
49 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* The `translate` helper now resolves `default` values when a `nil` key is
specified, instead of always returning `nil`.
*Jonathan Hefner*
* Add `config.action_view.image_loading` to configure the default value of
the `image_tag` `:loading` option.
By setting `config.action_view.image_loading = "lazy"`, an application can opt in to
lazy loading images sitewide, without changing view code.
*Jonathan Hefner*
Declare ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder#id `ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder#id` --- Generate an HTML `id` attribute value. Return the [`<form>` element's][mdn-form] `id` attribute. ```html+erb <%= form_for @post do |f| %> <%# ... %> <% content_for :sticky_footer do %> <%= form.button(form: f.id) %> <% end %> <% end %> ``` In the example above, the `:sticky_footer` content area will exist outside of the `<form>` element. [By declaring the `form` HTML attribute][mdn-button-attr-form], we hint to the browser that the generated `<button>` element should be treated as the `<form>` element's submit button, regardless of where it exists in the DOM. [A similar pattern could be used for `<input>` elements][mdn-input-attr-form] (or other form controls) that do not descend from the `<form>` element. `ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder#field_id` --- Generate an HTML <tt>id</tt> attribute value for the given field Return the value generated by the <tt>FormBuilder</tt> for the given attribute name. ```html+erb <%= form_for @post do |f| %> <%= f.label :title %> <%= f.text_field :title, aria: { describedby: form.field_id(:title, :error) } %> <span id="<%= f.field_id(:title, :error) %>">is blank</span> <% end %> ``` In the example above, the <tt><input type="text"></tt> element built by the call to <tt>FormBuilder#text_field</tt> declares an <tt>aria-describedby</tt> attribute referencing the <tt><span></tt> element, sharing a common <tt>id</tt> root (<tt>post_title</tt>, in this case). This method is powered by the `field_id` helper declared in `action_view/helpers/form_tag_helper`, which is made available for general template calls, separate from a `FormBuilder` instance. [mdn-form]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/form [mdn-button-attr-form]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/button#attr-form [mdn-input-attr-form]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#attr-form [mdn-aria-describedby]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/ARIA_Techniques/Using_the_aria-describedby_attribute [w3c-wai]: https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/forms/notifications/#listing-errors
2020-08-28 00:28:43 +00:00
* `ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder#id` returns the value
of the `<form>` element's `id` attribute. With a `method` argument, returns
the `id` attribute for a form field with that name.
<%= form_for @post do |f| %>
<%# ... %>
<% content_for :sticky_footer do %>
<%= form.button(form: f.id) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
*Sean Doyle*
* `ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder#field_id` returns the value generated by
the FormBuilder for the given attribute name.
<%= form_for @post do |f| %>
<%= f.label :title %>
<%= f.text_field :title, aria: { describedby: f.field_id(:title, :error) } %>
<%= tag.span("is blank", id: f.field_id(:title, :error) %>
<% end %>
*Sean Doyle*
* Add `tag.attributes` to transform a Hash into HTML Attributes, ready to be
interpolated into ERB.
<input <%= tag.attributes(type: :text, aria: { label: "Search" }) %> >
# => <input type="text" aria-label="Search">
*Sean Doyle*
2020-12-02 23:37:26 +00:00
Please check [6-1-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/6-1-stable/actionview/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.