2004-11-23 20:04:44 -05:00
require 'abstract_unit'
2004-12-14 20:36:05 -05:00
require 'fixtures/topic'
require 'fixtures/reply'
require 'fixtures/developer'
2004-11-23 20:04:44 -05:00
class ValidationsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
2004-12-09 08:37:11 -05:00
fixtures :topics, :developers
2004-11-23 20:04:44 -05:00
2004-12-10 08:11:13 -05:00
def teardown
Topic.write_inheritable_attribute("validate", [])
Topic.write_inheritable_attribute("validate_on_create", [])
2004-11-23 20:04:44 -05:00
def test_single_field_validation
r = Reply.new
r.title = "There's no content!"
assert !r.save, "A reply without content shouldn't be saveable"
r.content = "Messa content!"
assert r.save, "A reply with content should be saveable"
def test_single_attr_validation_and_error_msg
r = Reply.new
r.title = "There's no content!"
assert r.errors.invalid?("content"), "A reply without content should mark that attribute as invalid"
assert_equal "Empty", r.errors.on("content"), "A reply without content should contain an error"
assert_equal 1, r.errors.count
def test_double_attr_validation_and_error_msg
r = Reply.new
assert !r.save
assert r.errors.invalid?("title"), "A reply without title should mark that attribute as invalid"
assert_equal "Empty", r.errors.on("title"), "A reply without title should contain an error"
assert r.errors.invalid?("content"), "A reply without content should mark that attribute as invalid"
assert_equal "Empty", r.errors.on("content"), "A reply without content should contain an error"
assert_equal 2, r.errors.count
def test_error_on_create
r = Reply.new
r.title = "Wrong Create"
assert !r.save
assert r.errors.invalid?("title"), "A reply with a bad title should mark that attribute as invalid"
assert_equal "is Wrong Create", r.errors.on("title"), "A reply with a bad content should contain an error"
def test_error_on_update
r = Reply.new
r.title = "Bad"
r.content = "Good"
assert r.save, "First save should be successful"
r.title = "Wrong Update"
assert !r.save, "Second save should fail"
assert r.errors.invalid?("title"), "A reply with a bad title should mark that attribute as invalid"
assert_equal "is Wrong Update", r.errors.on("title"), "A reply with a bad content should contain an error"
def test_single_error_per_attr_iteration
r = Reply.new
errors = []
r.errors.each { |attr, msg| errors << [attr, msg] }
assert errors.include?(["title", "Empty"])
assert errors.include?(["content", "Empty"])
def test_multiple_errors_per_attr_iteration_with_full_error_composition
r = Reply.new
r.title = "Wrong Create"
r.content = "Mismatch"
errors = []
r.errors.each_full { |error| errors << error }
assert_equal "Title is Wrong Create", errors[0]
assert_equal "Title is Content Mismatch", errors[1]
assert_equal 2, r.errors.count
def test_errors_on_base
r = Reply.new
r.content = "Mismatch"
r.errors.add_to_base "Reply is not dignifying"
errors = []
r.errors.each_full { |error| errors << error }
assert_equal "Reply is not dignifying", r.errors.on_base
assert errors.include?("Title Empty")
assert errors.include?("Reply is not dignifying")
assert_equal 2, r.errors.count
def test_create_without_validation
reply = Reply.new
assert !reply.save
assert reply.save(false)
def test_errors_on_boundary_breaking
developer = Developer.new("name" => "xs")
assert !developer.save
assert_equal "is too short (min is 3 characters)", developer.errors.on("name")
developer.name = "All too very long for this boundary, it really is"
assert !developer.save
assert_equal "is too long (max is 20 characters)", developer.errors.on("name")
developer.name = "Just right"
assert developer.save
2004-12-09 08:37:11 -05:00
2004-12-21 18:41:07 -05:00
def test_title_confirmation_no_confirm
t = Topic.create("title" => "We should not be confirmed")
assert t.save
2004-12-09 09:37:37 -05:00
def test_title_confirmation
2004-12-14 20:36:05 -05:00
2004-12-09 08:37:11 -05:00
2004-12-21 18:41:07 -05:00
t = Topic.create("title" => "We should be confirmed","title_confirmation" => "")
2004-12-09 09:37:37 -05:00
assert !t.save
2004-12-09 08:37:11 -05:00
2004-12-09 09:37:37 -05:00
t.title_confirmation = "We should be confirmed"
assert t.save
2004-12-09 08:37:11 -05:00
2004-12-21 18:41:07 -05:00
def test_terms_of_service_agreement_no_acceptance
Topic.validates_acceptance_of(:terms_of_service, :on => :create)
t = Topic.create("title" => "We should not be confirmed")
assert t.save
2004-12-09 09:37:37 -05:00
def test_terms_of_service_agreement
2004-12-14 20:36:05 -05:00
Topic.validates_acceptance_of(:terms_of_service, :on => :create)
2004-12-09 09:37:37 -05:00
2004-12-21 18:41:07 -05:00
t = Topic.create("title" => "We should be confirmed","terms_of_service" => "")
2004-12-09 08:37:11 -05:00
assert !t.save
2004-12-09 10:06:24 -05:00
assert_equal "must be accepted", t.errors.on(:terms_of_service)
2004-12-09 08:37:11 -05:00
2004-12-09 09:37:37 -05:00
t.terms_of_service = "1"
2004-12-09 08:37:11 -05:00
assert t.save
2004-12-09 10:06:24 -05:00
def test_eula
2004-12-14 20:36:05 -05:00
Topic.validates_acceptance_of(:eula, :message => "must be abided", :on => :create)
2004-12-09 10:06:24 -05:00
2004-12-21 18:41:07 -05:00
t = Topic.create("title" => "We should be confirmed","eula" => "")
2004-12-09 10:06:24 -05:00
assert !t.save
assert_equal "must be abided", t.errors.on(:eula)
t.eula = "1"
assert t.save
2004-12-10 08:11:13 -05:00
def test_validate_presences
2004-12-14 20:36:05 -05:00
Topic.validates_presence_of(:title, :content)
2004-12-09 10:06:24 -05:00
2004-12-10 08:11:13 -05:00
t = Topic.create
assert !t.save
assert_equal "can't be empty", t.errors.on(:title)
assert_equal "can't be empty", t.errors.on(:content)
t.title = "something"
t.content = "another"
assert t.save
2004-12-09 10:06:24 -05:00
2004-12-10 11:02:11 -05:00
def test_validate_uniqueness
2004-12-14 20:36:05 -05:00
2004-12-10 11:02:11 -05:00
t = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!")
assert t.save, "Should save t as unique"
t.content = "Remaining unique"
assert t.save, "Should still save t as unique"
t2 = Topic.new("title" => "I'm unique!")
assert !t2.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid"
assert !t2.save, "Shouldn't save t2 as unique"
assert_equal "has already been taken", t2.errors.on(:title)
t2.title = "Now Im really also unique"
assert t2.save, "Should now save t2 as unique"
2004-12-15 20:32:35 -05:00
2004-12-22 18:40:44 -05:00
def test_validate_uniqueness_with_scope
Reply.validates_uniqueness_of(:content, :scope => "parent_id")
t = Topic.create("title" => "I'm unique!")
r1 = t.replies.create "title" => "r1", "content" => "hello world"
assert r1.valid?, "Saving r1"
r2 = t.replies.create "title" => "r2", "content" => "hello world"
assert !r2.valid?, "Saving r2 first time"
r2.content = "something else"
assert r2.save, "Saving r2 second time"
t2 = Topic.create("title" => "I'm unique too!")
r3 = t2.replies.create "title" => "r3", "content" => "hello world"
assert r3.valid?, "Saving r3"
2004-12-15 20:32:35 -05:00
def test_validate_format
2004-12-31 11:42:25 -05:00
Topic.validates_format_of(:title, :content, :with => /^Validation\smacros \w+!$/, :message => "is bad data")
2004-12-15 20:32:35 -05:00
t = Topic.create("title" => "i'm incorrect", "content" => "Validation macros rule!")
assert !t.valid?, "Shouldn't be valid"
assert !t.save, "Shouldn't save because it's invalid"
assert_equal "is bad data", t.errors.on(:title)
assert_nil t.errors.on(:content)
t.title = "Validation macros rule!"
assert t.save
assert_nil t.errors.on(:title)
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_format_of(:title, :content) }
2004-12-15 22:17:43 -05:00
def test_validates_inclusion_of
Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => %w( a b c d e f g ) )
assert !Topic.create("title" => "a!", "content" => "abc").valid?
assert !Topic.create("title" => "a b", "content" => "abc").valid?
assert !Topic.create("title" => nil, "content" => "def").valid?
assert !Topic.create("title" => %w(a b c), "content" => "def").valid?
t = Topic.create("title" => "a", "content" => "I know you are but what am I?")
assert t.valid?
t.title = "uhoh"
assert !t.valid?
assert t.errors.on(:title)
assert_equal "is not included in the list", t.errors["title"]
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => nil ) }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => 0) }
assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => "hi!" ) }
assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => {} ) }
assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => [] ) }
2004-12-16 12:00:22 -05:00
2004-12-22 18:25:45 -05:00
def test_validates_inclusion_of_with_allow_nil
Topic.validates_inclusion_of( :title, :in => %w( a b c d e f g ), :allow_nil=>true )
assert !Topic.create("title" => "a!", "content" => "abc").valid?
assert !Topic.create("title" => "", "content" => "abc").valid?
assert Topic.create("title" => nil, "content" => "abc").valid?
2004-12-16 12:00:22 -05:00
def test_validates_length_of_using_minimum
Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :minimum=>5 )
t = Topic.create("title" => "valid", "content" => "whatever")
assert t.valid?
t.title = "not"
assert !t.valid?
assert t.errors.on(:title)
assert_equal "is too short (min is 5 characters)", t.errors["title"]
t.title = ""
assert !t.valid?
assert t.errors.on(:title)
t.title = nil
assert !t.valid?
assert_equal "is too short (min is 5 characters)", t.errors["title"]
assert t.errors.on(:title)
def test_validates_length_of_using_maximum
Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5 )
t = Topic.create("title" => "valid", "content" => "whatever")
assert t.valid?
t.title = "notvalid"
assert !t.valid?
assert t.errors.on(:title)
assert_equal "is too long (max is 5 characters)", t.errors["title"]
t.title = ""
assert t.valid?
t.title = nil
assert t.valid?
def test_validates_length_of_using_within
Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :content, :within => 3..5)
t = Topic.create("title" => "a!", "content" => "I'm ooooooooh so very long")
assert !t.save
assert_equal "is too short (min is 3 characters)", t.errors.on(:title)
assert_equal "is too long (max is 5 characters)", t.errors.on(:content)
t.title = "abe"
t.content = "mad"
assert t.save
def test_validates_length_of_using_is
Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :is=>5 )
t = Topic.create("title" => "valid", "content" => "whatever")
assert t.valid?
t.title = "notvalid"
assert !t.valid?
assert t.errors.on(:title)
assert_equal "is the wrong length (should be 5 characters)", t.errors["title"]
t.title = ""
assert !t.valid?
t.title = nil
assert !t.valid?
def test_validates_length_of_nasty_params
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :minimum=>6, :maximum=>9) }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :within=>6, :maximum=>9) }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :within=>6, :minimum=>9) }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :within=>6, :is=>9) }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :minimum=>"a") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :maximum=>"a") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :within=>"a") }
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.validates_length_of(:title, :is=>"a") }
def test_validates_length_of_custom_errors_for_minimum_with_message
Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :minimum=>5, :message=>"boo %d" )
t = Topic.create("title" => "uhoh", "content" => "whatever")
assert !t.valid?
assert t.errors.on(:title)
assert_equal "boo 5", t.errors["title"]
def test_validates_length_of_custom_errors_for_minimum_with_too_short
Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :minimum=>5, :too_short=>"hoo %d" )
t = Topic.create("title" => "uhoh", "content" => "whatever")
assert !t.valid?
assert t.errors.on(:title)
assert_equal "hoo 5", t.errors["title"]
def test_validates_length_of_custom_errors_for_maximum_with_message
Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :message=>"boo %d" )
t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever")
assert !t.valid?
assert t.errors.on(:title)
assert_equal "boo 5", t.errors["title"]
def test_validates_length_of_custom_errors_for_maximum_with_too_long
Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :maximum=>5, :too_long=>"hoo %d" )
t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever")
assert !t.valid?
assert t.errors.on(:title)
assert_equal "hoo 5", t.errors["title"]
def test_validates_length_of_custom_errors_for_is_with_message
Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :is=>5, :message=>"boo %d" )
t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever")
assert !t.valid?
assert t.errors.on(:title)
assert_equal "boo 5", t.errors["title"]
def test_validates_length_of_custom_errors_for_is_with_wrong_length
Topic.validates_length_of( :title, :is=>5, :wrong_length=>"hoo %d" )
t = Topic.create("title" => "uhohuhoh", "content" => "whatever")
assert !t.valid?
assert t.errors.on(:title)
assert_equal "hoo 5", t.errors["title"]
2004-12-19 06:25:55 -05:00
def test_throw_away_typing
d = Developer.create "name" => "David", "salary" => "100,000"
assert !d.valid?
2004-12-19 06:44:59 -05:00
assert_equal 100, d.salary
2004-12-19 06:25:55 -05:00
assert_equal "100,000", d.salary_before_type_cast
2004-12-21 18:41:07 -05:00