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require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/javascript_helper'
module ActionView
module Helpers
# Provides a set of methods for making easy links and getting urls that depend on the controller and action. This means that
# you can use the same format for links in the views that you do in the controller. The different methods are even named
# synchronously, so link_to uses that same url as is generated by url_for, which again is the same url used for
# redirection in redirect_to.
module UrlHelper
include JavaScriptHelper
# Returns the URL for the set of +options+ provided. This takes the same options
# as url_for. For a list, see the url_for documentation in link:classes/ActionController/Base.html#M000079.
def url_for(options = {}, *parameters_for_method_reference)
options = { :only_path => true }.update(options.symbolize_keys) if options.kind_of? Hash
@controller.send(:url_for, options, *parameters_for_method_reference)
# Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using an URL created by the set of +options+. See the valid options in
# link:classes/ActionController/Base.html#M000021. It's also possible to pass a string instead of an options hash to
# get a link tag that just points without consideration. If nil is passed as a name, the link itself will become the name.
# The html_options has three special features. One for creating javascript confirm alerts where if you pass :confirm => 'Are you sure?',
# the link will be guarded with a JS popup asking that question. If the user accepts, the link is processed, otherwise not.
# Another for creating a popup window, which is done by either passing :popup with true or the options of the window in
# Javascript form.
# And a third for making the link do a POST request (instead of the regular GET) through a dynamically added form element that
# is instantly submitted. Note that if the user has turned off Javascript, the request will fall back on the GET. So its
# your responsibility to determine what the action should be once it arrives at the controller. The POST form is turned on by
# passing :post as true. Note, it's not possible to use POST requests and popup targets at the same time (an exception will be thrown).
# Examples:
# link_to "Delete this page", { :action => "destroy", :id => @page.id }, :confirm => "Are you sure?"
# link_to "Help", { :action => "help" }, :popup => true
# link_to "Busy loop", { :action => "busy" }, :popup => ['new_window', 'height=300,width=600']
# link_to "Destroy account", { :action => "destroy" }, :confirm => "Are you sure?", :post => true
def link_to(name, options = {}, html_options = nil, *parameters_for_method_reference)
html_options = (html_options || {}).stringify_keys
if options.is_a?(String)
content_tag "a", name || options, (html_options || {}).merge("href" => options)
"a", name || url_for(options, *parameters_for_method_reference),
(html_options || {}).merge("href" => url_for(options, *parameters_for_method_reference))
# Generates a form containing a sole button that submits to the
# URL given by _options_. Use this method instead of +link_to+
# for actions that do not have the safe HTTP GET semantics
# implied by using a hypertext link.
# The parameters are the same as for +link_to+. Any _html_options_
# that you pass will be applied to the inner +input+ element.
# In particular, pass
# :disabled => true/false
# as part of _html_options_ to control whether the button is
# disabled. The generated form element is given the class
# 'button-to', to which you can attach CSS styles for display
# purposes.
# Example 1:
# # inside of controller for "feeds"
# button_to "Edit", :action => 'edit', :id => 3
# Generates the following HTML (sans formatting):
# <form method="post" action="/feeds/edit/3" class="button-to">
# <div><input value="Edit" type="submit" /></div>
# </form>
# Example 2:
# button_to "Destroy", { :action => 'destroy', :id => 3 },
# :confirm => "Are you sure?"
# Generates the following HTML (sans formatting):
# <form method="post" action="/feeds/destroy/3" class="button-to">
# <div><input onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');"
# value="Destroy" type="submit" />
# </div>
# </form>
# *NOTE*: This method generates HTML code that represents a form.
# Forms are "block" content, which means that you should not try to
# insert them into your HTML where only inline content is expected.
# For example, you can legally insert a form inside of a +div+ or
# +td+ element or in between +p+ elements, but not in the middle of
# a run of text, nor can you place a form within another form.
# (Bottom line: Always validate your HTML before going public.)
def button_to(name, options = {}, html_options = nil)
html_options = (html_options || {}).stringify_keys
convert_boolean_attributes!(html_options, %w( disabled ))
if confirm = html_options.delete("confirm")
html_options["onclick"] = "return #{confirm_javascript_function(confirm)};"
url, name = options.is_a?(String) ?
[ options, name || options ] :
[ url_for(options), name || url_for(options) ]
html_options.merge!("type" => "submit", "value" => name)
"<form method=\"post\" action=\"#{h url}\" class=\"button-to\"><div>" +
tag("input", html_options) + "</div></form>"
# This tag is deprecated. Combine the link_to and AssetTagHelper::image_tag yourself instead, like:
# link_to(image_tag("rss", :size => "30x45", :border => 0), "http://www.example.com")
def link_image_to(src, options = {}, html_options = {}, *parameters_for_method_reference)
image_options = { "src" => src.include?("/") ? src : "/images/#{src}" }
image_options["src"] += ".png" unless image_options["src"].include?(".")
html_options = html_options.stringify_keys
if html_options["alt"]
image_options["alt"] = html_options["alt"]
html_options.delete "alt"
image_options["alt"] = src.split("/").last.split(".").first.capitalize
if html_options["size"]
image_options["width"], image_options["height"] = html_options["size"].split("x")
html_options.delete "size"
if html_options["border"]
image_options["border"] = html_options["border"]
html_options.delete "border"
if html_options["align"]
image_options["align"] = html_options["align"]
html_options.delete "align"
link_to(tag("img", image_options), options, html_options, *parameters_for_method_reference)
alias_method :link_to_image, :link_image_to # deprecated name
# Creates a link tag of the given +name+ using an URL created by the set of +options+, unless the current
# request uri is the same as the link's, in which case only the name is returned (or the
# given block is yielded, if one exists). This is useful for creating link bars where you don't want to link
# to the page currently being viewed.
def link_to_unless_current(name, options = {}, html_options = {}, *parameters_for_method_reference, &block)
link_to_unless current_page?(options), name, options, html_options, *parameters_for_method_reference, &block
# Create a link tag of the given +name+ using an URL created by the set of +options+, unless +condition+
# is true, in which case only the name is returned (or the given block is yielded, if one exists).
def link_to_unless(condition, name, options = {}, html_options = {}, *parameters_for_method_reference, &block)
if condition
if block_given?
block.arity <= 1 ? yield(name) : yield(name, options, html_options, *parameters_for_method_reference)
link_to(name, options, html_options, *parameters_for_method_reference)
# Create a link tag of the given +name+ using an URL created by the set of +options+, if +condition+
# is true, in which case only the name is returned (or the given block is yielded, if one exists).
def link_to_if(condition, name, options = {}, html_options = {}, *parameters_for_method_reference, &block)
link_to_unless !condition, name, options, html_options, *parameters_for_method_reference, &block
# Creates a link tag for starting an email to the specified <tt>email_address</tt>, which is also used as the name of the
# link unless +name+ is specified. Additional HTML options, such as class or id, can be passed in the <tt>html_options</tt> hash.
# You can also make it difficult for spiders to harvest email address by obfuscating them.
# Examples:
# mail_to "me@domain.com", "My email", :encode => "javascript" # =>
# <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6d%65%40%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%4d%79%20%65%6d%61%69%6c%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))</script>
# mail_to "me@domain.com", "My email", :encode => "hex" # =>
# <a href="mailto:%6d%65@%64%6f%6d%61%69%6e.%63%6f%6d">My email</a>
# You can also specify the cc address, bcc address, subject, and body parts of the message header to create a complex e-mail using the
# corresponding +cc+, +bcc+, +subject+, and +body+ <tt>html_options</tt> keys. Each of these options are URI escaped and then appended to
# the <tt>email_address</tt> before being output. <b>Be aware that javascript keywords will not be escaped and may break this feature
# when encoding with javascript.</b>
# Examples:
# mail_to "me@domain.com", "My email", :cc => "ccaddress@domain.com", :bcc => "bccaddress@domain.com", :subject => "This is an example email", :body => "This is the body of the message." # =>
# <a href="mailto:me@domain.com?cc="ccaddress@domain.com"&bcc="bccaddress@domain.com"&body="This%20is%20the%20body%20of%20the%20message."&subject="This%20is%20an%20example%20email">My email</a>
def mail_to(email_address, name = nil, html_options = {})
html_options = html_options.stringify_keys
encode = html_options.delete("encode")
cc, bcc, subject, body = html_options.delete("cc"), html_options.delete("bcc"), html_options.delete("subject"), html_options.delete("body")
string = ''
extras = ''
extras << "cc=#{CGI.escape(cc).gsub("+", "%20")}&" unless cc.nil?
extras << "bcc=#{CGI.escape(bcc).gsub("+", "%20")}&" unless bcc.nil?
extras << "body=#{CGI.escape(body).gsub("+", "%20")}&" unless body.nil?
extras << "subject=#{CGI.escape(subject).gsub("+", "%20")}&" unless subject.nil?
extras = "?" << extras.gsub!(/&?$/,"") unless extras.empty?
email_address_obfuscated = email_address.dup
email_address_obfuscated.gsub!(/@/, html_options.delete("replace_at")) if html_options.has_key?("replace_at")
email_address_obfuscated.gsub!(/\./, html_options.delete("replace_dot")) if html_options.has_key?("replace_dot")
if encode == 'javascript'
tmp = "document.write('#{content_tag("a", name || email_address, html_options.merge({ "href" => "mailto:"+email_address.to_s+extras }))}');"
for i in 0...tmp.length
string << sprintf("%%%x",tmp[i])
"<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\">eval(unescape('#{string}'))</script>"
elsif encode == 'hex'
for i in 0...email_address.length
if email_address[i,1] =~ /\w/
string << sprintf("%%%x",email_address[i])
string << email_address[i,1]
content_tag "a", name || email_address_obfuscated, html_options.merge({ "href" => "mailto:#{string}#{extras}" })
content_tag "a", name || email_address_obfuscated, html_options.merge({ "href" => "mailto:#{email_address}#{extras}" })
# Returns true if the current page uri is generated by the options passed (in url_for format).
def current_page?(options)
url_for(options) == @request.request_uri
def convert_options_to_javascript!(html_options)
confirm, popup, post = html_options.delete("confirm"), html_options.delete("popup"), html_options.delete("post")
html_options["onclick"] = case
when popup && post
raise ActionView::ActionViewError, "You can't use :popup and :post in the same link"
when confirm && popup
"if (#{confirm_javascript_function(confirm)}) { #{popup_javascript_function(popup)} };return false;"
when confirm && post
"if (#{confirm_javascript_function(confirm)}) { #{post_javascript_function} };return false;"
when confirm
"return #{confirm_javascript_function(confirm)};"
when post
"#{post_javascript_function}return false;"
when popup
popup_javascript_function(popup) + 'return false;'
def confirm_javascript_function(confirm)
def popup_javascript_function(popup)
popup.is_a?(Array) ? "window.open(this.href,'#{popup.first}','#{popup.last}');" : "window.open(this.href);"
def post_javascript_function
"f = document.createElement('form'); document.body.appendChild(f); f.method = 'POST'; f.action = this.href; f.submit();"
# Processes the _html_options_ hash, converting the boolean
# attributes from true/false form into the form required by
# HTML/XHTML. (An attribute is considered to be boolean if
# its name is listed in the given _bool_attrs_ array.)
# More specifically, for each boolean attribute in _html_options_
# given as:
# "attr" => bool_value
# if the the associated _bool_value_ evaluates to true, it is
# replaced with the attribute's name; otherwise the attribute is
# removed from the _html_options_ hash. (See the XHTML 1.0 spec,
# section 4.5 "Attribute Minimization" for more:
# http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#h-4.5)
# Returns the updated _html_options_ hash, which is also modified
# in place.
# Example:
# convert_boolean_attributes!( html_options,
# %w( checked disabled readonly ) )
def convert_boolean_attributes!(html_options, bool_attrs)
bool_attrs.each { |x| html_options[x] = x if html_options.delete(x) }