Rails Guides aim to improve the Rails documentation and to make the barrier to entry as low as possible. A reasonably experienced developer should be able to use the guides to come up to speed on Rails quickly. Our sponsors have contributed prizes for those who write an entire guide, but there are many other ways to contribute.
* Sample format : "Active Record Associations":https://github.com/lifo/docrails/blob/3e56a3832415476fdd1cb963980d0ae390ac1ed3/railties/guides/source/association_basics.textile.
* You can build the Guides during testing by running +bundle exec rake generate_guides+ in the +railties+ directory.
* You're encouraged to validate XHTML for the generated guides before commiting your changes by running +bundle exec rake validate_guides+ in the +railties+ directory.
* 1 year of RPM Basic (Production performance management) for up to 10 hosts worth 12 months x $40 per host x 10 hosts = $4800. And also, savings of $45 per host per month over list price to upgrade to advanced product.
* If you're not sure whether a guide is actively being worked on, stop by IRC and ask.
* If the same guide writer wants to write multiple guides, that's ideally the situation we'd love to be in! However, that guide writer will only receive the cash prize for all the subsequent guides (and not the GitHub or RPM prizes).
All authors should read and follow the "Rails Guides Conventions":https://wiki.github.com/lifo/docrails/rails-guides-conventions and the "Rails API Documentation Conventions":api_documentation_guidelines.html.
The translation effort for the Rails Guides is just getting underway. We know about projects to translate the Guides into Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, and French. For more details or to get involved see the "Translating Rails Guides":https://wiki.github.com/lifo/docrails/translating-rails-guides page.
"Ruby on Rails: Documentation":http://groups.google.com/group/rubyonrails-docs is the mailing list for all the guides/documentation related discussions.