2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
= Active Model -- model interfaces for Rails
Active Model provides a known set of interfaces for usage in model classes.
They allow for Action Pack helpers to interact with non-ActiveRecord models,
for example. Active Model also helps building custom ORMs for use outside of
the Rails framework.
Prior to Rails 3.0, if a plugin or gem developer wanted to have an object
interact with Action Pack helpers, it was required to either copy chunks of
code from Rails, or monkey patch entire helpers to make them handle objects
that did not exacly conform to the Active Record interface. This would result
in code duplication and fragile applications that broke on upgrades.
Active Model solves this. You can include functionality from the following
* Add attribute magic to objects
2010-01-16 20:42:53 -05:00
class Person
include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-16 20:42:53 -05:00
attribute_method_prefix 'clear_'
define_attribute_methods [:name, :age]
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-16 20:42:53 -05:00
attr_accessor :name, :age
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-16 20:42:53 -05:00
def clear_attribute(attr)
send("#{attr}=", nil)
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-16 20:42:53 -05:00
{Learn more}[link:classes/ActiveModel/AttributeMethods.html]
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
* Callbacks for certain operations
2010-01-16 07:09:32 -05:00
2010-01-16 20:42:53 -05:00
class Person
2010-01-16 07:09:32 -05:00
extend ActiveModel::Callbacks
define_model_callbacks :create
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-16 07:09:32 -05:00
def create
_run_create_callbacks do
# Your create action methods here
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
This generates +before_create+, +around_create+ and +after_create+
class methods that wrap your create method.
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-14 16:19:53 -05:00
{Learn more}[link:classes/ActiveModel/CallBacks.html]
2007-11-09 09:59:15 -05:00
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
* Tracking value changes
2010-01-14 16:29:08 -05:00
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
The ActiveModel::Dirty module allows for tracking attribute changes:
2010-01-16 07:09:32 -05:00
2010-01-16 06:21:07 -05:00
person = Person.new
person.name # => nil
2010-01-14 18:01:40 -05:00
person.changed? # => false
person.name = 'bob'
person.changed? # => true
person.changed # => ['name']
2010-01-16 06:21:07 -05:00
person.changes # => { 'name' => [nil, 'bob'] }
2010-01-14 18:01:40 -05:00
person.name = 'robert'
person.previous_changes # => {'name' => ['bob, 'robert']}
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-16 07:03:20 -05:00
{Learn more}[link:classes/ActiveModel/Dirty.html]
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
* Adding +errors+ interface to objects
2010-01-16 23:17:54 -05:00
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
Exposing error messages allows objects to interact with Action Pack
helpers seamlessly.
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-16 23:17:54 -05:00
class Person
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-16 23:17:54 -05:00
def initialize
@errors = ActiveModel::Errors.new(self)
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-16 23:17:54 -05:00
attr_accessor :name
attr_reader :errors
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-16 23:17:54 -05:00
def validate!
errors.add(:name, "can not be nil") if name == nil
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-16 23:17:54 -05:00
def ErrorsPerson.human_attribute_name(attr, options = {})
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-16 23:17:54 -05:00
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-16 23:17:54 -05:00
# => ["Name Can not be nil"]
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-16 23:17:54 -05:00
# => ["Name Can not be nil"]
{Learn more}[link:classes/ActiveModel/Errors.html]
2010-01-16 23:35:18 -05:00
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
* Model name introspection
2010-01-16 23:35:18 -05:00
2010-01-16 23:52:33 -05:00
class NamedPerson
extend ActiveModel::Naming
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-08-12 11:09:58 -04:00
NamedPerson.model_name # => "NamedPerson"
NamedPerson.model_name.human # => "Named person"
2010-01-16 23:52:33 -05:00
{Learn more}[link:classes/ActiveModel/Naming.html]
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
* Observer support
2010-01-17 03:12:12 -05:00
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
ActiveModel::Observers allows your object to implement the Observer
pattern in a Rails App and take advantage of all the standard observer
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-17 03:12:12 -05:00
{Learn more}[link:classes/ActiveModel/Observer.html]
2010-01-17 04:14:14 -05:00
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
* Making objects serializable
2010-01-17 04:14:14 -05:00
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
ActiveModel::Serialization provides a standard interface for your object
to provide +to_json+ or +to_xml+ serialization.
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-17 04:14:14 -05:00
s = SerialPerson.new
s.serializable_hash # => {"name"=>nil}
s.to_json # => "{\"name\":null}"
s.to_xml # => "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<serial-person...
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-17 04:14:14 -05:00
{Learn more}[link:classes/ActiveModel/Serialization.html]
2010-01-18 01:20:25 -05:00
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
* Internationalization (i18n) support
2010-01-18 02:13:49 -05:00
class Person
extend ActiveModel::Translation
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
2010-08-12 11:09:58 -04:00
# => "My attribute"
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-18 02:13:49 -05:00
{Learn more}[link:classes/ActiveModel/Translation.html]
2010-01-18 02:29:33 -05:00
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
* Validation support
2010-01-18 02:29:33 -05:00
class Person
include ActiveModel::Validations
attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name
validates_each :first_name, :last_name do |record, attr, value|
record.errors.add attr, 'starts with z.' if value.to_s[0] == ?z
2010-06-11 06:20:30 -04:00
person = Person.new
person.first_name = 'zoolander'
2010-08-12 11:09:58 -04:00
person.valid? # => false
2010-01-18 02:29:33 -05:00
{Learn more}[link:classes/ActiveModel/Validations.html]
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-07-22 03:59:58 -04:00
* Custom validators
2010-01-18 19:29:01 -05:00
class Person
include ActiveModel::Validations
validates_with HasNameValidator
attr_accessor :name
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-18 19:29:01 -05:00
class HasNameValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
def validate(record)
record.errors[:name] = "must exist" if record.name.blank?
2010-08-14 01:13:00 -04:00
2010-01-18 19:29:01 -05:00
p = ValidatorPerson.new
2010-08-12 11:09:58 -04:00
p.valid? # => false
p.errors.full_messages # => ["Name must exist"]
2010-01-18 19:29:01 -05:00
p.name = "Bob"
2010-08-12 11:09:58 -04:00
p.valid? # => true
2010-01-18 19:29:01 -05:00
{Learn more}[link:classes/ActiveModel/Validator.html]