This guide documents guidelines for writing guides. This guide follows itself in a gracile loop.
h3. Textile
Guides are written in "Textile": There's comprehensive documentation "here": and a cheatsheet for markup "here":
Each guide should start with motivational text at the top (that's the little introduction in the blue area.) The prologue should tell the reader what the guide is about, and what they will learn. See for example the "Routing Guide":routing.html.
The guides and the API should be coherent where appropriate. Please have a look at these particular sections of the "API Documentation Guidelines":api_documentation_guidelines.html:
If you want to generate guides in languages other than English, you can keep them in a separate directory under +source+ (eg. <tt>source/es</tt>) and use the +GUIDES_LANGUAGE+ environment variable:
Particularly, titles get an ID generated from their content and this often leads to duplicates. Please set +WARNINGS=1+ when generating guides to detect them. The warning messages suggest a way to fix them.