require 'puma/log_writer' require_relative "helper" class TestLogWriter < Minitest::Test def test_null log_writer = Puma::LogWriter.null assert_instance_of Puma::NullIO, log_writer.stdout assert_instance_of Puma::NullIO, log_writer.stderr assert_equal log_writer.stdout, log_writer.stderr end def test_strings log_writer = Puma::LogWriter.strings assert_instance_of StringIO, log_writer.stdout assert_instance_of StringIO, log_writer.stderr end def test_stdio log_writer = Puma::LogWriter.stdio assert_equal STDOUT, log_writer.stdout assert_equal STDERR, log_writer.stderr end def test_stdio_respects_sync log_writer = Puma::LogWriter.stdio assert_equal STDOUT.sync, log_writer.stdout.sync assert_equal STDERR.sync, log_writer.stderr.sync assert_equal STDOUT, log_writer.stdout assert_equal STDERR, log_writer.stderr end def test_log_writes_to_stdout out, _ = capture_io do Puma::LogWriter.stdio.log("ready") end assert_equal "ready\n", out end def test_null_log_does_nothing out, _ = capture_io do Puma::LogWriter.null.log("ready") end assert_equal "", out end def test_write_writes_to_stdout out, _ = capture_io do Puma::LogWriter.stdio.write("ready") end assert_equal "ready", out end def test_debug_writes_to_stdout_if_env_is_present original_debug, ENV["PUMA_DEBUG"] = ENV["PUMA_DEBUG"], "1" out, _ = capture_io do Puma::LogWriter.stdio.debug("ready") end assert_equal "% ready\n", out ensure ENV["PUMA_DEBUG"] = original_debug end def test_debug_not_write_to_stdout_if_env_is_not_present out, _ = capture_io do Puma::LogWriter.stdio.debug("ready") end assert_empty out end def test_error_writes_to_stderr_and_exits did_exit = false _, err = capture_io do begin Puma::LogWriter.stdio.error("interrupted") rescue SystemExit did_exit = true ensure assert did_exit end end assert_match %r!ERROR: interrupted!, err end def test_pid_formatter pid = out, _ = capture_io do log_writer = Puma::LogWriter.stdio log_writer.formatter = log_writer.write("ready") end assert_equal "[#{ pid }] ready", out end def test_custom_log_formatter custom_formatter = proc { |str| "-> #{ str }" } out, _ = capture_io do log_writer = Puma::LogWriter.stdio log_writer.formatter = custom_formatter log_writer.write("ready") end assert_equal "-> ready", out end def test_parse_error app = proc { |_env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "plain/text"}, ["hello\n"]] } log_writer = Puma::LogWriter.strings server = app, log_writer host = '' port = (server.add_tcp_listener host, 0).addr[1] sock = host, port path = "/" params = "a"*1024*10 sock << "GET #{path}?a=#{params} HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n" sleep 0.1 # important so that the previous data is sent as a packet assert_match %r!HTTP parse error, malformed request!, log_writer.stderr.string assert_match %r!\("GET #{path}" - \(-\)\)!, log_writer.stderr.string ensure sock.close if sock && !sock.closed? server.stop true end # test_puma_server_ssl.rb checks that ssl errors are raised correctly, # but it mocks the actual error code. This test the code, but it will # break if the logged message changes def test_ssl_error log_writer = Puma::LogWriter.strings ssl_mock = -> (addr, subj) { obj = obj.define_singleton_method(:peeraddr) { addr } if subj cert = cert.define_singleton_method(:subject) { subj } obj.define_singleton_method(:peercert) { cert } else obj.define_singleton_method(:peercert) { nil } end obj } log_writer.ssl_error OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError,[''], 'test_cert') error = log_writer.stderr.string assert_includes error, "SSL error" assert_includes error, "peer:" assert_includes error, "cert: test_cert" log_writer.stderr.string = '' log_writer.ssl_error OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError,, nil) error = log_writer.stderr.string assert_includes error, "SSL error" assert_includes error, "peer: " assert_includes error, "cert: :" end if ::Puma::HAS_SSL end