2009-08-06 18:22:10 -04:00
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Gem :: Specification . new do | s |
2010-09-24 19:45:02 -04:00
s . name = %q{ arel }
2010-09-24 19:47:12 -04:00
s . version = " 1.0.1.beta.1.20100924164615 "
2010-03-23 14:23:21 -04:00
2010-09-24 19:45:02 -04:00
s . required_rubygems_version = Gem :: Requirement . new ( " > 1.3.1 " ) if s . respond_to? :required_rubygems_version =
s . authors = [ " Aaron Patterson " , " Bryan Halmkamp " , " Emilio Tagua " , " Nick Kallen " ]
s . date = %q{ 2010-09-24 }
s . description = %q{ Arel is a Relational Algebra for Ruby. It 1) simplifies the generation complex of SQL queries and it 2) adapts to various RDBMS systems. It is intended to be a framework framework; that is, you can build your own ORM with it, focusing on innovative object and collection modeling as opposed to database compatibility and query generation. }
s . email = [ " aaron@tenderlovemaking.com " , " bryan@brynary.com " , " miloops@gmail.com " , " nick@example.org " ]
s . extra_rdoc_files = [ " History.txt " , " Manifest.txt " , " README.markdown " ]
s . files = [ " History.txt " , " Manifest.txt " , " README.markdown " , " Rakefile " , " arel.gemspec " , " lib/arel.rb " , " lib/arel/attributes.rb " , " lib/arel/attributes/attribute.rb " , " lib/arel/compatibility/wheres.rb " , " lib/arel/crud.rb " , " lib/arel/delete_manager.rb " , " lib/arel/deprecated.rb " , " lib/arel/expression.rb " , " lib/arel/expressions.rb " , " lib/arel/insert_manager.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/and.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/assignment.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/avg.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/between.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/binary.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/count.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/delete_statement.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/equality.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/exists.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/function.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/greater_than.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/greater_than_or_equal.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/group.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/grouping.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/having.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/in.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/inner_join.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/insert_statement.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/join.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/less_than.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/less_than_or_equal.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/lock.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/max.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/min.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/node.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/not_equal.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/offset.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/on.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/or.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/outer_join.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/select_core.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/select_statement.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/sql_literal.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/string_join.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/sum.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/table_alias.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/unqualified_column.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/update_statement.rb " , " lib/arel/nodes/values.rb " , " lib/arel/relation.rb " , " lib/arel/select_manager.rb " , " lib/arel/sql/engine.rb " , " lib/arel/sql_literal.rb " , " lib/arel/table.rb " , " lib/arel/tree_manager.rb " , " lib/arel/update_manager.rb " , " lib/arel/version.rb " , " lib/arel/visitors.rb " , " lib/arel/visitors/dot.rb " , " lib/arel/visitors/join_sql.rb " , " lib/arel/visitors/mysql.rb " , " lib/arel/visitors/oracle.rb " , " lib/arel/visitors/order_clauses.rb " , " lib/arel/visitors/postgresql.rb " , " lib/arel/visitors/to_sql.rb " , " spec/activerecord_compat_spec.rb " , " spec/attributes/attribute_spec.rb " , " spec/attributes_spec.rb " , " spec/crud_spec.rb " , " spec/delete_manager_spec.rb " , " spec/insert_manager_spec.rb " , " spec/nodes/count_spec.rb " , " spec/nodes/delete_statement_spec.rb " , " spec/nodes/equality_spec.rb " , " spec/nodes/insert_statement_spec.rb " , " spec/nodes/or_spec.rb " , " spec/nodes/select_core_spec.rb " , " spec/nodes/select_statement_spec.rb " , " spec/nodes/sql_literal_spec.rb " , " spec/nodes/sum_spec.rb " , " spec/nodes/update_statement_spec.rb " , " spec/select_manager_spec.rb " , " spec/spec.opts " , " spec/spec_helper.rb " , " spec/support/check.rb " , " spec/support/fake_record.rb " , " spec/support/matchers.rb " , " spec/support/matchers/be_like.rb " , " spec/support/shared/tree_manager_shared.rb " , " spec/table_spec.rb " , " spec/update_manager_spec.rb " , " spec/visitors/join_sql_spec.rb " , " spec/visitors/oracle_spec.rb " , " spec/visitors/to_sql_spec.rb " ]
s . homepage = %q{ http://github.com/rails/arel }
s . rdoc_options = [ " --main " , " README.markdown " ]
s . require_paths = [ " lib " ]
s . rubyforge_project = %q{ arel }
s . rubygems_version = %q{ 1.3.7 }
s . summary = %q{ Arel is a Relational Algebra for Ruby }
2009-08-06 18:22:10 -04:00
2010-09-24 19:45:02 -04:00
if s . respond_to? :specification_version then
current_version = Gem :: Specification :: CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION
s . specification_version = 3
if Gem :: Version . new ( Gem :: VERSION ) > = Gem :: Version . new ( '1.2.0' ) then
s . add_development_dependency ( %q< rubyforge > , [ " >= 2.0.4 " ] )
2010-09-24 19:47:12 -04:00
s . add_development_dependency ( %q< rspec > , [ " ~> 1.3.0 " ] )
2010-09-24 19:45:02 -04:00
s . add_development_dependency ( %q< hoe > , [ " >= 2.6.0 " ] )
s . add_dependency ( %q< rubyforge > , [ " >= 2.0.4 " ] )
2010-09-24 19:47:12 -04:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< rspec > , [ " ~> 1.3.0 " ] )
2010-09-24 19:45:02 -04:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< hoe > , [ " >= 2.6.0 " ] )
s . add_dependency ( %q< rubyforge > , [ " >= 2.0.4 " ] )
2010-09-24 19:47:12 -04:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< rspec > , [ " ~> 1.3.0 " ] )
2010-09-24 19:45:02 -04:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< hoe > , [ " >= 2.6.0 " ] )
2010-03-25 11:16:02 -04:00