescue EOFError # ignored rescue Errno::ECONNRESET # ignored rescue Errno::EPIPE # ignored rescue => details STDERR.puts "ERROR(#{details.class}): #{details}" STDERR.puts details.backtrace.join("\n") ensure client.close end end # Runs the thing. It returns the thread used so you can "join" it. You can also # access the HttpServer::acceptor attribute to get the thread later. def run BasicSocket.do_not_reverse_lookup=true @acceptor = do while true @req_queue << @socket.accept end end end # Simply registers a handler with the internal URIClassifier. When the URI is # found in the prefix of a request then your handler's HttpHandler::process method # is called. See Mongrel::URIClassifier#register for more information. def register(uri, handler) @classifier.register(uri, handler) end # Removes any handler registered at the given URI. See Mongrel::URIClassifier#unregister # for more information. def unregister(uri) @classifier.unregister(uri) end end # The server normally returns a 404 response if a URI is requested, but it # also returns a lame empty message. This lets you do a 404 response # with a custom message for special URIs. class Error404Handler < HttpHandler # Sets the message to return. This is constructed once for the handler # so it's pretty efficient. def initialize(msg) @response = HttpServer::ERROR_404_RESPONSE + msg end # Just kicks back the standard 404 response with your special message. def process(request, response) response.socket.write(@response) end end # Serves the contents of a directory. You give it the path to the root # where the files are located, and it tries to find the files based on # the PATH_INFO inside the directory. If the requested path is a # directory then it returns a simple directory listing. # # It does a simple protection against going outside it's root path by # converting all paths to an absolute expanded path, and then making sure # that the final expanded path includes the root path. If it doesn't # than it simply gives a 404. class DirHandler < HttpHandler def initialize(path, listing_allowed=true) @path = File.expand_path(path) @listing_allowed=listing_allowed puts "DIR: #@path" end def send_dir_listing(base, dir, response) if @listing_allowed response.start(200) do |head,out| head['Content-Type'] = "text/html" out << "Directory Listing" Dir.entries(dir).each do |child| out << "#{child}
" end out << "" end else response.start(403) do |head,out| out.write("Directory listings not allowed") end end end def send_file(req, response) response.start(200) do |head,out| open(req, "r") do |f| out.write( end end end def process(request, response) req = File.expand_path("." + request.params['PATH_INFO'], @path) puts "FIND: #{req}" if req.index(@path) != 0 or !File.exist? req # not found, return a 404 response.start(404) do |head,out| out << "File not found" end else begin if req send_dir_listing(request.params["REQUEST_URI"],req, response) else send_file(req, response) end rescue => details response.reset response.start(403) do |head,out| out << "Error accessing file" end STDERR.puts "ERROR: #{details}" end end end end end