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synced 2022-11-09 13:48:40 -05:00

* Fix crash when no_token is set * Use a more meaningful name instead of an empty string * Adds a test to ensure `{ no_token: true }` works * Adds an explanation for the usage of a String Just to justify the use of a String instead of a Symbol. * Removes thread that would start the server This removes the part of the test that would start the server. The reason why the thread was being created originally in the PR was to ensure that the server was booting even with `{ no_token: true }`. I believe we don't need to test the full server boot but just ensure that we won't pass a Symbol to OptionParser. In particular the test ensures that the token will be set to `'none'` when `no_token: true`. There're already other tests testing that the server boots.
558 lines
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558 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'puma/const'
module Puma
# The methods that are available for use inside the config file.
# These same methods are used in Puma cli and the rack handler
# internally.
# Used manually (via CLI class):
# config = Configuration.new({}) do |user_config|
# user_config.port 3001
# end
# config.load
# puts config.options[:binds]
# "tcp://"
# Used to load file:
# $ cat puma_config.rb
# port 3002
# config = Configuration.new(config_file: "puma_config.rb")
# config.load
# puts config.options[:binds]
# # => "tcp://"
# Detailed docs can be found in `examples/config.rb`
class DSL
include ConfigDefault
def initialize(options, config)
@config = config
@options = options
@plugins = []
def _load_from(path)
if path
@path = path
instance_eval(File.read(path), path, 1)
def _offer_plugins
@plugins.each do |o|
if o.respond_to? :config
o.config self
def set_default_host(host)
@options[:default_host] = host
def default_host
@options[:default_host] || Configuration::DefaultTCPHost
def inject(&blk)
def get(key,default=nil)
@options[key.to_sym] || default
# Load the named plugin for use by this configuration
def plugin(name)
@plugins << @config.load_plugin(name)
# Use +obj+ or +block+ as the Rack app. This allows a config file to
# be the app itself.
def app(obj=nil, &block)
obj ||= block
raise "Provide either a #call'able or a block" unless obj
@options[:app] = obj
# Start the Puma control rack app on +url+. This app can be communicated
# with to control the main server.
def activate_control_app(url="auto", opts={})
if url == "auto"
path = Configuration.temp_path
@options[:control_url] = "unix://#{path}"
@options[:control_url_temp] = path
@options[:control_url] = url
if opts[:no_token]
# We need to use 'none' rather than :none because this value will be
# passed on to an instance of OptionParser, which doesn't support
# symbols as option values.
# See: https://github.com/puma/puma/issues/1193#issuecomment-305995488
auth_token = 'none'
auth_token = opts[:auth_token]
auth_token ||= Configuration.random_token
@options[:control_auth_token] = auth_token
@options[:control_url_umask] = opts[:umask] if opts[:umask]
# Load additional configuration from a file
# Files get loaded later via Configuration#load
def load(file)
@options[:config_files] ||= []
@options[:config_files] << file
# Adds a binding for the server to +url+. tcp://, unix://, and ssl:// are the only accepted
# protocols. Use query parameters within the url to specify options.
# @note multiple urls can be bound to, calling `bind` does not overwrite previous bindings.
# @example Explicitly the socket backlog depth (default is 1024)
# bind('unix:///var/run/puma.sock?backlog=2048')
# @example Set up ssl cert
# bind('ssl://')
# @example Prefer low-latency over higher throughput (via `Socket::TCP_NODELAY`)
# bind('tcp://')
# @example Set socket permissions
# bind('unix:///var/run/puma.sock?umask=0111')
def bind(url)
@options[:binds] ||= []
@options[:binds] << url
def clear_binds!
@options[:binds] = []
# Define the TCP port to bind to. Use +bind+ for more advanced options.
def port(port, host=nil)
host ||= default_host
bind "tcp://#{host}:#{port}"
# Define how long persistent connections can be idle before puma closes
# them
def persistent_timeout(seconds)
@options[:persistent_timeout] = Integer(seconds)
# Define how long the tcp socket stays open, if no data has been received
def first_data_timeout(seconds)
@options[:first_data_timeout] = Integer(seconds)
# Work around leaky apps that leave garbage in Thread locals
# across requests
def clean_thread_locals(which=true)
@options[:clean_thread_locals] = which
# Daemonize the server into the background. Highly suggest that
# this be combined with +pidfile+ and +stdout_redirect+.
def daemonize(which=true)
@options[:daemon] = which
# When shutting down, drain the accept socket of pending
# connections and process them. This loops over the accept
# socket until there are no more read events and then stops
# looking and waits for the requests to finish.
def drain_on_shutdown(which=true)
@options[:drain_on_shutdown] = which
# Set the environment in which the Rack's app will run.
def environment(environment)
@options[:environment] = environment
# How long to wait for threads to stop when shutting them
# down. Defaults to :forever. Specifying :immediately will cause
# Puma to kill the threads immediately. Otherwise the value
# is the number of seconds to wait.
# Puma always waits a few seconds after killing a thread for it to try
# to finish up it's work, even in :immediately mode.
def force_shutdown_after(val=:forever)
i = case val
when :forever
when :immediately
@options[:force_shutdown_after] = i
# Code to run before doing a restart. This code should
# close logfiles, database connections, etc.
# This can be called multiple times to add code each time.
def on_restart(&block)
@options[:on_restart] ||= []
@options[:on_restart] << block
# Command to use to restart puma. This should be just how to
# load puma itself (ie. 'ruby -Ilib bin/puma'), not the arguments
# to puma, as those are the same as the original process.
def restart_command(cmd)
@options[:restart_cmd] = cmd.to_s
# Store the pid of the server in the file at +path+.
def pidfile(path)
@options[:pidfile] = path.to_s
# Disable request logging.
def quiet(which=true)
@options[:log_requests] = !which
# Enable request logging
def log_requests(which=true)
@options[:log_requests] = which
# Show debugging info
def debug
@options[:debug] = true
# Load +path+ as a rackup file.
def rackup(path)
@options[:rackup] = path.to_s
# Run Puma in TCP mode
def tcp_mode!
@options[:mode] = :tcp
def early_hints(answer=true)
@options[:early_hints] = answer
# Redirect STDOUT and STDERR to files specified.
def stdout_redirect(stdout=nil, stderr=nil, append=false)
@options[:redirect_stdout] = stdout
@options[:redirect_stderr] = stderr
@options[:redirect_append] = append
# Configure +min+ to be the minimum number of threads to use to answer
# requests and +max+ the maximum.
def threads(min, max)
min = Integer(min)
max = Integer(max)
if min > max
raise "The minimum (#{min}) number of threads must be less than or equal to the max (#{max})"
if max < 1
raise "The maximum number of threads (#{max}) must be greater than 0"
@options[:min_threads] = min
@options[:max_threads] = max
def ssl_bind(host, port, opts)
verify = opts.fetch(:verify_mode, 'none')
no_tlsv1 = opts.fetch(:no_tlsv1, 'false')
ca_additions = "&ca=#{opts[:ca]}" if ['peer', 'force_peer'].include?(verify)
if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
keystore_additions = "keystore=#{opts[:keystore]}&keystore-pass=#{opts[:keystore_pass]}"
bind "ssl://#{host}:#{port}?cert=#{opts[:cert]}&key=#{opts[:key]}&#{keystore_additions}&verify_mode=#{verify}&no_tlsv1=#{no_tlsv1}#{ca_additions}"
ssl_cipher_filter = "&ssl_cipher_filter=#{opts[:ssl_cipher_filter]}" if opts[:ssl_cipher_filter]
bind "ssl://#{host}:#{port}?cert=#{opts[:cert]}&key=#{opts[:key]}#{ssl_cipher_filter}&verify_mode=#{verify}&no_tlsv1=#{no_tlsv1}#{ca_additions}"
# Use +path+ as the file to store the server info state. This is
# used by pumactl to query and control the server.
def state_path(path)
@options[:state] = path.to_s
# *Cluster mode only* How many worker processes to run.
def workers(count)
@options[:workers] = count.to_i
# *Cluster mode only* Code to run immediately before master process
# forks workers (once on boot). These hooks can block if necessary
# to wait for background operations unknown to puma to finish before
# the process terminates.
# This can be used to close any connections to remote servers (database, redis, ...)
# that were opened when preloading the code
# This can be called multiple times to add hooks.
def before_fork(&block)
@options[:before_fork] ||= []
@options[:before_fork] << block
# *Cluster mode only* Code to run in a worker when it boots to setup
# the process before booting the app.
# This can be called multiple times to add hooks.
def on_worker_boot(&block)
@options[:before_worker_boot] ||= []
@options[:before_worker_boot] << block
# *Cluster mode only* Code to run immediately before a worker shuts
# down (after it has finished processing HTTP requests). These hooks
# can block if necessary to wait for background operations unknown
# to puma to finish before the process terminates.
# This can be called multiple times to add hooks.
def on_worker_shutdown(&block)
@options[:before_worker_shutdown] ||= []
@options[:before_worker_shutdown] << block
# *Cluster mode only* Code to run in the master when it is
# about to create the worker by forking itself.
# This can be called multiple times to add hooks.
def on_worker_fork(&block)
@options[:before_worker_fork] ||= []
@options[:before_worker_fork] << block
# *Cluster mode only* Code to run in the master after it starts
# a worker.
# This can be called multiple times to add hooks.
def after_worker_fork(&block)
@options[:after_worker_fork] ||= []
@options[:after_worker_fork] = block
alias_method :after_worker_boot, :after_worker_fork
# Code to run out-of-band when the worker is idle.
# These hooks run immediately after a request has finished
# processing and there are no busy threads on the worker.
# The worker doesn't accept new requests until this code finishes.
# This hook is useful for running out-of-band garbage collection
# or scheduling asynchronous tasks to execute after a response.
# This can be called multiple times to add hooks.
def out_of_band(&block)
@options[:out_of_band] ||= []
@options[:out_of_band] << block
# The directory to operate out of.
def directory(dir)
@options[:directory] = dir.to_s
# DEPRECATED: The directory to operate out of.
def worker_directory(dir)
$stderr.puts "worker_directory is deprecated. Please use `directory`"
directory dir
# Run the app as a raw TCP app instead of an HTTP rack app
def tcp_mode
@options[:mode] = :tcp
# *Cluster mode only* Preload the application before starting
# the workers and setting up the listen ports. This conflicts
# with using the phased restart feature, you can't use both.
def preload_app!(answer=true)
@options[:preload_app] = answer
# Use +obj+ or +block+ as the low level error handler. This allows a config file to
# change the default error on the server.
def lowlevel_error_handler(obj=nil, &block)
obj ||= block
raise "Provide either a #call'able or a block" unless obj
@options[:lowlevel_error_handler] = obj
# This option is used to allow your app and its gems to be
# properly reloaded when not using preload.
# When set, if puma detects that it's been invoked in the
# context of Bundler, it will cleanup the environment and
# re-run itself outside the Bundler environment, but directly
# using the files that Bundler has setup.
# This means that puma is now decoupled from your Bundler
# context and when each worker loads, it will be loading a
# new Bundler context and thus can float around as the release
# dictates.
def prune_bundler(answer=true)
@options[:prune_bundler] = answer
# In environments where SIGTERM is something expected, instructing
# puma to shutdown gracefully ( for example in Kubernetes, where
# rolling restart is guaranteed usually on infrastructure level )
# SignalException should not be raised for SIGTERM
# When set to false, if puma process receives SIGTERM, it won't raise SignalException
def raise_exception_on_sigterm(answer=true)
@options[:raise_exception_on_sigterm] = answer
# Additional text to display in process listing
def tag(string)
@options[:tag] = string.to_s
# *Cluster mode only* Set the timeout for workers in seconds
# When set the master process will terminate any workers
# that have not checked in within the given +timeout+.
# This mitigates hung processes. Default value is 60 seconds.
def worker_timeout(timeout)
timeout = Integer(timeout)
if timeout <= min
raise "The minimum worker_timeout must be greater than the worker reporting interval (#{min})"
@options[:worker_timeout] = Integer(timeout)
# *Cluster mode only* Set the timeout for workers to boot
def worker_boot_timeout(timeout)
@options[:worker_boot_timeout] = Integer(timeout)
# *Cluster mode only* Set the timeout for worker shutdown
def worker_shutdown_timeout(timeout)
@options[:worker_shutdown_timeout] = Integer(timeout)
# When set to true (the default), workers accept all requests
# and queue them before passing them to the handlers.
# When set to false, each worker process accepts exactly as
# many requests as it is configured to simultaneously handle.
# Queueing requests generally improves performance. In some
# cases, such as a single threaded application, it may be
# better to ensure requests get balanced across workers.
# Note that setting this to false disables HTTP keepalive and
# slow clients will occupy a handler thread while the request
# is being sent. A reverse proxy, such as nginx, can handle
# slow clients and queue requests before they reach puma.
def queue_requests(answer=true)
@options[:queue_requests] = answer
# When a shutdown is requested, the backtraces of all the
# threads will be written to $stdout. This can help figure
# out why shutdown is hanging.
def shutdown_debug(val=true)
@options[:shutdown_debug] = val
# Control how the remote address of the connection is set. This
# is configurable because to calculate the true socket peer address
# a kernel syscall is required which for very fast rack handlers
# slows down the handling significantly.
# There are 4 possible values:
# * :socket (the default) - read the peername from the socket using the
# syscall. This is the normal behavior.
# * :localhost - set the remote address to ""
# * header: http_header - set the remote address to the value of the
# provided http header. For instance:
# `set_remote_address header: "X-Real-IP"`.
# Only the first word (as separated by spaces or comma)
# is used, allowing headers such as X-Forwarded-For
# to be used as well.
# * Any string - this allows you to hardcode remote address to any value
# you wish. Because puma never uses this field anyway, it's
# format is entirely in your hands.
def set_remote_address(val=:socket)
case val
when :socket
@options[:remote_address] = val
when :localhost
@options[:remote_address] = :value
@options[:remote_address_value] = "".freeze
when String
@options[:remote_address] = :value
@options[:remote_address_value] = val
when Hash
if hdr = val[:header]
@options[:remote_address] = :header
@options[:remote_address_header] = "HTTP_" + hdr.upcase.tr("-", "_")
raise "Invalid value for set_remote_address - #{val.inspect}"
raise "Invalid value for set_remote_address - #{val}"