# Copyright (c) 2005 Zed A. Shaw # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Ruby. # # Additional work donated by contributors. See http://mongrel.rubyforge.org/attributions.html # for more information. require 'test/unit' require 'mongrel' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/testhelp.rb' class TestCommand < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands" include Mongrel::Command::Base def configure options [ ["-e", "--environment ENV", "Rails environment to run as", :@environment, ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || "development"], ['', '--user USER', "User to run as", :@user, nil], ["-d", "--daemonize", "Whether to run in the background or not", :@daemon, false], ["-x", "--test", "Used to let the test run failures", :@test, false], ] end def validate valid_dir? ".", "Can't validate current directory." valid_exists? "Rakefile", "Rakefile not there, test is invalid." if @test valid_exist? "BADFILE", "Yeah, badfile" valid_file? "BADFILE", "Not even a file" valid_dir? "BADDIR", "No dir here" valid? false, "Total failure" end return @valid end def run $test_command_ran = true end end class CommandTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup $test_command_ran = false end def teardown end def run_cmd(args) Mongrel::Command::Registry.instance.run args end def test_run_command redirect_test_io do run_cmd ["testcommand"] assert $test_command_ran, "command didn't run" end end def test_command_error redirect_test_io do run_cmd ["crapcommand"] end end def test_command_listing redirect_test_io do run_cmd ["help"] end end def test_options redirect_test_io do run_cmd ["testcommand","-h"] run_cmd ["testcommand","--help"] run_cmd ["testcommand","-e","test","-d","--user"] end end def test_version redirect_test_io do run_cmd ["testcommand", "--version"] end end end