require_relative "helper" require_relative "helpers/integration" class TestIntegrationSingle < TestIntegration parallelize_me! if ::Puma.mri? def workers ; 0 ; end def test_hot_restart_does_not_drop_connections_threads hot_restart_does_not_drop_connections num_threads: 5, total_requests: 1_000 end def test_hot_restart_does_not_drop_connections hot_restart_does_not_drop_connections end def test_usr2_restart skip_unless_signal_exist? :USR2 _, new_reply = restart_server_and_listen("-q test/rackup/") assert_equal "Hello World", new_reply end # It does not share environments between multiple generations, which would break Dotenv def test_usr2_restart_restores_environment # jruby has a bug where setting `nil` into the ENV or `delete` do not change the # next workers ENV skip_if :jruby skip_unless_signal_exist? :USR2 initial_reply, new_reply = restart_server_and_listen("-q test/rackup/") assert_includes initial_reply, "Hello RAND" assert_includes new_reply, "Hello RAND" refute_equal initial_reply, new_reply end def test_term_exit_code skip_unless_signal_exist? :TERM skip_if :jruby # JVM does not return correct exit code for TERM cli_server "test/rackup/" _, status = stop_server assert_equal 15, status end def test_term_suppress skip_unless_signal_exist? :TERM cli_server "-C test/config/suppress_exception.rb test/rackup/" _, status = stop_server assert_equal 0, status end def test_prefer_rackup_file_specified_by_cli skip_unless_signal_exist? :TERM cli_server "-C test/config/with_rackup_from_dsl.rb test/rackup/" reply = read_body(connect) stop_server assert_match("Hello World", reply) end def test_term_not_accepts_new_connections skip_unless_signal_exist? :TERM skip_if :jruby cli_server 'test/rackup/' _stdin, curl_stdout, _stderr, curl_wait_thread = Open3.popen3({ 'LC_ALL' => 'C' }, "curl http://#{HOST}:#{@tcp_port}/sleep10") sleep 1 # ensure curl send a request Process.kill :TERM, @pid true while @server.gets !~ /Gracefully stopping/ # wait for server to begin graceful shutdown # Invoke a request which must be rejected _stdin, _stdout, rejected_curl_stderr, rejected_curl_wait_thread = Open3.popen3("curl #{HOST}:#{@tcp_port}") assert nil != Process.getpgid( # ensure server is still running assert nil != Process.getpgid(curl_wait_thread[:pid]) # ensure first curl invocation still in progress curl_wait_thread.join rejected_curl_wait_thread.join assert_match(/Slept 10/, assert_match(/Connection refused/, Process.wait( @server.close unless @server.closed? @server = nil # prevent `#teardown` from killing already killed server end def test_int_refuse skip_unless_signal_exist? :INT skip_if :jruby # seems to intermittently lockup JRuby CI cli_server 'test/rackup/' begin sock =, @tcp_port) sock.close rescue => ex fail("Port didn't open properly: #{ex.message}") end Process.kill :INT, @pid Process.wait @pid assert_raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED) {, @tcp_port) } end def test_siginfo_thread_print skip_unless_signal_exist? :INFO cli_server 'test/rackup/' output = [] t = { output << @server.readlines } Process.kill :INFO, @pid Process.kill :INT , @pid t.join assert_match "Thread: TID", output.join end def test_write_to_log skip_unless_signal_exist? :TERM suppress_output = '> /dev/null 2>&1' cli_server '-C test/config/t1_conf.rb test/rackup/' system "curl http://localhost:#{@tcp_port}/ #{suppress_output}" stop_server log ='t1-stdout') File.unlink 't1-stdout' if File.file? 't1-stdout' File.unlink 't1-pid' if File.file? 't1-pid' assert_match(%r!GET / HTTP/1\.1!, log) end def test_puma_started_log_writing skip_unless_signal_exist? :TERM suppress_output = '> /dev/null 2>&1' cli_server '-C test/config/t2_conf.rb test/rackup/' system "curl http://localhost:#{@tcp_port}/ #{suppress_output}" out=`#{BASE} bin/pumactl -F test/config/t2_conf.rb status` stop_server log ='t2-stdout') File.unlink 't2-stdout' if File.file? 't2-stdout' assert_match(%r!GET / HTTP/1\.1!, log) assert(!File.file?("t2-pid")) assert_equal("Puma is started\n", out) end def test_application_logs_are_flushed_on_write @control_tcp_port = cli_server "--control-url tcp://#{HOST}:#{@control_tcp_port} --control-token #{TOKEN} test/rackup/" read_body connect cli_pumactl 'stop' assert_equal "hello\n", @server.gets assert_includes, 'Goodbye!' @server.close unless @server.closed? @server = nil end # listener is closed 'externally' while Puma is in the statement def test_closed_listener skip_unless_signal_exist? :TERM cli_server "test/rackup/", merge_err: true connection = fast_connect if DARWIN && RUBY_VERSION < '2.5' begin read_body connection rescue EOFError end else read_body connection end begin Timeout.timeout(5) do begin Process.kill :SIGTERM, @pid rescue Errno::ESRCH end begin Process.wait2 @pid rescue Errno::ECHILD end end rescue Timeout::Error Process.kill :SIGKILL, @pid assert false, "Process froze" end assert true end end