Add deprecation notices for <% %>.
* The approach is to compile <% %> into a method call that checks whether
the value returned from a block is a String. If it is, it concats to the buffer and
prints a deprecation warning.
* <%= %> uses exactly the same logic to compile the template, which first checks
to see whether it's compiling a block.
* This should have no impact on other uses of block in templates. For instance, in
<% [1,2,3].each do |i| %><%= i %><% end %>, the call to each returns an Array,
not a String, so the result is not concatenated
* In two cases (#capture and #cache), a String can be returned that should *never*
be concatenated. We have temporarily created a String subclass called NonConcattingString
which behaves (and is serialized) identically to String, but is not concatenated
by the code that handles deprecated <% %> block helpers. Once we remove support
for <% %> block helpers, we can remove NonConcattingString.
2010-03-15 14:58:05 -04:00
<%= render(:layout => "layout_for_partial", :locals => { :name => "Anthony" }) do %>Inside from first block in layout<% "Return value should be discarded" %><% end %>
2008-01-03 10:28:36 -05:00
<%= yield %>
Add deprecation notices for <% %>.
* The approach is to compile <% %> into a method call that checks whether
the value returned from a block is a String. If it is, it concats to the buffer and
prints a deprecation warning.
* <%= %> uses exactly the same logic to compile the template, which first checks
to see whether it's compiling a block.
* This should have no impact on other uses of block in templates. For instance, in
<% [1,2,3].each do |i| %><%= i %><% end %>, the call to each returns an Array,
not a String, so the result is not concatenated
* In two cases (#capture and #cache), a String can be returned that should *never*
be concatenated. We have temporarily created a String subclass called NonConcattingString
which behaves (and is serialized) identically to String, but is not concatenated
by the code that handles deprecated <% %> block helpers. Once we remove support
for <% %> block helpers, we can remove NonConcattingString.
2010-03-15 14:58:05 -04:00
<%= render(:layout => "layout_for_partial", :locals => { :name => "Ramm" }) do %>Inside from second block in layout<% end %>