# frozen_string_literal: true require "puma/control_cli" require "open3" require_relative 'tmp_path' # Only single mode tests go here. Cluster and pumactl tests # have their own files, use those instead class TestIntegration < Minitest::Test include TmpPath DARWIN = !!RUBY_PLATFORM[/darwin/] HOST = "" TOKEN = "xxyyzz" BASE = defined?(Bundler) ? "bundle exec #{Gem.ruby} -Ilib" : "#{Gem.ruby} -Ilib" def setup @ios_to_close = [] @bind_path = tmp_path('.sock') end def teardown if defined?(@server) && @server && @pid stop_server @pid, signal: :INT end if @ios_to_close @ios_to_close.each do |io| io.close if io.is_a?(IO) && !io.closed? io = nil end end if @bind_path refute File.exist?(@bind_path), "Bind path must be removed after stop" File.unlink(@bind_path) rescue nil end # wait until the end for OS buffering? if defined?(@server) && @server @server.close unless @server.closed? @server = nil end end private def cli_server(argv, unix: false, config: nil) if config config_file = Tempfile.new(%w(config .rb)) config_file.write config config_file.close config = "-C #{config_file.path}" end puma_path = File.expand_path '../../../bin/puma', __FILE__ if unix cmd = "#{BASE} #{puma_path} #{config} -b unix://#{@bind_path} #{argv}" else @tcp_port = UniquePort.call cmd = "#{BASE} #{puma_path} #{config} -b tcp://#{HOST}:#{@tcp_port} #{argv}" end @server = IO.popen(cmd, "r") wait_for_server_to_boot @pid = @server.pid @server end # rescue statements are just in case method is called with a server # that is already stopped/killed, especially since Process.wait2 is # blocking def stop_server(pid = @pid, signal: :TERM) begin Process.kill signal, pid rescue Errno::ESRCH end begin Process.wait2 pid rescue Errno::ECHILD end end def restart_server_and_listen(argv) cli_server argv connection = connect initial_reply = read_body(connection) restart_server connection [initial_reply, read_body(connect)] end # reuses an existing connection to make sure that works def restart_server(connection, log: false) Process.kill :USR2, @pid connection.write "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" # trigger it to start by sending a new request wait_for_server_to_boot(log: log) end # wait for server to say it booted def wait_for_server_to_boot(log: false) if log puts "Waiting for server to boot..." begin line = @server.gets puts line if line && line.strip != '' end while line !~ /Ctrl-C/ puts "Server booted!" else true while @server.gets !~ /Ctrl-C/ end end def connect(path = nil, unix: false) s = unix ? UNIXSocket.new(@bind_path) : TCPSocket.new(HOST, @tcp_port) @ios_to_close << s s << "GET /#{path} HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" true until s.gets == "\r\n" s end # use only if all socket writes are fast # does not wait for a read def fast_connect(path = nil, unix: false) s = unix ? UNIXSocket.new(@bind_path) : TCPSocket.new(HOST, @tcp_port) @ios_to_close << s fast_write s, "GET /#{path} HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" s end def fast_write(io, str) n = 0 while true begin n = io.syswrite str rescue Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::EWOULDBLOCK => e if !IO.select(nil, [io], nil, 5) raise e end retry rescue Errno::EPIPE, SystemCallError, IOError => e raise e end return if n == str.bytesize str = str.byteslice(n..-1) end end def read_body(connection, time_out = 10) Timeout.timeout(time_out) do loop do response = connection.readpartial(1024) body = response.split("\r\n\r\n", 2).last return body if body && !body.empty? sleep 0.01 end end end # gets worker pids from @server output def get_worker_pids(phase = 0, size = workers) pids = [] re = /PID: (\d+)\) booted, phase: #{phase}/ while pids.size < size if pid = @server.gets[re, 1] pids << pid end end pids.map(&:to_i) end # used to define correct 'refused' errors def thread_run_refused(unix: false) if unix [Errno::ENOENT, IOError] else DARWIN ? [Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EPIPE, EOFError] : [Errno::ECONNREFUSED] end end def cli_pumactl(argv, unix: false) arg = if unix %W[-C unix://#{@control_path} -T #{TOKEN} #{argv}] else %W[-C tcp://#{HOST}:#{@control_tcp_port} -T #{TOKEN} #{argv}] end r, w = IO.pipe Thread.new { Puma::ControlCLI.new(arg, w, w).run }.join w.close @ios_to_close << r r end def hot_restart_does_not_drop_connections(num_threads: 1, total_requests: 500) skipped = true skip_on :jruby, suffix: <<-MSG - file descriptors are not preserved on exec on JRuby; connection reset errors are expected during restarts MSG skip_on :truffleruby, suffix: ' - Undiagnosed failures on TruffleRuby' skip "Undiagnosed failures on Ruby 2.2" if RUBY_VERSION < '2.3' args = "-w #{workers} -t 0:5 -q test/rackup/hello_with_delay.ru" if Puma.windows? @control_tcp_port = UniquePort.call cli_server "#{args} --control-url tcp://#{HOST}:#{@control_tcp_port} --control-token #{TOKEN}" else cli_server args end skipped = false replies = Hash.new 0 refused = thread_run_refused unix: false message = 'A' * 16_256 # 2^14 - 128 mutex = Mutex.new restart_count = 0 client_threads = [] num_requests = (total_requests/num_threads).to_i num_threads.times do |thread| client_threads << Thread.new do num_requests.times do begin socket = TCPSocket.new HOST, @tcp_port fast_write socket, "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: #{message.bytesize}\r\n\r\n#{message}" body = read_body(socket, 10) if body == "Hello World" mutex.synchronize { replies[:success] += 1 replies[:restart] += 1 if restart_count > 0 } else mutex.synchronize { replies[:unexpected_response] += 1 } end rescue Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::EBADF # connection was accepted but then closed # client would see an empty response # Errno::EBADF Windows may not be able to make a connection mutex.synchronize { replies[:reset] += 1 } rescue *refused, IOError # IOError intermittently thrown by Ubuntu, add to allow retry mutex.synchronize { replies[:refused] += 1 } rescue ::Timeout::Error mutex.synchronize { replies[:read_timeout] += 1 } ensure if socket.is_a?(IO) && !socket.closed? begin socket.close rescue Errno::EBADF end end end end # STDOUT.puts "#{thread} #{replies[:success]}" end end run = true restart_thread = Thread.new do sleep 0.30 # let some connections in before 1st restart while run if Puma.windows? cli_pumactl 'restart' else Process.kill :USR2, @pid end wait_for_server_to_boot restart_count += 1 sleep 1 end end client_threads.each(&:join) run = false restart_thread.join if Puma.windows? cli_pumactl 'stop' Process.wait @server.pid @server = nil end msg = (" %4d unexpected_response\n" % replies.fetch(:unexpected_response,0)).dup msg << " %4d refused\n" % replies.fetch(:refused,0) msg << " %4d read timeout\n" % replies.fetch(:read_timeout,0) msg << " %4d reset\n" % replies.fetch(:reset,0) msg << " %4d success\n" % replies.fetch(:success,0) msg << " %4d success after restart\n" % replies.fetch(:restart,0) msg << " %4d restart count\n" % restart_count reset = replies[:reset] if Puma.windows? # 5 is default thread count in Puma? reset_max = num_threads * restart_count assert_operator reset_max, :>=, reset, "#{msg}Expected reset_max >= reset errors" else assert_equal 0, reset, "#{msg}Expected no reset errors" end assert_equal 0, replies[:unexpected_response], "#{msg}Unexpected response" assert_equal 0, replies[:refused], "#{msg}Expected no refused connections" assert_equal 0, replies[:read_timeout], "#{msg}Expected no read timeouts" if Puma.windows? assert_equal (num_threads * num_requests) - reset, replies[:success] else assert_equal (num_threads * num_requests), replies[:success] end ensure return if skipped if passed? msg = " restart_count #{restart_count}, reset #{reset}, success after restart #{replies[:restart]}" $debugging_info << "#{full_name}\n#{msg}\n" else $debugging_info << "#{full_name}\n#{msg}\n" end end end