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# frozen_string_literal: true
require "active_support"
require "active_support/testing/autorun"
require "active_support/testing/method_call_assertions"
require "active_support/testing/stream"
require "active_record/fixtures"
require "cases/validations_repair_helper"
module ActiveRecord
# = Active Record Test Case
# Defines some test assertions to test against SQL queries.
2021-07-29 21:18:07 +00:00
class TestCase < ActiveSupport::TestCase # :nodoc:
include ActiveSupport::Testing::MethodCallAssertions
include ActiveSupport::Testing::Stream
include ActiveRecord::TestFixtures
include ActiveRecord::ValidationsRepairHelper
self.fixture_path = FIXTURES_ROOT
self.use_instantiated_fixtures = false
self.use_transactional_tests = true
def create_fixtures(*fixture_set_names, &block)
ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.create_fixtures(ActiveRecord::TestCase.fixture_path, fixture_set_names, fixture_class_names, &block)
def teardown
def capture_sql
Except SCHEMA SQLs in `capture_sql` Testing the result of `capture_sql` is fragile, it is due to whether SCHEMA SQLs are executed or not depends on whether schema cache is filled or not. https://buildkite.com/rails/rails/builds/61248#a5b9dc59-ff0c-40c0-b56e-0895662fbc4c/993-1004 https://buildkite.com/rails/rails/builds/61248#1157b389-f2c7-4554-b6e5-a37624a0e74a/996-1005 I've confirmed all `capture_sql` use cases in our code base, all cases won't expect SCHEMA SQLs are included. ``` % git grep -n capture_sql test/cases/associations/belongs_to_associations_test.rb:202: sql = capture_sql { comment.post } test/cases/associations/belongs_to_associations_test.rb:204: assert_not_equal sql, capture_sql { comment.post } test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb:169: sql = capture_sql { post.comments.to_a } test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb:171: assert_not_equal sql, capture_sql { post.comments.to_a } test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb:276: expected_sql = capture_sql { author.thinking_posts.delete_all } test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb:281: loaded_sql = capture_sql { author.thinking_posts.delete_all } test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb:289: expected_sql = capture_sql { author.posts.delete_all } test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb:294: loaded_sql = capture_sql { author.posts.delete_all } test/cases/associations/left_outer_join_association_test.rb:22: queries = capture_sql do test/cases/associations/left_outer_join_association_test.rb:49: queries = capture_sql { Author.left_outer_joins(:posts).to_a } test/cases/associations/left_outer_join_association_test.rb:54: queries = capture_sql { Author.joins(:posts).left_outer_joins(:posts).to_a } test/cases/associations/left_outer_join_association_test.rb:60: queries = capture_sql { Author.left_outer_joins({}).to_a } test/cases/associations/left_outer_join_association_test.rb:65: queries = capture_sql { Author.left_outer_joins([]).to_a } test/cases/associations/left_outer_join_association_test.rb:78: queries = capture_sql { Author.left_outer_joins(:essays).to_a } test/cases/associations_test.rb:384: log = capture_sql do test/cases/associations_test.rb:399: log = capture_sql do test/cases/associations_test.rb:414: log = capture_sql do test/cases/associations_test.rb:429: log = capture_sql do test/cases/associations_test.rb:444: log = capture_sql do test/cases/associations_test.rb:459: log = capture_sql do test/cases/reflection_test.rb:307: expected_sql = capture_sql { hotel.recipes.to_a } test/cases/reflection_test.rb:312: loaded_sql = capture_sql { hotel.recipes.to_a } test/cases/relation_test.rb:212: queries = capture_sql { Author.joins(:posts).merge(Post.joins(:comments)).to_a } test/cases/relation_test.rb:232: queries = capture_sql { Post.joins(:author, :categorizations).merge(Author.select(:id)).merge(categorizations_with_authors).to_a } test/cases/relation_test.rb:347: log = capture_sql do test/cases/scoping/relation_scoping_test.rb:146: log = capture_sql do test/cases/scoping/relation_scoping_test.rb:159: log = capture_sql do test/cases/test_case.rb:33: def capture_sql test/cases/test_case.rb:41: capture_sql { yield } ```
2019-05-21 14:25:14 +00:00
def assert_sql(*patterns_to_match, &block)
_assert_nothing_raised_or_warn("assert_sql") { capture_sql(&block) }
failed_patterns = []
patterns_to_match.each do |pattern|
failed_patterns << pattern unless SQLCounter.log_all.any? { |sql| pattern === sql }
assert failed_patterns.empty?, "Query pattern(s) #{failed_patterns.map(&:inspect).join(', ')} not found.#{SQLCounter.log.size == 0 ? '' : "\nQueries:\n#{SQLCounter.log.join("\n")}"}"
def assert_queries(num = 1, options = {}, &block)
ignore_none = options.fetch(:ignore_none) { num == :any }
x = _assert_nothing_raised_or_warn("assert_queries", &block)
the_log = ignore_none ? SQLCounter.log_all : SQLCounter.log
if num == :any
assert_operator the_log.size, :>=, 1, "1 or more queries expected, but none were executed."
mesg = "#{the_log.size} instead of #{num} queries were executed.#{the_log.size == 0 ? '' : "\nQueries:\n#{the_log.join("\n")}"}"
assert_equal num, the_log.size, mesg
def assert_no_queries(options = {}, &block)
options.reverse_merge! ignore_none: true
assert_queries(0, options, &block)
def assert_column(model, column_name, msg = nil)
assert has_column?(model, column_name), msg
def assert_no_column(model, column_name, msg = nil)
assert_not has_column?(model, column_name), msg
def has_column?(model, column_name)
def with_has_many_inversing(model = ActiveRecord::Base)
old = model.has_many_inversing
model.has_many_inversing = true
model.has_many_inversing = old
if model != ActiveRecord::Base && !old
model.singleton_class.remove_method(:has_many_inversing) # reset the class_attribute
Automatically infer inverse_of with scopes Background --- I recently noticed we had a number of associations in GitHub that would benefit from having `inverse_of` set, and so I began adding them. I ended up adding them to virtually every association with a scope, at which point I wondered whether Rails might be able to automatically find these inverses for us. For GitHub, the changes in this commit end up automatically adding `inverse_of` to 171 of associations that were missing it. My understanding is that we do not automatically detect `inverse_of` for associations with scopes because the scopes could exclude the records we are trying to inverse from. But I think that should only matter if there is a scope on the inverse side, not on the association itself. For example: Scope on has_many ---- ```rb class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :comments, -> { visible } end class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :post scope :visible, -> { where(visible: true) } scope :hidden, -> { where(visible: false) } end post = Post.create! comment = post.comments.hidden.create! assert comment.post ``` This code leaves `post.comments` in sort of a weird state, since it includes a comment that the association would filter out. But that's true regardless of the changes in this commit. Regardless of whether the comments association has an inverse, `comment.post` will return the post. The difference is that when `inverse_of` is set we use the existing post we have in memory, rather than loading it again. If there is a downside to having the `inverse_of` automatically set here I'm not seeing it. Scope on belongs_to ---- ```rb class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :comments scope :visible, -> { where(visible: true) } scope :hidden, -> { where(visible: false) } end class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :post, -> { visible } end post = Post.hidden.create! comment = post.comments.create! assert_nil comment.post ``` This example is a different story. We don't want to automatically infer the inverse here because that would change the behavior of `comment.post`. It should return `nil`, since it's scoped to visible posts while this one is hidden. This behavior was not well tested, so this commit adds a test to ensure we haven't changed it. Changes --- This commit changes `can_find_inverse_of_automatically` to allow us to automatically detect `inverse_of` when there is a scope on the association, but not when there is a scope on the potential inverse association. (`can_find_inverse_of_automatically` gets called first with the association's reflection, then if it returns true we attempt to find the inverse reflection, and finally we call the method again with the inverse reflection to ensure we can really use it.) Since this is a breaking change—specifically in places where code may have relied on a missing `inverse_of` causing fresh copies of a record to be loaded—we've placed it behind the `automatic_scope_inversing` flag (whose name was inspired by `has_many_inversing`). It is set to true for new applications via framework defaults. Testing --- In addition to the inverse association tests, this commit also adds some cases to a few tests related to preloading. They are basically duplicates of existing tests, but with lower query counts. Testing this change with GitHub, the bulk of the failing tests were related to lower query counts. There were additionally 3 places (2 in tests and one in application code) where we relied on missing `inverse_of` causing fresh copies of a record to be loaded. There's still one Rails test that wouldn't pass if we ran the whole suite with `automatic_scope_inversing = true`. It's related to `TaggedPost`, which changes the polymorphic type from the base class `Post` to the subclass `TaggedPost`. ```rb class TaggedPost < Post has_many :taggings, -> { rewhere(taggable_type: "TaggedPost") }, as: :taggable end ``` Setting the inverse doesn't work because it ends up changing the type back to `Post`, something like this: ```rb post = TaggedPost.new tagging = post.taggings.new puts tagging.taggable_type => TaggedPost tagging.taggable = post puts tagging.taggable_type => Post ``` I think this is an acceptable change, given that it's a fairly specific scenario, and is sort of at odds with the way polymorphic associations are meant to work (they are meant to contain the base class, not the subclass). If someone is relying on this specific behavior they can still either keep `automatic_scope_inversing` set to false, or they can add `inverse_of: false` to the association. I haven't found any other cases where having the `inverse_of` would cause problems like this. Co-authored-by: Chris Bloom <chrisbloom7@gmail.com>
2021-10-04 13:42:04 +00:00
def with_automatic_scope_inversing(*reflections)
old = reflections.map { |reflection| reflection.klass.automatic_scope_inversing }
reflections.each do |reflection|
reflection.klass.automatic_scope_inversing = true
reflection.remove_instance_variable(:@inverse_name) if reflection.instance_variable_defined?(:@inverse_name)
reflection.remove_instance_variable(:@inverse_of) if reflection.instance_variable_defined?(:@inverse_of)
reflections.each_with_index do |reflection, i|
reflection.klass.automatic_scope_inversing = old[i]
reflection.remove_instance_variable(:@inverse_name) if reflection.instance_variable_defined?(:@inverse_name)
reflection.remove_instance_variable(:@inverse_of) if reflection.instance_variable_defined?(:@inverse_of)
def reset_callbacks(klass, kind)
old_callbacks = {}
old_callbacks[klass] = klass.send("_#{kind}_callbacks").dup
klass.subclasses.each do |subclass|
old_callbacks[subclass] = subclass.send("_#{kind}_callbacks").dup
klass.send("_#{kind}_callbacks=", old_callbacks[klass])
klass.subclasses.each do |subclass|
subclass.send("_#{kind}_callbacks=", old_callbacks[subclass])
Active Record + PostgreSQL: native support for `timestamp with time zone` In https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/21126 it was suggested to make "timestamp with time zone" the default type for datetime columns in PostgreSQL. This is in line with PostgreSQL [best practices](https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Don't_Do_This#Don.27t_use_timestamp_.28without_time_zone.29). This PR lays some groundwork for that. This PR adds a configuration option, `ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter.datetime_type`. The default is `:timestamp` which preserves current Rails behavior of using "timestamp without time zone" when you do `t.datetime` in a migration. If you change it to `:timestamptz`, you'll get "timestamp with time zone" columns instead. If you change this setting in an existing app, you should immediately call `bin/rails db:migrate` to ensure your `schema.rb` file remains correct. If you do so, then existing columns will not be impacted, so for example if you have an app with a mixture of both types of columns, and you change the config, schema dumps will continue to output the correct types. This PR also adds two new types that can be used in migrations: `t.timestamp` and `t.timestamptz`. ```ruby ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter.datetime_type = :timestamp # default value is :timestamp create_table("foo1") do |t| t.datetime :default_format # "timestamp without time zone" t.timestamp :without_time_zone # "timestamp without time zone" t.timestamptz :with_time_zone # "timestamp with time zone" end ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter.datetime_type = :timestamptz create_table("foo2") do |t| t.datetime :default_format # "timestamp with time zone" <-- note how this has changed! t.timestamp :without_time_zone # "timestamp without time zone" t.timestamptz :with_time_zone # "timestamp with time zone" end ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter::NATIVE_DATABASE_TYPES[:my_custom_type] = { name: "custom_datetime_format_i_invented" } ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter.datetime_type = :my_custom_type create_table("foo3") do |t| t.datetime :default_format # "custom_datetime_format_i_invented" t.timestamp :without_time_zone # "timestamp without time zone" t.timestamptz :with_time_zone # "timestamp with time zone" end ``` **Notes** - This PR doesn't change the default `datetime` format. The default is still "timestamp without time zone". A future PR could do that, but there was enough code here just getting the config option right. - See also https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/41395 which set some groundwork (and added some tests) for this. - This reverts some of https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/15184. https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/15184 alluded to issues in XML serialization, but I couldn't find any related tests that this broke.
2021-03-09 19:29:07 +00:00
def with_postgresql_datetime_type(type)
adapter = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter
adapter.remove_instance_variable(:@native_database_types) if adapter.instance_variable_defined?(:@native_database_types)
datetime_type_was = adapter.datetime_type
adapter.datetime_type = type
adapter = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQLAdapter
adapter.datetime_type = datetime_type_was
adapter.remove_instance_variable(:@native_database_types) if adapter.instance_variable_defined?(:@native_database_types)
class PostgreSQLTestCase < TestCase
def self.run(*args)
super if current_adapter?(:PostgreSQLAdapter)
class Mysql2TestCase < TestCase
def self.run(*args)
super if current_adapter?(:Mysql2Adapter)
class SQLite3TestCase < TestCase
def self.run(*args)
super if current_adapter?(:SQLite3Adapter)
class SQLCounter
class << self
attr_accessor :ignored_sql, :log, :log_all
def clear_log; self.log = []; self.log_all = []; end
def call(name, start, finish, message_id, values)
return if values[:cached]
sql = values[:sql]
self.class.log_all << sql
self.class.log << sql unless ["SCHEMA", "TRANSACTION"].include? values[:name]
ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("sql.active_record", SQLCounter.new)