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zedshaw 0db587e57f Slight adjust so that people can see the request holding everything up.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://rubyforge.org/var/svn/mongrel/trunk@354 19e92222-5c0b-0410-8929-a290d50e31e9
2006-10-03 08:17:41 +00:00

199 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2005 Zed A. Shaw
# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Ruby.
# Additional work donated by contributors. See http://mongrel.rubyforge.org/attributions.html
# for more information.
require 'mongrel'
require 'cgi'
require 'sync'
class Sync
# modified to open the waiting list for reporting purposes
attr_accessor :sync_waiting
module Mongrel
module Rails
# Implements a handler that can run Rails and serve files out of the
# Rails application's public directory. This lets you run your Rails
# application with Mongrel during development and testing, then use it
# also in production behind a server that's better at serving the
# static files.
# The RailsHandler takes a mime_map parameter which is a simple suffix=mimetype
# mapping that it should add to the list of valid mime types.
# It also supports page caching directly and will try to resolve a request
# in the following order:
# * If the requested exact PATH_INFO exists as a file then serve it.
# * If it exists at PATH_INFO+".html" exists then serve that.
# * Finally, construct a Mongrel::CGIWrapper and run Dispatcher.dispatch to have Rails go.
# This means that if you are using page caching it will actually work with Mongrel
# and you should see a decent speed boost (but not as fast as if you use a static
# server like Apache or Litespeed).
class RailsHandler < Mongrel::HttpHandler
attr_reader :files
attr_reader :guard
@@file_only_methods = ["GET","HEAD"]
def initialize(dir, mime_map = {})
@files = Mongrel::DirHandler.new(dir,false)
@guard = Sync.new
@tick = Time.now
# Register the requested MIME types
mime_map.each {|k,v| Mongrel::DirHandler::add_mime_type(k,v) }
# Attempts to resolve the request as follows:
# * If the requested exact PATH_INFO exists as a file then serve it.
# * If it exists at PATH_INFO+".html" exists then serve that.
# * Finally, construct a Mongrel::CGIWrapper and run Dispatcher.dispatch to have Rails go.
def process(request, response)
if response.socket.closed?
path_info = request.params[Mongrel::Const::PATH_INFO]
page_cached = path_info + ".html"
get_or_head = @@file_only_methods.include? request.params[Mongrel::Const::REQUEST_METHOD]
if get_or_head and @files.can_serve(path_info)
# File exists as-is so serve it up
elsif get_or_head and @files.can_serve(page_cached)
# Possible cached page, serve it up
request.params[Mongrel::Const::PATH_INFO] = page_cached
cgi = Mongrel::CGIWrapper.new(request, response)
cgi.handler = self
# We don't want the output to be really final until we're out of the lock
cgi.default_really_final = false
log_threads_waiting_for(@active_request_path || request.params["PATH_INFO"]) if $mongrel_debug_client
@guard.synchronize(:EX) {
@active_request_path = request.params["PATH_INFO"]
Dispatcher.dispatch(cgi, ActionController::CgiRequest::DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS, response.body)
@active_request_path = nil
# This finalizes the output using the proper HttpResponse way
cgi.out("text/html",true) {""}
rescue Errno::EPIPE
rescue Object => rails_error
STDERR.puts "#{Time.now}: Error calling Dispatcher.dispatch #{rails_error.inspect}"
STDERR.puts rails_error.backtrace.join("\n")
def log_threads_waiting_for(event)
if Time.now - @tick > 10
STDERR.puts "#{Time.now}: #{@guard.sync_waiting.length} threads sync_waiting for #{event}, #{self.listener.workers.list.length} still active in Mongrel."
@tick = Time.now
# Does the internal reload for Rails. It might work for most cases, but
# sometimes you get exceptions. In that case just do a real restart.
def reload!
@guard.synchronize(:EX) {
$".replace $orig_dollar_quote
# Creates Rails specific configuration options for people to use
# instead of the base Configurator.
class RailsConfigurator < Mongrel::Configurator
# Creates a single rails handler and returns it so you
# can add it to a URI. You can actually attach it to
# as many URIs as you want, but this returns the
# same RailsHandler for each call.
# Requires the following options:
# * :docroot => The public dir to serve from.
# * :environment => Rails environment to use.
# * :cwd => The change to working directory
# And understands the following optional settings:
# * :mime => A map of mime types.
# Because of how Rails is designed you can only have
# one installed per Ruby interpreter (talk to them
# about thread safety). Because of this the first
# time you call this function it does all the config
# needed to get your Rails working. After that
# it returns the one handler you've configured.
# This lets you attach Rails to any URI(s) you want,
# but it still protects you from threads destroying
# your handler.
def rails(options={})
return @rails_handler if @rails_handler
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
# fix up some defaults
ops[:environment] ||= "development"
ops[:docroot] ||= "public"
ops[:mime] ||= {}
$orig_dollar_quote = $".clone
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = ops[:environment]
env_location = "#{ops[:cwd]}/config/environment"
require env_location
require 'dispatcher'
require 'mongrel/rails'
ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = ops[:prefix] if ops[:prefix]
@rails_handler = RailsHandler.new(ops[:docroot], ops[:mime])
# Reloads Rails. This isn't too reliable really, but it
# should work for most minimal reload purposes. The only reliable
# way to reload properly is to stop and then start the process.
def reload!
if not @rails_handler
raise "Rails was not configured. Read the docs for RailsConfigurator."
log "Reloading Rails..."
log "Done reloading Rails."
# Takes the exact same configuration as Mongrel::Configurator (and actually calls that)
# but sets up the additional HUP handler to call reload!.
def setup_rails_signals(options={})
ops = resolve_defaults(options)
if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin/
# rails reload
trap("HUP") { log "HUP signal received."; reload! }
log "Rails signals registered. HUP => reload (without restart). It might not work well."