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module ActiveRecord
class Attribute # :nodoc:
class << self
def from_database(name, value, type)
FromDatabase.new(name, value, type)
def from_user(name, value, type, original_attribute = nil)
FromUser.new(name, value, type, original_attribute)
def with_cast_value(name, value, type)
WithCastValue.new(name, value, type)
def null(name)
def uninitialized(name, type)
Uninitialized.new(name, type)
attr_reader :name, :value_before_type_cast, :type
# This method should not be called directly.
# Use #from_database or #from_user
def initialize(name, value_before_type_cast, type, original_attribute = nil)
@name = name
@value_before_type_cast = value_before_type_cast
@type = type
@original_attribute = original_attribute
def value
# `defined?` is cheaper than `||=` when we get back falsy values
@value = type_cast(value_before_type_cast) unless defined?(@value)
def original_value
if assigned?
def value_for_database
def changed?
changed_from_assignment? || changed_in_place?
def changed_in_place?
has_been_read? && type.changed_in_place?(original_value_for_database, value)
def forgetting_assignment
def with_value_from_user(value)
self.class.from_user(name, value, type, original_attribute || self)
def with_value_from_database(value)
self.class.from_database(name, value, type)
def with_cast_value(value)
self.class.with_cast_value(name, value, type)
Attribute assignment and type casting has nothing to do with columns It's finally finished!!!!!!! The reason the Attributes API was kept private in 4.2 was due to some publicly visible implementation details. It was previously implemented by overloading `columns` and `columns_hash`, to make them return column objects which were modified with the attribute information. This meant that those methods LIED! We didn't change the database schema. We changed the attribute information on the class. That is wrong! It should be the other way around, where schema loading just calls the attributes API for you. And now it does! Yes, this means that there is nothing that happens in automatic schema loading that you couldn't manually do yourself. (There's still some funky cases where we hit the connection adapter that I need to handle, before we can turn off automatic schema detection entirely.) There were a few weird test failures caused by this that had to be fixed. The main source came from the fact that the attribute methods are now defined in terms of `attribute_names`, which has a clause like `return [] unless table_exists?`. I don't *think* this is an issue, since the only place this caused failures were in a fake adapter which didn't override `table_exists?`. Additionally, there were a few cases where tests were failing because a migration was run, but the model was not reloaded. I'm not sure why these started failing from this change, I might need to clear an additional cache in `reload_schema_from_cache`. Again, since this is not normal usage, and it's expected that `reset_column_information` will be called after the table is modified, I don't think it's a problem. Still, test failures that were unrelated to the change are worrying, and I need to dig into them further. Finally, I spent a lot of time debugging issues with the mutex used in `define_attribute_methods`. I think we can just remove that method entirely, and define the attribute methods *manually* in the call to `define_attribute`, which would simplify the code *tremendously*. Ok. now to make this damn thing public, and work on moving it up to Active Model.
2015-01-30 16:03:36 -05:00
def with_type(type)
if changed_in_place?
self.class.new(name, value_before_type_cast, type, original_attribute)
Attribute assignment and type casting has nothing to do with columns It's finally finished!!!!!!! The reason the Attributes API was kept private in 4.2 was due to some publicly visible implementation details. It was previously implemented by overloading `columns` and `columns_hash`, to make them return column objects which were modified with the attribute information. This meant that those methods LIED! We didn't change the database schema. We changed the attribute information on the class. That is wrong! It should be the other way around, where schema loading just calls the attributes API for you. And now it does! Yes, this means that there is nothing that happens in automatic schema loading that you couldn't manually do yourself. (There's still some funky cases where we hit the connection adapter that I need to handle, before we can turn off automatic schema detection entirely.) There were a few weird test failures caused by this that had to be fixed. The main source came from the fact that the attribute methods are now defined in terms of `attribute_names`, which has a clause like `return [] unless table_exists?`. I don't *think* this is an issue, since the only place this caused failures were in a fake adapter which didn't override `table_exists?`. Additionally, there were a few cases where tests were failing because a migration was run, but the model was not reloaded. I'm not sure why these started failing from this change, I might need to clear an additional cache in `reload_schema_from_cache`. Again, since this is not normal usage, and it's expected that `reset_column_information` will be called after the table is modified, I don't think it's a problem. Still, test failures that were unrelated to the change are worrying, and I need to dig into them further. Finally, I spent a lot of time debugging issues with the mutex used in `define_attribute_methods`. I think we can just remove that method entirely, and define the attribute methods *manually* in the call to `define_attribute`, which would simplify the code *tremendously*. Ok. now to make this damn thing public, and work on moving it up to Active Model.
2015-01-30 16:03:36 -05:00
def type_cast(*)
raise NotImplementedError
def initialized?
def came_from_user?
def has_been_read?
def ==(other)
self.class == other.class &&
name == other.name &&
value_before_type_cast == other.value_before_type_cast &&
type == other.type
alias eql? ==
def hash
[self.class, name, value_before_type_cast, type].hash
Make Active Record emit significantly smaller YAML This reduces the size of a YAML encoded Active Record object by ~80% depending on the number of columns. There were a number of wasteful things that occurred when we encoded the objects before that have resulted in numerous wins - We were emitting the result of `attributes_before_type_cast` as a hack to work around some laziness issues - The name of an attribute was emitted multiple times, since the attribute objects were in a hash keyed by the name. We now store them in an array instead, and reconstruct the hash using the name - The types were included for every attribute. This would use backrefs if multiple objects were encoded, but really we don't need to include it at all unless it differs from the type at the class level. (The only time that will occur is if the field is the result of a custom select clause) - `original_attribute:` was included over and over and over again since the ivar is almost always `nil`. We've added a custom implementation of `encode_with` on the attribute objects to ensure we don't write the key when the field is `nil`. This isn't without a cost though. Since we're no longer including the types, an object can find itself in an invalid state if the type changes on the class after serialization. This is the same as 4.1 and earlier, but I think it's worth noting. I was worried that I'd introduce some new state bugs as a result of doing this, so I've added an additional test that asserts mutation not being lost as the result of YAML round tripping. Fixes #25145
2016-05-31 14:44:38 -04:00
def init_with(coder)
@name = coder["name"]
@value_before_type_cast = coder["value_before_type_cast"]
@type = coder["type"]
@original_attribute = coder["original_attribute"]
@value = coder["value"] if coder.map.key?("value")
def encode_with(coder)
coder["name"] = name
coder["value_before_type_cast"] = value_before_type_cast unless value_before_type_cast.nil?
Make Active Record emit significantly smaller YAML This reduces the size of a YAML encoded Active Record object by ~80% depending on the number of columns. There were a number of wasteful things that occurred when we encoded the objects before that have resulted in numerous wins - We were emitting the result of `attributes_before_type_cast` as a hack to work around some laziness issues - The name of an attribute was emitted multiple times, since the attribute objects were in a hash keyed by the name. We now store them in an array instead, and reconstruct the hash using the name - The types were included for every attribute. This would use backrefs if multiple objects were encoded, but really we don't need to include it at all unless it differs from the type at the class level. (The only time that will occur is if the field is the result of a custom select clause) - `original_attribute:` was included over and over and over again since the ivar is almost always `nil`. We've added a custom implementation of `encode_with` on the attribute objects to ensure we don't write the key when the field is `nil`. This isn't without a cost though. Since we're no longer including the types, an object can find itself in an invalid state if the type changes on the class after serialization. This is the same as 4.1 and earlier, but I think it's worth noting. I was worried that I'd introduce some new state bugs as a result of doing this, so I've added an additional test that asserts mutation not being lost as the result of YAML round tripping. Fixes #25145
2016-05-31 14:44:38 -04:00
coder["type"] = type if type
coder["original_attribute"] = original_attribute if original_attribute
coder["value"] = value if defined?(@value)
2016-12-19 05:10:49 -05:00
# TODO Change this to private once we've dropped Ruby 2.2 support.
# Workaround for Ruby 2.2 "private attribute?" warning.
attr_reader :original_attribute
alias_method :assigned?, :original_attribute
def original_value_for_database
if assigned?
def initialize_dup(other)
if defined?(@value) && @value.duplicable?
@value = @value.dup
def changed_from_assignment?
assigned? && type.changed?(original_value, value, value_before_type_cast)
def _original_value_for_database
class FromDatabase < Attribute # :nodoc:
def type_cast(value)
def _original_value_for_database
class FromUser < Attribute # :nodoc:
def type_cast(value)
def came_from_user?
class WithCastValue < Attribute # :nodoc:
def type_cast(value)
def changed_in_place?
class Null < Attribute # :nodoc:
def initialize(name)
super(name, nil, Type.default_value)
Attribute assignment and type casting has nothing to do with columns It's finally finished!!!!!!! The reason the Attributes API was kept private in 4.2 was due to some publicly visible implementation details. It was previously implemented by overloading `columns` and `columns_hash`, to make them return column objects which were modified with the attribute information. This meant that those methods LIED! We didn't change the database schema. We changed the attribute information on the class. That is wrong! It should be the other way around, where schema loading just calls the attributes API for you. And now it does! Yes, this means that there is nothing that happens in automatic schema loading that you couldn't manually do yourself. (There's still some funky cases where we hit the connection adapter that I need to handle, before we can turn off automatic schema detection entirely.) There were a few weird test failures caused by this that had to be fixed. The main source came from the fact that the attribute methods are now defined in terms of `attribute_names`, which has a clause like `return [] unless table_exists?`. I don't *think* this is an issue, since the only place this caused failures were in a fake adapter which didn't override `table_exists?`. Additionally, there were a few cases where tests were failing because a migration was run, but the model was not reloaded. I'm not sure why these started failing from this change, I might need to clear an additional cache in `reload_schema_from_cache`. Again, since this is not normal usage, and it's expected that `reset_column_information` will be called after the table is modified, I don't think it's a problem. Still, test failures that were unrelated to the change are worrying, and I need to dig into them further. Finally, I spent a lot of time debugging issues with the mutex used in `define_attribute_methods`. I think we can just remove that method entirely, and define the attribute methods *manually* in the call to `define_attribute`, which would simplify the code *tremendously*. Ok. now to make this damn thing public, and work on moving it up to Active Model.
2015-01-30 16:03:36 -05:00
def type_cast(*)
def with_type(type)
self.class.with_cast_value(name, nil, type)
def with_value_from_database(value)
raise ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError, "can't write unknown attribute `#{name}`"
alias_method :with_value_from_user, :with_value_from_database
class Uninitialized < Attribute # :nodoc:
def initialize(name, type)
super(name, nil, type)
def value
if block_given?
yield name
def original_value
def value_for_database
def initialized?
Make Active Record emit significantly smaller YAML This reduces the size of a YAML encoded Active Record object by ~80% depending on the number of columns. There were a number of wasteful things that occurred when we encoded the objects before that have resulted in numerous wins - We were emitting the result of `attributes_before_type_cast` as a hack to work around some laziness issues - The name of an attribute was emitted multiple times, since the attribute objects were in a hash keyed by the name. We now store them in an array instead, and reconstruct the hash using the name - The types were included for every attribute. This would use backrefs if multiple objects were encoded, but really we don't need to include it at all unless it differs from the type at the class level. (The only time that will occur is if the field is the result of a custom select clause) - `original_attribute:` was included over and over and over again since the ivar is almost always `nil`. We've added a custom implementation of `encode_with` on the attribute objects to ensure we don't write the key when the field is `nil`. This isn't without a cost though. Since we're no longer including the types, an object can find itself in an invalid state if the type changes on the class after serialization. This is the same as 4.1 and earlier, but I think it's worth noting. I was worried that I'd introduce some new state bugs as a result of doing this, so I've added an additional test that asserts mutation not being lost as the result of YAML round tripping. Fixes #25145
2016-05-31 14:44:38 -04:00
def with_type(type)
self.class.new(name, type)
Make Active Record emit significantly smaller YAML This reduces the size of a YAML encoded Active Record object by ~80% depending on the number of columns. There were a number of wasteful things that occurred when we encoded the objects before that have resulted in numerous wins - We were emitting the result of `attributes_before_type_cast` as a hack to work around some laziness issues - The name of an attribute was emitted multiple times, since the attribute objects were in a hash keyed by the name. We now store them in an array instead, and reconstruct the hash using the name - The types were included for every attribute. This would use backrefs if multiple objects were encoded, but really we don't need to include it at all unless it differs from the type at the class level. (The only time that will occur is if the field is the result of a custom select clause) - `original_attribute:` was included over and over and over again since the ivar is almost always `nil`. We've added a custom implementation of `encode_with` on the attribute objects to ensure we don't write the key when the field is `nil`. This isn't without a cost though. Since we're no longer including the types, an object can find itself in an invalid state if the type changes on the class after serialization. This is the same as 4.1 and earlier, but I think it's worth noting. I was worried that I'd introduce some new state bugs as a result of doing this, so I've added an additional test that asserts mutation not being lost as the result of YAML round tripping. Fixes #25145
2016-05-31 14:44:38 -04:00
private_constant :FromDatabase, :FromUser, :Null, :Uninitialized, :WithCastValue